Step 1 Sole Source + Carb Junkie Going Cold Turkey

You're doing so well with the running, I'm impressed and inspired by your progress. The running club I'm planning on joining starts early May so not long now.

Lola is a Sprollie - a springer/collie cross. She's very cute and mischievous - which I like! We also have Riley, her brother. He's more like a springer and she's more like a collie. I love them to bits and because me and my OH run our own business from a converted barn on a farm it means they can come to work with us. I always wanted a dog and when we started our business about 6 years ago it made it easier to have dogs. Don't think it's fair to have a dog and leave it shut up inside on its own all day.

Have to say, I am VERY HUNGRY!!! x


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You're doing so well with the running, I'm impressed and inspired by your progress. The running club I'm planning on joining starts early May so not long now.

Lola is a Sprollie - a springer/collie cross. She's very cute and mischievous - which I like! We also have Riley, her brother. He's more like a springer and she's more like a collie. I love them to bits and because me and my OH run our own business from a converted barn on a farm it means they can come to work with us. I always wanted a dog and when we started our business about 6 years ago it made it easier to have dogs. Don't think it's fair to have a dog and leave it shut up inside on its own all day.

Have to say, I am VERY HUNGRY!!! x

Awww they are so cute!!! I am hoping when we get back from our travels that Nic will work part time or self employed (I'm pushing towards her becomming a Cambridge Consultant) and we will find a house not a flat so we can get a dog, I agree that it's not fair to leave a dog on it's own all day.
Only got 2 vaccinations in the end as they didn't have the others available. But I have to go back next week and get some more. I think in total there will be either 7 injections or 10 (depends if I get shots for Rabies as well). Really don't want them.

I feel very very drained today. It's like every muscle has just decided to not legs feel like jelly when walking, arms ache....just feel weak. I'm not sure if the vaccinations have anything to do with it. It might have been adreniline related. While I know the injections won't really hurt I still feel ill before I go, all the colour from my face drains...trembling. For someone like Nic who doesn't really care that much about injections it's hard for her to understand, and to be honest I don't really understand it myself. It could be due to having numerous trainee nurses when I was growing up getting it wrong and have to have multiple goes (like the time when I was about 4 and basically it resulted in me screaming down the doctors after 5 wrong attempts), or the many many operations I had as a child so perhaps assocciate the needle with drips and operations and painful recoveries etc.
I went home half way through yesterday as I just felt weak and exhausted. I must have slept for about 3-4 hours when I got back and then went to bed early as well. Feeling much better today. Still not perfect but more lively at least so should be able to get some work done.

I intend to go for a run after work along a route I haven't done since April 11th so hopefully I can smash my course record for that :)

I'm expecting to record a gain of about 3-4lb since my weigh in 2 weeks ago. I am hoping some of that is muscle weight though from running and the gym. Feeling really healthy and getting a little toned (except my waist of course) so I actually don't mind a gain. I'm looking at the bigger picture than the numbers now. I have been running for about 6-7 weeks and still motivated. I have been following roughly the 80/20 rules. Feeling GOOD :)
Morning Fay

Ooh, I feel for you with the whole vaccinations thing. I think any traumatic experience with medial procedures as a child does leave a lasting phobia. Glad you're feeling more like your usual self today.

I know what you mean about not being too hung up on what the scales say. I feel so much fitter and my measurements are all heading in the right direction, even if the scales aren't! I am trying to go by how my clothes feel and how I feel about my body/shape/fitness as a whole, rather than just getting stressed out that the scales aren't showing a loss. I am still 3lb upon my Good Friday weight, but 11lb down on my weight since Monday. All fluid - been peeing for England this week. Throughout all those ups and downs my clothes have not felt any different and my measurements stayed the same. But... with the water retention I did feel bloated and lethargic and now I am back in ketosis I do feel more energized and awake. Was in bed really early Monday and Tuesday as totally shattered and headachey in that getting back into ketosis way.

Have decided that I am going to have a bit of a treat this weekend, but am keeping it protein based to avoid coming out of ketosis again. Have bought some chicken, chorizo and hullumi and making a big salad with it.

My OH came of his bike on his way home from work on Wednesday and has fractured his arm. So now I have a dog with her leg in a bandage and my OH with his arm in a sling.

Good luck with the run x
Morning Fay

Ooh, I feel for you with the whole vaccinations thing. I think any traumatic experience with medial procedures as a child does leave a lasting phobia. Glad you're feeling more like your usual self today.

