Hello All
Well as most of u know I STS ... was disappointed but I'm over it now... still no choc

Although I think after a month I am gonna have to go back... am now bingeing on cake/sweets instead.. have decided the plan is to have a yogurt after lunch and icecream/cake/sweets (just one thing!) after dinner.. that way I have more pp for meals.... Hoping that I will then be able to exercise without being starving lol
Had a bad couple of days - had birthday cake/ pizza and booze yest and picked today... over weeklies... but starting afresh tomorrow.. off to a snow patrol gig.. Hope I manage to find somet low pp wherever we go for tea

Had a few days off gym... going on Monday.. got a day off after the gig... got my first consultation with personal trainer on Monday ... eek... and booked in for a class and will hopefully get back to running if my friend feels up to it!
I was out yest and at a charity night today... so all in all a nice weekend
Hope everyone is well
Onwards and downwards
