Loves Minimins!
Hi All
Well I have had an amazing week... I absolutely loved being in school! I have 3 more days this week too
I kno this is what I want to do! I just need to carry on with my job for one more year to save as many pennies at possible and also check I am definitely doing the right thing!
I struggled to adjust to being finished at 3.30pm and found myself snacking... but I know that when I am doing the job there will be work to do till at least 5/6 so that wont be a problem...
I also know that I really need to and want to work on healthy eating and veg/ fruit.... When I was in Preston last week my friend's mum asked "how are u doing this diet with no fruit or veg?" - I hate comments like that... I want to set a good example to kids - in school and my own (if I am that lucky!) - I just don't kno what to do anymore... It makes me feel sick and panic.... Hypnosis didn't work... I am going to have that as my main resolution in 2012.... I am going to try one thing at a time for a whole week or two.... I am going to ask for a smoothie maker/ blender for christmas (remind me of that nearer time lol) - anyone have any suggestions of a make/ particular machine?
My 2011 resolutions were to lose weight - I have started my journey and I will finish it in 2012 - I want to be a skinny teacher! One of the kids said "Miss.. How did you get that big?" - I was heartbroken and had to hold back tears.. but he had a point - I need to set an example! I WILL DO THIS BY September 2012 when I start my course (and will get to 12/14 by my friend's wedding in August!)
I was also going to save money - I have paid off a fair bit of debt and will hopeful start saving in January.... I hoped to get house/ car/ new york holiday - well these things will be on hold because of the change of career path.. but it will be worth it... I will get there one day...
I was going to stop taking my anti-depressants - I did this all by myself - I feel stronger! I can do anything!
I was going to be a fully qualified solicitor/ HCA/ duty sol - I did all this - who knew it wouldn't be right for me?!
I was going to go to the gym more - I do this on and off - I can do it - me and my friend will keep it up this time!
I was going to improve my beauty regime etc - something else I do on and off lol...
Well I think I have rambled enough....
I am feeling rotten because I have caught a cold from the little angels! But I am excited about school tomorrow... and less terrified about Tuesday as I have sorted out the trial...
I will post my diaries again as of tomorrow evening! Hope everyone is well xxxxx
Well I have had an amazing week... I absolutely loved being in school! I have 3 more days this week too
I struggled to adjust to being finished at 3.30pm and found myself snacking... but I know that when I am doing the job there will be work to do till at least 5/6 so that wont be a problem...
I also know that I really need to and want to work on healthy eating and veg/ fruit.... When I was in Preston last week my friend's mum asked "how are u doing this diet with no fruit or veg?" - I hate comments like that... I want to set a good example to kids - in school and my own (if I am that lucky!) - I just don't kno what to do anymore... It makes me feel sick and panic.... Hypnosis didn't work... I am going to have that as my main resolution in 2012.... I am going to try one thing at a time for a whole week or two.... I am going to ask for a smoothie maker/ blender for christmas (remind me of that nearer time lol) - anyone have any suggestions of a make/ particular machine?
My 2011 resolutions were to lose weight - I have started my journey and I will finish it in 2012 - I want to be a skinny teacher! One of the kids said "Miss.. How did you get that big?" - I was heartbroken and had to hold back tears.. but he had a point - I need to set an example! I WILL DO THIS BY September 2012 when I start my course (and will get to 12/14 by my friend's wedding in August!)
I was also going to save money - I have paid off a fair bit of debt and will hopeful start saving in January.... I hoped to get house/ car/ new york holiday - well these things will be on hold because of the change of career path.. but it will be worth it... I will get there one day...
I was going to stop taking my anti-depressants - I did this all by myself - I feel stronger! I can do anything!
I was going to be a fully qualified solicitor/ HCA/ duty sol - I did all this - who knew it wouldn't be right for me?!
I was going to go to the gym more - I do this on and off - I can do it - me and my friend will keep it up this time!
I was going to improve my beauty regime etc - something else I do on and off lol...
Well I think I have rambled enough....
I am feeling rotten because I have caught a cold from the little angels! But I am excited about school tomorrow... and less terrified about Tuesday as I have sorted out the trial...
I will post my diaries again as of tomorrow evening! Hope everyone is well xxxxx