I know what you mean about not being too hung up on what the scales say. I feel so much fitter and my measurements are all heading in the right direction, even if the scales aren't! I am trying to go by how my clothes feel and how I feel about my body/shape/fitness as a whole, rather than just getting stressed out that the scales aren't showing a loss. I am still 3lb upon my Good Friday weight, but 11lb down on my weight since Monday. All fluid - been peeing for England this week. Throughout all those ups and downs my clothes have not felt any different and my measurements stayed the same. But... with the water retention I did feel bloated and lethargic and now I am back in ketosis I do feel more energized and awake. Was in bed really early Monday and Tuesday as totally shattered and headachey in that getting back into ketosis way.

Have decided that I am going to have a bit of a treat this weekend, but am keeping it protein based to avoid coming out of ketosis again. Have bought some chicken, chorizo and hullumi and making a big salad with it.

My OH came of his bike on his way home from work on Wednesday and has fractured his arm. So now I have a dog with her leg in a bandage and my OH with his arm in a sling.

Good luck with the run x

Seems like everyone is in the wars! Hope they are well enough to enjoy the bank holiday weekend.

Your salad sounds yummy! 11lb since Monday???? That's GREAT! I'm still up 3lb from my Good Friday weight but Nic keeps telling me my tummy looks a bit flatter. Will see how the measumements come in but even if my waist isn't down (or even up) it kind of *seems* like the fattest bit of my stomach is lower if that makes any sense at all. So while I don't think that my tummy is thinner I feel that my stomach sticky out bit starts lower down than it did before...?
I know, according to my scales I put on a stone between Good Friday, when I weighed 15st 13lb and this Monday when I weighed 16st 13lb!!' WTF!! Then Tuesday was down to 16st 5lb, so 8lb off in one day, then 16st 2lb today. My weight is bizzare - or my scales are ready for the bin, one or the other.

Good news on the tummy front Mrs. I have a fair amount of wobbly bits - my legs are a lot smaller but not a pretty site from the knee up! Am pleased with how my shoulders and collar bones look, but everything headed south from there downwards - if you now what I mean!!

Hope you have a lovely long weekend x
I know, according to my scales I put on a stone between Good Friday, when I weighed 15st 13lb and this Monday when I weighed 16st 13lb!!' WTF!! Then Tuesday was down to 16st 5lb, so 8lb off in one day, then 16st 2lb today. My weight is bizzare - or my scales are ready for the bin, one or the other.

Good news on the tummy front Mrs. I have a fair amount of wobbly bits - my legs are a lot smaller but not a pretty site from the knee up! Am pleased with how my shoulders and collar bones look, but everything headed south from there downwards - if you now what I mean!!

Hope you have a lovely long weekend x

Hope you enjoyed the long weekend as well! I had too much food and did too little exercise. We have way too many leaving events planned over the next month and things in the cupboards to use up. Have officially put on 3lbs over the few weeks since Easter but I didn't mind that much as I know I haven't been on plan at all really. The exercise is going well so I am happy with that.

Bad weekend in terms of food and running but we did go for a 9 mile walk. Have put on 3lb since Good Friday so should really do something more pro-active this week. If I say it was my TOTM last week for weigh in I would be making an excuse as I have been wavering aroud the 12 stone mark for a couple of weeks anyway.
I haven't managed to do Week 7 Run 1 of the Couch25K course so far after two attempts. This session is the same as Week 6 Run 3 and I managed that one so not sure why I let myself give in now. I guess it feels a bit like my attitude towards the diet at the moment...! I am about 1.5 stone away from where I really want to be and our adventure of a lifetime starts in 4.5 weeks. I have to focus on the main goals that will set me up for true maintenance:

Run 5K
Have smaller portions
Follow the 80/20 rule
Eat a higher proportion of protien
I can't believe it....Couch25K Week 7 Run 1 PASSED!!!! It was attempt number 4 but managed it by slowing down a bit over the whole run rather than trying to keep up a fast pace from the start Run Profile | Couch25K Week 7 Run 1 - PASSED near London | Times and Records | Strava

Yay!!! Well done you, what an achievement. Bet when you first started running you never thought the day would come where you could run for that long.

Had a good week but scales not playing ball. Just 1lb off getting back to my Good Friday all time low. How long now until you go on your travels? We go away 7 weeks tomorrow. I really wanted to be 14st something by then but thyat ain't going to happen. Only 2 more workouts left and I will have completed the 10 weeks of T25. Then going to start it again to improve and perfect the moves.

Yay!!! Well done you, what an achievement. Bet when you first started running you never thought the day would come where you could run for that long.

Had a good week but scales not playing ball. Just 1lb off getting back to my Good Friday all time low. How long now until you go on your travels? We go away 7 weeks tomorrow. I really wanted to be 14st something by then but thyat ain't going to happen. Only 2 more workouts left and I will have completed the 10 weeks of T25. Then going to start it again to improve and perfect the moves.


Where are you off to? It's 3 WEEKS ON FRIDAY!!! We moved most of our things to my dads spare room yesterday so all we have left now are items that will either: come with us or get thrown out before we go.

