ProPoints CarlyLanky140's Food Diary (28/155lb)

Good luck for tomorrow Carly!! I'll be thinking about you xxx
Tuesday 24th January 2012


Chicago Town Pizza = 12pp
Muller = 2pp
Angel Cake = 4pp

6 x Mini Kievs and Mash = 12pp
Angel Slice x2 = 9pp

Fruit Salad Chews x2 = 6pp
Mr Kipling Angel Slices x2 = 9pp
Pom Bear Crisps x2 = 5pp
Foxes Golden Crunch Biscuits x3 = 6pp

PP USED = 68/38pp


1. I had a lie in (which is good and bad lol)
2. I managed a day 12 without choc!
3. I spent my day preparing for the interview....

I AM A BIG FAT LUMP!!!!!!!!!!!ARGHHHHHH - I am so cross at myself. I have been so stressed the past three days what with the trial and this interview and so I have just been picking at rubbish.. I am still within my APs and I know it is a lot better than I was being for a the last few months but I am so cross... It was also mentally to do with the fact that with all the exercise the scales were showing me as a gain and it made me stroppy.. I wish stress didn't affect me :( I am having lunch on campus during interview day and then tea at nandos.. hoping to still be fairly good... and I have planned to go to a class and do day one of week 3 of C25K tomorrow so that will earn 25AP.. and then on Thursday I will be within dailies and hopefully do day 2 of week 3 for another 10AP... I really want to lose :(

And the prep isn't going great.. I slept in because I figured if I went to bed at 11pm I would wake up naturally at 10... wanted to be well rested... but ended up sleeping till 11.30 so with lunch etc didnt get started till 12.30.. and have worked really hard but still have stuff to do.. taking a break to rant then right back to it... so my plans at being well rested have backfired as I wont sleep much tonight... and blooming mother said "you should have got up earlier" - what a helpful remark mother I never thought of that GGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRR

I am really starting to worry about this interview... generally I think I am relatively clever but this is really worrying me... I really want it. And mum, dad and sister all really don't want me to do it.. mum was even trying to talk me out of it saying it would be stressful.. I said it was no more so that what I am doing... I try not to talk to them about it as they wouldn't understand.. but most of the time I just feel sick about the next day... but what if I can't do teaching? what if I am useless? ARGH

Sorry for this waffle... I will be fine tomorrow... xxx
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Thanks all for the good luck wishes :D xx
Good luck tomorrow hon, you probs only picked at food today out of nerves and stuff. No more sneaky weigh ins I say hon, I've given up on those myself because they make me stressed if they show a gain. Normally the gain is gone by weigh in. the exercise sounds fab, good luck for week 3 of c25k. Awesome AP earning. I've done 2 c25k days and 1 day of near 2 hours power walking & jogging and only earned 10AP for the lot hahaha!

Don't let people tell you what you can and can't do. Weren't you supportive of your sister recently? She should be doing the same for you. Sounds like you're a very intelligent person... I don't see why you couldn't be a teacher at all? I don't understand why the people around you are so negative. Don't ever say that again about being useless because you aren't and I bet you'd be a great teacher!!! Sending squishy hugs for you lovely lady (((((hugs))))) xXx

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Thanks very much Sarah :) made me smile! Just got finished my prep and off to bed. Done all I can so fingers crossed :)

Dreading week 3! Sounds so hard... What did u so the treadmill speeds were? 6 and 8.5 rings a bell? X
Try not to worry hun x things will happen as they happen x but i reckon it will all turn out good for u, as u r a positive person!

Again best of luck xx
Hugs xx
Don't jog much faster than you walk hon or you'll end up tired very fast. Slow jogging to get your stamina up ane then we build up speed later. I'm not sure of exact speeds on a treadmill but I don't jog very fast at all, slow and steady wins the race :p xx

Sent from my Galaxy S using MiniMins
Thanks both :) x
You'll pull it back Carly you always do - you're an inspiration! And btw, what are these mini kievs I keep seeing?? Sound yum! Xxxx
They are Bernard Matthews mini turkey kievs. They look like mini scotch eggs! They are in the freezer section - gorgeous!!! Yummy x
Good luck for today Carly.

I spoke to a running instructor yesterday, she runs a fit for life campaigne (sp lol), and says if you can't hold a conversation while jogging you are going too fast, she says its a real strain on the heart then so slow it right up, she also says at the start you should jog near enought at the same speed you fast walk, then build up over time once you get fit. I am gonna slow right up, she said she couldn't stress how important it is to go SLOW x
Thanks hun :) x
They are 1 each but multiples are different
1 = 1
2 = 3
3 = 4
4 = 5
5 = 6
6 = 8
7 = 9
8 = 10

Wednesday 25th January 2012

Crumpet x2 = 5pp
Extra Light Flora = 1pp

Bacon Roll = 9pp

Nandos Burger, Chips and Sauce = 22pp

Fruit Salad Chews = 3pp
Pom Bear Crisps = 3pp

PP USED = 43/38pp

APs EARNED = 25AP (Week 3 Day 1 of C25K and Body Pump)

1. I think my interview went well :D
2. I managed a day 13 without choc! (nearly a fortnight!!)
3. I earned 25AP!!!

You will all be pleased to hear that I am feeling much more positive today :D I went to my interview and think it went well. The first bit was the literacy assessment which I found tough but I managed it. The second bit was the group task and I think that went ok to. Then there was the presentation - hopefully that went well to. Finally there was the interview - again it all seemed good... the first question was if I was a head teacher why should I hire you and after my answer he said "ur hired! U don't even need the course" lol - hope that is a good sign... I will find out in a week to two weeks

Then I caught up on biggest loser - love that programme - so sick of Gerard's twineing tho! he needs to go!!! Then I went to the gym and did day 1 of week 3 of c25k - so proud of myself! Honestly didn't think I could do it but I managed :D YAY! Then I did body pump.. woop :D the teacher made me feel utter crap! she made me feel like the fat one who shouldn't be there - she wouldn't even make eye contact! GRRRRR But it made me determined to prove her wrong :D

And then nandos - was so yummy and awesome to catch up with the girls

Hope I get a good loss on Friday - I know I have worked hard :D

Love to all xxxx
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Sounds like the interview was great hon :) wel done. You had a fab day of it today. Menu looks great and loadsa exercise done! You're an inspiration xXx

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Thanks Chick :D xx