Carrot cake without mincemeat?? Urgent!


Full Member
Just grated my carrot and softened my scan bran ready for the carrot cake and realised I don't have mincemeat! Does it make a difference without it? If so are there any alternatives?

Thank you
I make a cake without mincemeat just scan bran,carrots,3 eggs, low cal sweetner and either some ground ginger and cinamon or mixed spice. Its really nice and syn free.
Ooh oven ?? Usually cook that in microwave for 13 mins sorry I should of said. Let me know whether its ok cooked in oven I like crispy edges and don't get that in microwave lol
I tried to make a carrot cake last week here is the recipe, like yours, it was too wet so I have modified the recipe to try to remove more liquid before cooking, by the way it was delicious! and vanished very time I must find a way of grating the carrots smaller!

Pete’s Scan Bran Carrot Cake

Syn free


5 scan bran
300g/3 medium size carrots
1 egg
3 Tbsp sweetener
½ tsp cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp nutmeg
Pinch salt
Zest from 1 lemon


Break the scan bran into a mixing bowl and add boiling water, a bit at a time to soften them, mash into a smooth mix.

Grate the peeled carrots, drain as much liquid out of them as possible, and then place in a towel and wring out any remaining liquid. Add to mixing bowl along with the egg, sweetener and spices & lemon zest, mix well.

Preheat the oven to 180c and prepare a loaf tin, line with greaseproof paper cut to fit, spray with fry light.

Place on the middle shelf for 30 mins, insert a metal skewer into the middle of the cake and when you pull it out and it comes out clean, the cake is done.

Remove from the tin and allow to cool on a wire rack.


  • Scan bran carrot cake (Large).JPG
    Scan bran carrot cake (Large).JPG
    215.9 KB · Views: 450
  • Scan bran carrot cake-2 (Large).JPG
    Scan bran carrot cake-2 (Large).JPG
    260.5 KB · Views: 387
As far as I know it's syn free
I'm confused! here is the original recipe that I based my version of the "syn free carrot cake", now people are saying that scan bran are either 1/2 or 1 syn, the cake is a Heb or a Hex can we all agree what it is?

Super Simple Extra Easy Speedy Syn-Free Carrot Cake
I make this about three times a week and eat half for breakfast. :) It's just one B and no syns for the entire thing. AAAAAND it includes 1/3 superfree right there in the cake. If this isn't the ultimate SW recipe, I'll eat a scan bran straight from the packet.

5 scan bran or 55g scan bran sprinkles
About 1 1/2 to 2 cups grated carrot
two eggs
about 1 cup powdered sweetener
half teaspoon cinnamon
pinch salt
few drops vanilla essence


1. Soften your scan bran (in a microwavable mixing bowl) with a some hot water. Just enough to soften it - this is a moist cake and the less water you can do this with the better - scan bran sprinkles work best.
2. Mix in the eggs, cinnamon, salt and vanilla. Mix really thoroughly.
3. Mix in the sweetener.
4. Mix in the carrot.
5. Scrape off the sides of the bowl with a spatula and smooth the mixture down flat.
6. Bung in the microwave and cook on full power for about 7 minutes (1000w microwave)

To make it even better, you can add baking powder and a squirt of lemon juice, and some raisins. But then you'll need to count the syns.
the carrot cake uses 5 scan bran ( this can be Either a HEX or 5syns the choice is yours)
if you are only going to eat a small bit e.g 1/5 it will be worth taking the syn value rather than using your HEX .
bilsat said:
I'm confused! here is the original recipe that I based my version of the "syn free carrot cake", now people are saying that scan bran are either 1/2 or 1 syn, the cake is a Heb or a Hex can we all agree what it is?

Super Simple Extra Easy Speedy Syn-Free Carrot Cake
I make this about three times a week and eat half for breakfast. :) It's just one B and no syns for the entire thing. AAAAAND it includes 1/3 superfree right there in the cake. If this isn't the ultimate SW recipe, I'll eat a scan bran straight from the packet.


I'm not sure why you are saying you are confused, you've typed up a recipe that clearly states it's 1 HEb yet you are asking what it is.
Saying that something is syn free implies it can be eaten freely, until satiation point, but this recipe along with another you've posted as being free-contains a healthy extra. Its crucial to get this right, especially for people following EE as they only get one a and one b a day :) HTH
I find it really unhelpful that people - especially SW in the mag - go around calling things Free when they include HEXes. It MUST be clear when something includes a HEX as that stops it being unlimited and affects portion size/rolling over to next day etc.
I agree, with something like this when you really wouldnt eat the whole thing and count it as a hex then you should syn it so there is no confusion. Depending on the size of the slices of this particular recipe it would be so easy to syn it. I made this yesterday(photo on other thread) and it was delicious but there was no way I could have eaten the whole thing and I am a real oink.