Carry On Shrinking!

Definitely, it is absolutely brilliant. If you're going to watch the film, read the book first x
1/2 off is better than on Jessica, well done you especially camping, I doubt I would have had the same amount of control :)

Hope you have a good week this week. PGD x
Thank You PGD x
I went back to work today after a week off - in my smaller skirt - Yay!!
We had new uniforms at work a few weeks ago and everyone had to go up a size as they were cut small (that's what we all told ourselves anyway, though it was literally everyone). I ended up in a size that I've only been in straight after squeezing babies out so I was absolutely gutted.
However, I am now very grateful for that as that was my absolute switch in my head to do something about losing the weight.
I now need to order the smaller size again for a few weeks time! :0) x
Good for you - that's one of the things I'm looking forward to to be honest going down a size. PGD x
It is very satisfying!
So back to the stupid daily weigh in, which is probably the worst idea in the world, who even invented scales?
For 4 days running my Wii fit has said that I have stayed the same, in fact, increased slightly.
I don't get it! I know I weakened slightly in Saturday but surely I can't still be feeling the effects 4 days later? I didn't even come out of ketosis.
I've even just changed the batteries in my Wii board as a desperate measure (it didn't work, no sh*t Sherlock).
Ah well, its a good job its an 8 day week :0)
Jeez, I am so glad today is nearly over!
This has been by far my hardest day out of the last 22. I have been so hungry, not 'in my head hungry', Proper Hungry!
I have felt either on the verge of tears or really really moody all day, which is not like me, normally I'm pretty chipper but at one point I thought I'd better take myself orf to bed.
Still, I am very happy that I didn't give in, I was going to allow myself a tin of tuna if it got unbearable but I haven't done that so I do have some willpower.
Tomorrow is a new day and it can't possibly be like today..........!
Thanks lass.
Today was much better, maybe because I was in a meeting all day so was distracted.
However, I have actually succumbed to a tin of tuna and a chunk of cheese. I have been craving both of these for sooooooo long.
I don't feel bad, I feel better! :0)
Will they really not take me out of ketosis? Not even the cheese?
Ah well, it was nice! X
Got this from a bodybuilding forum (just googled ketosis and cheese). Hope what they say is right.

I eat cheese with almost everyday on my keto diet.. It doesnt kick me out. And it has no carbs so thats impossible. were did you hear that from?
Yes!! If only all the things I was craving were low carbs *sigh* x
DAY 23!
Well it looks like the in of tuna and squidge of cheese cost me 1lb
The sensible part of my brain is telling me that I am an idiot to keep weighing myself every day - it makes no sense at all and could lead to my demise!!
The more powerful part of my brain i.e. the less sensible part, says "Why the hell am I struggling and starving and craving to lose no weight in a week, nil, nada, zilch!!?"
On the plus side, I have been to a funeral today (that's not the plus side bit), with an abundance of food and alcohol and I reisisted it all, I sat and sipped my sparkling water.
I have now not drank alcohol for weeks and weeks........ :rolleyes: :)
You said it. Please, please stop weighing every day! It does more harm than good, so much of the time. Some can handle those daily fluctuations - which often happen even when the dietier is 100% - others get depressed and disappointed and angry at themselves.

If it upsets you, please don't weigh daily.