Good luck for WI!!
All packed. Off to the airport in a few hours.... 07.10 flight!! Excited!! See you Sat morning!! Will be at Piccadilly Station for 10.30am. Haven't contacted anyone else - but I'm sure we'll all find each other....... xx
LUNCH Cheese and Ham Toastie = 10pp
Twirl x2 = 5pp
DINNER Pizza and Chips = 24pp
Kit Kat Chunky = 7pp
SNACKS Mars Bar Cake = 5pp
PPs Used = 57/38pp
Weeklies Used = 19/49pp
APs Earned = 0AP
Total APs Earned = 0AP
APs Used = 0AP
THOUGHTS/COMMENTS Another good day food wise Crown Court went ok... terrified about Monday! oh well... had a right good giggle at poker night... have had no sleep for two days.... probs should crash but may never get up to date.... excited to see everyone ... stupid work to do on Sunday xxx
POSITIVES 1. I had a good day - just dailies!
2. It is Friday and I get to see everyone
3. I am in CONTROL!!