Silver Member
I've been doing this for two weeks now and I can truly say that the second week was the hardest. I wasn't even hungry, but I was craving things. I had these weird cravings like hash browns. I don't know why I wanted them so badly. I didn't need them because I was hungry (because I really wasn't), I just wanted them. Seems that this week was more about fighting my inner demons and I'm very proud of the fact that I stuck to ss-ing 100%. I kept drinking water, no fizzy diet drinks at all and drinking tea and coffee without sugar and milk.
Also I don't mind my hubbie eating chocolate bars, etc in the house any longer or having hamburgers. I actually enjoyed cooking spaghetti for him. I still draw the line with him having take out in the house. I would feel horrible if he was eating a nice curry or pizza and he's ok with that. I surprised myself actually by not caring all that much.
When my friends came over today for D&D I knew there would be crisps and other food flowing over the table, but again I didn't care that much. I felt a bit like the odd one out for not taking any, but I didn't feel sorry for myself.
With it going so well I have now also decided that I'm not going to come off the diet for x-mas. I'll keep on having my shakes ^^
The big problem this week were my bowels. I had a lot of issues going to the toilet, but once I used Movicol it started to 'work' as normal again. As a preventative I'm having one sachet per day to keep things healthy and normal for me. Tomorrow is my second w.i. and I'm nervous as ****. I've set myself a goal of losing 3lbs every time I get weighed, but I am secretly hoping it's more. I really want to loose 2,5 stone by January.
If you have stuck 100% I bet you will lose more than 3