Step 1 Sole Source + Carb Junkie Going Cold Turkey

10 weeks exactly! Not as expensive as something like insanity but not sure I have the funds for that :-( I am now on week 3 of the couch to 5k plan though....! But something with a bit faster results would be good to try. I'm torn about getting a running watch. The thing about having a weekly weigh in is that you can see the results on the scales and kind of want something like that for my running. The aim is to get good enough to go for runs when travelling... Do you use the resistance band from day 1?

The resistance band came with it but not needed to use it yet. First 5 weeks is 'alpha' level with around 5 different workouts, next 5 weeks is 'beta' so guessing we'll use the bands then.

Know what you mean about progress - it's not just about what the scales say. Good on you for running, I'm rubbish at it. My neighbour started couch to 5k a while ago having never run and he's doing a 10k in a couple if weeks. Impressive.

There might be some T25 workouts on YouTube? I find the chart you get with it helpful as you can plot your progress and see how you improve. Plus there's a bit to fill in chest, waist, arm and thigh measurements each week on Saturday, or as the trainer likes to call it 'staturday'! I'm amazed each week seeing the numbers come down... 5cm off chest, waist and arm, 8cm off thigh. I think it helps take your focus away from the numbers in the scales so much. But having said that it does give me a lot of motivation when the scales show a loss.
So had 4 days off while at my mums for mothers day so back on the diet from this lunch time onwards (as had a bagel this morning). Other than our anniversary meal on Saturday it's a big push until the May bank holiday! Hoping to have reached the 6 stone mark by then as seem to have stayed pretty flat for the past few weeks. I think that I have lost a couple of inches though so that's good.

I went for a run with my mum yesterday and surprised that she kept telling me to slow down...felt like it was a good work out and surprised that I managed to run as much as I did. Got bored of the woman on the podcast telling us to walk so we switched her off and did some extra running. Because we were running much slower than I usually do we could run further. So for my next run do I concentrate on keeping the fast pace I started out with or change up and try and run further but slower???
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So had 4 days off while at my mums for mothers day so back on the diet from this lunch time onwards (as had a bagel this morning). Other than our anniversary meal on Saturday it's a big push until the May bank holiday! Hoping to have reached the 6 stone mark by then as seem to have stayed pretty flat for the past few weeks. I think that I have lost a couple of inches though so that's good. I went for a run with my mum yesterday and surprised that she kept telling me to slow down...felt like it was a good work out and surprised that I managed to run as much as I did. Got bored of the woman on the podcast telling us to walk so we switched her off and did some extra running. Because we were running much slower than I usually do we could run further. So for my next run do I concentrate on keeping the fast pace I started out with or change up and try and run further but slower???

I would say further and slower as that will build your stamina... but I'm no expert! Well done for doing it xx
I would say further and slower as that will build your stamina... but I'm no expert! Well done for doing it xx

I did a mix of both...bit faster than Sunday but not as fast as I usually go.

Starting step 3 properly on Monday rather than 2.5! Fingers crossed I still lose something. Nic is now the same weigh as I am exactly (according to the scales yesterday) so has lost I think 7lbs more than me in total. Need a good week with something like 4lb to boost my motivation on the food front to match the current motivation regarding exercise.
Forgot to say: I ran past a "watch your speed" sign yesterday...I was thanked for not breaching the speed limit :p

I did the maths for each week of the couch to 5k plan and surprised at the week 4 jump from running a total of 9 minutes in week 3 to a total of 16 minutes!!!! (r = run, w = walk…if that wasn’t obvious!)

