Well have finally got a phone back... just taking ages to re-sync and gather all my numbers (hoping that they were backed up on comp but not sure yet)
Oh and to top off the phone saga since I got back from Leeds the home internet hasn't working!!!!! lost doesn't come close! was soooo looking forward to catchin up with u all! I will go through threads tomorrow when I have a fairly chilled evening
Well Leeds was amazing.. it p***ed down on two of the days but it was still brill... I now have a cold though so feel grotty!!! The only down side was looking at all the couples and thinking that I wanted someone... I will find one when I am ready.....

the other daft thing I was thinking was that I wanted to be thin enough so that someone could stand behind me and wrap their arms round my waist (and them meet! lol)..... also started to think about fireworks night and Christmas.... love them both but not awesome fun when friends are coupled up!
Anyways none of this makes much sense...
I watched "One Day" this evening and it was sooo lovely... I liked that film

was so cute!! But sooo sad!
Anyways... apart from having a cold and wanting to sleep it off but having to work I am feeling very upbeat... getting back to the gym tomorrow with my (size 8) best friend..... we are planning to go 6 days a week

And I have been ok Monday and Tuesday but am properly back on plan today... scales were up 7lbs when I got bk so just hoping to drag a sts or 1lb off before next Tues WI!!
Hope u are all really well! I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccccccccccccccck! Missed u lovely lot!!! xxxx