Step 1 Sole Source + Carb Junkie Going Cold Turkey

You and nick are both doing so well :D feel proud for you, keep up the good work it's going to be so worth it in the end!
I managed not to make a pit stop on the way home, just had some grilled turkey breast instead.

For some reason one of my flat mates and I have been butting heads on a weekly basis. The big one for me was that there was always dishes in the sink (even though we have a dishwasher) but what's more is that she leaves it so messy that water no longer drains. For Nic and I who want to wash out or shakers or get water to drink etc. this is really not that nice. At the point of Nic dropping her lid into the cold, sick coloured murkey water I snapped and told the flat mate that "the sink is continually full of **** that stops the water draining and it's not us because we aren't eating anything ont he diet". She stared at me for a moment and then went back to her laptop before leaving the room 5 minutes later. I don't think that I overreacted, maybe I could have used a nicer tone but this wasn't an annoyance it was common decency. The sink has been better since that point.

We have a pretty expensive TV (a whim purchase when our holiday to Florida got cancelled - so £2,000 worth of equipment) and we came home to find candles lit on the tv stand in front of the TV. While there was no visible warping or smoke/heat trails on the TV we did have to ask that they didn't light candles on the TV stand. For some reason i can't even ask about that without her being grumpy about being in her eyes "told off".

Oh...and I have a nice set of knives that Nic got me about 4 years ago for my birthday and someone has bent the tip of one (discovered after watching the flat mate use a different knife to stab a hole into a tin, I checked the ends of all the knives). Her reply was when I said "please don't use my knives to stab anything as the end of one has been bent" was that "it wasn't her" with an annoying shrug that suggested she couldn't care less.

I know this next one is more my problem and could be unreasonable in some ways but I really don't like background noise. My flat mate will come and sit in the living room if Nic and I are watching something and talk on the phone, meaning we have to pause what we are watching to wait until she is done before resuming. Another common cause of noice is that if I am playing a game on the PS3 then she will put music on her laptop, this might silly to some but I kind of feel having the TV on, even if it is to play a game should mean that people don't just start up a second source of sound. She said yesterday that she doesn't like to come home to listen to computer games but at the same time I don't like coming home to friends on the tv (because that's the ONLY thing she will watch, and has been known to watch the SAME episode when it's on the TV then again on +1. She has watched it so much we are sick of friends!) but our solution is to go and do something somewhere that isn't the living room. She has as much right to watch friends as I do to play a game in my opinion.

The breaking point last night was the singing! I don't know why but unless it's a sing-a-long to an actual song playing I don't really like listening to people singing. I know she was mostly doing it because I was playing on the PS3 when she got in and she wanted to do something to drown out the noise but the game was on level 6 volume which was really low. The game wasn't on loud enough to drown out her singing so I broke my own rule of one noise source and put iTunes on while I was playing a game and at that point she asked me to either pick the music noise or the tv noise. As the game noise was so faint to begin with I did ask her why and she replied that "it was selfish of me to have the two sources of noise, she should be able to put her music on". A discussion broke out where neither one probably got our point accross. In the end I muted the tv and just left iTunes on and both proceeded to be grumpy for the rest of the evening.

Do I tell her my annoyances so we can all talk about them? Do we give them notice to move out? Do we give up the lease and all move out? That last one we were already tempted to do in an effort to save money.

The problem is we really like living with her boyfriend!!! He's great, he's a gamer as well! And up until recently we have been tolerating annoyances just as I am sure they have of things we do but her patience seems to have worn out before ours.

This is of course only one side of the story and she would tell it very differently...
Seriously, Dulcolax the night before weigh in will help matters. You could be holding on to at least 1lb!

That's amazing re: your landlord! So encouraging :)

How did Nic get on with her weigh in? was it today?
Seriously, Dulcolax the night before weigh in will help matters. You could be holding on to at least 1lb!

That's amazing re: your landlord! So encouraging :)

How did Nic get on with her weigh in? was it today?

She lost 3lb which is amazing! She is only 2lb away from having lost 4 stone.