Week 1: 5w + 1r + 1.5w + + 1r + 1.5w + 1r + 1.5w + 1r + 1.5w + 1r + 1.5w + 1r + 1.5w + 1r + 1.5w + 1r + 1.5w = 8r

Week 2: 5w + 1.5r + 2w + 1.5r + 2w + 1.5r + 2w + 1.5r + 2w + 1.5r + 2 w + 1.5r = 9r

Week 3: 5w + 1.5r + 1.5w + 3r + 3w + 1.5r + 1.5w + 3r + 3w = 9r

Week 4: 5w + 3r + 1.5w + 5r + 2.5w + 3r + 1.5w + 5r = 16r

Week 5A: 5w + 5r + 3w + 5r = 10r
Week 5B: 5w + 8r + 5w + 8r = 16r
Week 5C: 5w + 20r = 20r

Week 6A: 5w + 5r + 3w + 8r + 3w + 5r = 18r
Week 6B: 5w + 10r + 3w + 10r = 20r
Week 6C: 5w + 25r = 25r

Week 7: 5w + 25r = 25r

Week 8: 5w + 28r = 28r

Week 9: 5w + 30r = 30r
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Yesterdays run felt much harder than Mondays but I did go twice the distance. Friday's run (week 4 run 1) is going to be TOUGH!! Expecting to run the podcast on a loop until I make it the 5.8km to my consultants office!

There is a really good facebook recipe share page that has quite a few step 3 recipes on it: Cambridge Weight Plan recipe Share. It's a closed group so I think you have to request membership. Recently with the new Meals in Minutes book coming out and the app with lots of recipes people have been posting whole pages which is actually really useful. We went shopping last night to have our first step 3 meal this evening: chicken, leek and mushroom pie!! We made it up and just have to put it in the oven but it looks really really good! If I remember I will take photos and copy the recipe on to here.
I managed to convince Nic that I needed a watch :p hopefully it will be here on Monday!! Woohoo!!

Running to my consultants office today which is about 5.5k. Obviously not running the whole way but maybe about 25 minutes of actual running thrown in with all the walking. Week 4 day 1 today which is actually quite scary given the jump up in amount of running (was 9 minutes total):

Week 4: 5w + 3r + 1.5w + 5r + 2.5w + 3r + 1.5w + 5r = 16r (and repeat until I reach my destination - usually almost two loops of the podcast)

First time I have seen my consultant in about a month and a half I think and I expect to be about 2-3lb heavier since then but hopefully maybe some inches gone. Getting frustrated with the diet so I break it and then frustrated with not losing anything because I broke it. Still need to lose about 7lbs to reach the mini-goal of a 25 BMI. I want to keep going until I lose another maybe 2 inches from my waist....
BORED! BORED! BORED! Wish it was the end of the day already! I am actually looking forward to getting out into what looks like actual SUN!

Feeling quite restless...

How should I entertain myself? I was planning running routes around the world but got to the point where I don't know where we will be staying so can't really continue with that....
The challenge has begun: make it to the first May bank holiday cheat 100% on step 3!

Nic has joined the gym this weekend and planning on going this evening and I have kept at the running. My first official weigh in in 2 months puts me at 2lb heavier than before I went to New York which isn't the worst thing in the world but she said I had put on quite a few inches :-( My waist: 1.5 inches!! I'm not sure how that is even possible as a jacket that was tight a few weeks ago around the waist when done up feels a really good fit now and the jeans I wasn't wearing before my holiday because they gave me a muffin top fit perfectly now....????
I wouldn't worry too much about it.. If they fit better then it's all good!

I have my weigh in tomorrow.. At 11.2 at the moment.. Hoping to hit 11 by Tuesday next week when I fly.. Woohoo!

100% weekend? How's step 3 going? xoxo

Just over a week...VERY EXCITING!!

Weekend was our one year anniversary so we went to a nice restaurant and stayed in the hotel we got married in so it wasn't a diet weekend at all. So it's properly step 3 today and it's ok so far....chickpea mash and peppered beef for dinner from the recipe book :)

Meant to be running today but it's raining! Should still go though really...! Friday's run was really difficult....I didn't manage to get all the way through the podcast by a few minutes. Week 4 Day 1 Take 2!