Well done on losing! I am still the same - 12 stone. Have you done your final 2 workouts? Will be interesting comparing the first and second times around in terms of how difficult you find it.
I haven't really been on here much this week, it's actually been quite busy at work which means that it's flown by.

We have been REALLY REALLY bad on the diet for a while now and we really need to stop it. I'm going to try hard to make sure that for the final 3 weeks we eat out less and both our choices are the right ones. If I am still under 12 stone by the time I go away I will be very happy indeed. Our recent indulgences haven't really reached the scales yet but who knows when that luck will run out. I know the running is off-setting the bad food we are eating but that's not really a good enough reason to keep eating anything we like.

On the running front I was well chuffed I managed to do my usual route in under 45 minutes on Monday but don't ask me how. I wasn't running the whole way, 25 minutes running then a few minutes walking followed by running as much as I could for the remainder but taknig a walking break when I need to. That beat my best by over a whole minute! I wonder how I will get on today...? It already feels hot outside which is going to make it tough, I don't think I can realistically get to under 45 minutes again but I am going to give it a good try!!!!!!!!!
Hi Fay, how was your weekend? Mine was rather out of control as far as food is concerned... Pizza takeaway on Friday night, out for a curry on Saturday night. Ate bread and cheese yesterday. Today I feel bloated, my jeans are tight and on the scales today I am 10lb heavier than on Friday morning!!! I know that when I weigh tomorrow at least 6lb of that will be gone as just fluid. But it's not good. Am sticking to total solution (600 cals a day) now until we go away in 6 weeks.

Read an interesting article on the LiveStrong website about low carb diets and exercise and how intensive exercise on a low carb diet can have the adverse effect of making you retain body fat. I am going to have a week of no exercise and just 3 Exante meals a day to see what happens. I enjoy the exercise and feel better for it, but really want to shift this last 2-3 stones.

Thought I would be at goal by the time I went away but that ain't going to happen! Will get there in the end but do think it has all slowed down since increasingly exercise levels.

Now feeling tired and hungry - need to get back in ketosis. Oh that was another thing I read - apparently your body becomes more resiliant to going into ketosis the more times you do it. Your body knows what's coming and tries to stop it happening.

Hope all is good with you. Not long now til you go away xx
Yeah we haven't been that good food wise for weeks (maybe even months) now. I do feel a bit more bloated and trousers tighter so I know we have to do something....just finding the motivation lacking. We have decided to try and have 3 shakes a day for the next 2 and a half weeks (eek) and hope to at least maintain around the 12 stone mark.

The longer I'm on the diet the harder I find it to stick to it! You have come so CAN DO 6 weeks! It will fly by!!! DON'T GIVE IN!!!! (if only I would follow my own advice)

Managed to do my final Week 8 Couch25K run stop 30mins.
I haven't been on here in a while...time seems to be going scarily quickly! A week tomorrow is my last day at work and the day after that we are off for a YEAR! We seem to be doing ok on the maintenance front, could be worse.

Attempting a 10K (will try and run 5K and then run/walk as much as I can of the rest) this evening to try and compensate for the meals out we have planned virtually every day to say goodbye to different groups of people.
Hi Fay, can't believe your big trip is so close now, will miss you! Make sure you come on here if you get chance to let me know how the adventure is going.

Well I have now done nearly 2 weeks of no exercise - which feels odd after working out 6 days a week since last July. The interesting thing is that I've lost about 9lbs. I had gone up to 16st 5lb and today weighed in at 15st 10lb - exactly 8 stones lost now altogether. So it looks like the exercise might have been hampering my weight losses.

So I'll be sticking with no exercise for the time being to see what I can shift over these next 4 weeks before going away.

I do want to do exercise but also want to get to my goal weight. I am hoping that once at goal I can start exercising again and maintain. I seemed to be doing a good job of maintaining while I was exercising!

If you don't get on here again before you go HAVE A FABULOUS TIME!!!!

It's been a very BUSY week!

Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has helped me on my diet journey and got me this far. Final weigh in shows I have managed to maintain my weight for the past month so happy about that. I look forward to returning in a year and losing the last stone, or you never know I might have managed to shift it while away with the heat and street food combo + running.

Bit worried about trying to run in such heat but I'm sure my body will get used to it eventually. I managed to run a whole 5K without stopping a week ago on Monday but then I got a cold and haven't been able to really go for a run since. The plan is to go tomorrow during the TODAY IS MY LAST DAY AT WORK!!!!!!! SCARY!!

Good luck to everyone still on their journey or just about to start...for me the real work (hopefully not the had work as people usually say about maintenance) begins!

Off for an adventure of a lifetime....
Ohhh fay I hope you keep it off hon & enjoy that year out! :) good luck!!