I took some so we shall see but a sneaky look at my scales this morning implies 0-1lb :-(
Are you and nic doing anything different? I'm sure you will have lost, as for the flat mates situation I wouldn't have been so calm, you don't need people like that around you! Good luck with wi I'm sure you have done fine :)
Are you and nic doing anything different? I'm sure you will have lost, as for the flat mates situation I wouldn't have been so calm, you don't need people like that around you! Good luck with wi I'm sure you have done fine :)

We have decided we are going to move somewhere cheaper to help boost our savings for our year travelling so we are looking for a cheap studio (or box) to live in, on the plus we will maybe even end up flat mate free!!

Nic doesn't have the bars and I do...that could be one reason. This week I have ordered less bars so we will see if that helps at all.
Hehe well yeah it sounds like extra stress you just don't need! That could well be it fingers crossed you have a nice surprise on the scales!
Another goal update:

Ultimate Goal: Reach a size 14 trouser size

Mini Goals:

[STRIKE]Lose 1 stone
Lose 2 stone
Lose 3 stone
[/STRIKE]Lose 4 stone
Lose 5 stone
Lose 6 stone
Lose 7 stone

[STRIKE]Reach the 16s
Reach the 15s
Reach the 14s
Reach the 13s
[/STRIKE]Reach the 12s
Reach the 11s
Reach the 10s
Reach 10 stone!

[STRIKE]Reach size 20
[/STRIKE][STRIKE]Reach size 18
[/STRIKE]Reach size 16

[STRIKE]Have a BMI < 35
[/STRIKE][STRIKE]Have a BMI < 30 (No Longer "Obese")
[/STRIKE]Have a BMI < 28 (Can be a consultant - if I want)
Have a BMI < 25 (No Longer "Overweight")

[STRIKE]Weigh less than 200lb[/STRIKE]
Have a visible collarbone
Only have one chin
No longer have what my wife calls "a pouch"
Wahey! 4lbs is great :) well done! Are you still planning to decrease bars this week then?

Yeah, i had already put my order in at the time. Also I am tempted to maybe add one or two step 2 meals in there seeing as though the carbs from bars will be going down. It's partly because we want to see if we can reduce our food bills as chicken for 2 is getting quite expensive.
Do you have chicken as well as 3 CD meals? I was so tempted to get some today but worried it will affect my weight loss... I love chicken, and I feel like I need something extra to get me through the weekend, so was thinking 375ml coke zero and some chicken breast!
It's so expensive for 2! I went to Tesco today to get hubby's food for the week plus household stuff and it was £40 plus the £45 I'm spending on CD :( our food bill used to be (at absolute most) £50-£60 a week, but normally under £40 for both of us :-/ can't afford to do it for very long...
It's so expensive for 2! I went to Tesco today to get hubby's food for the week plus household stuff and it was £40 plus the £45 I'm spending on CD :( our food bill used to be (at absolute most) £50-£60 a week, but normally under £40 for both of us :-/ can't afford to do it for very long...

We do SS+ so that's 170g (or whatever it is, not at home to check...would have thought I would remember by heart by now) each and if we go to step 2 then it's really really expensive. It's basically 2 chicken breasts per person. To be fair we were ordering at least 3 take always a week at 20/30 quid a pop, you know because we ate enough for 4 people not it's not too different but we do really want to get our costs down.

I do have an almost daily treat of coke zero as some consultants allow it but mine certainly doesn't.

Step 2 is far more cost effective! You get about a tin of chickpeas worth of protein a day which costs about 30p, or 80g of lentils which is only £1 for 500g so things but you do still have to have the 3 products, at least then though maybe there are some things the hubby might have with you. I recommend home made hummus, or oven baked crunchy chickpeas...

When you have a BMI of under 29 you can become a consultant. I don't know if there are any up front costs but I'm guessing you can get your own products for cheap (down to £20/25).

How are you getting on??
So yesterday was our monthly big treat and it was my choice what we had: chinese buffet. Mostly the choice was because the place we would go to do a really good fry station where you pick the ingredients and they stir fry it in front of you. While it all all tasted very nice we did a very poor showing in terms of stomach capacity which I guess is good in a way.

Back on the diet all of today even but even though there is no hunger there we both have food cravings. It took all we had not to order a pizza while babysitting Nics niece but we went with lentil soup, the step 2 recipe instead. I think this week we are going to start properly having maybe two step 2 meals in a week. This means we are not strictly on either SS+ nor step 2 so it's not advised that others follow but we are happy to maybe reduce the rate we lose weight in order to get the increased ingredients list. Hopefully this will curb out food cravings which are getting increasingly hard to handle at weekends.