catdog nd emma3662

i am lol xx
Haha hi hun how's u today xx
im okay, off to sunderland after marks had his dinner. supposed to be doing the house like lol. hows u/ xx
catdog said:
im okay, off to sunderland after marks had his dinner. supposed to be doing the house like lol. hows u/ xx

Haha day out sounds soo much better lol is mark at work wednesday? Xx
catdog said:
no hes off but at job interview, why like xx

Just if ya not rushing back nd th weather is ok i'm gonna take ya for a picnic haha xx
Just if ya not rushing back nd th weather is ok i'm gonna take ya for a picnic haha xx
lmao he'll sort dog out before he leaves so no probs hehe xx
catdog said:
lmao he'll sort dog out before he leaves so no probs hehe xx

Cool feel like a kid just thought we'd get some walking done too bring wellies if you've got some tho just in case its muddy lol gonna make chicken and bacon pasta salad for picnic or lunch in th house most probs lmao xx
Cool feel like a kid just thought we'd get some walking done too bring wellies if you've got some tho just in case its muddy lol gonna make chicken and bacon pasta salad for picnic or lunch in th house most probs lmao xx
haha ya never know weather might be lovely, so windy today i dont wanna leave ha, but got to bus is due in ten so will spk to ya later hun, have good day xx
catdog said:
haha ya never know weather might be lovely, so windy today i dont wanna leave ha, but got to bus is due in ten so will spk to ya later hun, have good day xx

No probs chick enjoy ur day too xx
catdog said:
hellooooooooooooooooooooooooo xx

Lol hi lv how's sw going nd did ya have a good day? Xx
Lol hi lv how's sw going nd did ya have a good day? Xx
sw going pants lol, had really good time while out, put deposit on my latest and last haha engagement ring,i love it- not what i thought i wanted but really elegant eek proper gutted cos left phone in house so couldnt take pic boooooooo. could only put tenner down on it but its a start haha hows diet goin/xx
catdog said:
sw going pants lol, had really good time while out, put deposit on my latest and last haha engagement ring,i love it- not what i thought i wanted but really elegant eek proper gutted cos left phone in house so couldnt take pic boooooooo. could only put tenner down on it but its a start haha hows diet goin/xx

Mint hun how's it going pants mines not going to bad but thats probs coz i've just woke up after a huge nap lol xx
Mint hun how's it going pants mines not going to bad but thats probs coz i've just woke up after a huge nap lol xx

lol cos went to mccy ds n now eatin sweets, i just cannit get me head to focus feel all over place, managed good day yesterday but scales this morning got me down, just got no motivation for anything really, medication isnt helping :( xx
catdog said:
lol cos went to mccy ds n now eatin sweets, i just cannit get me head to focus feel all over place, managed good day yesterday but scales this morning got me down, just got no motivation for anything really, medication isnt helping :( xx

Right stop weighing yourself everyday i've been there done that and some days they i've gained some i've lost far too much lol sw is th only scales that no ya weight properly now so STOP and we call days like this at sw a flexible day so it eliminates th panic (get me wit these big words lol) ya gotta stop punishing yourself hun its not good for ya nd ya haven't been back on ya meds for that long and motivated for what exactly just laze around hun its fine keep ya chin up nd just think how much fun tuesday will be lol but I need ya to stop stressing hun I no how hard it is but stress truly is th devil think of ya fave meal nd we'll make it together tuesday i'm not great at diets but just dont let it worry ya u are beautiful inside and out :) xxx
Right stop weighing yourself everyday i've been there done that and some days they i've gained some i've lost far too much lol sw is th only scales that no ya weight properly now so STOP and we call days like this at sw a flexible day so it eliminates th panic (get me wit these big words lol) ya gotta stop punishing yourself hun its not good for ya nd ya haven't been back on ya meds for that long and motivated for what exactly just laze around hun its fine keep ya chin up nd just think how much fun tuesday will be lol but I need ya to stop stressing hun I no how hard it is but stress truly is th devil think of ya fave meal nd we'll make it together tuesday i'm not great at diets but just dont let it worry ya u are beautiful inside and out :) xxx
aww bless ye hun thank you :) tomorrow is a new day eh and yep tuesdays gonna be mint :D im proper broody today dunno why lol xx
catdog said:
aww bless ye hun thank you :) tomorrow is a new day eh and yep tuesdays gonna be mint :D im proper broody today dunno why lol xx

Bless ya I get days like that nd i'm bloody single lmao but today truly is another day hun just go wit it to be honest I was thinking ya 1st few weeks just wing it to get ya body used to propa food again so wots ya fave meal? Xx
Bless ya I get days like that nd i'm bloody single lmao but today truly is another day hun just go wit it to be honest I was thinking ya 1st few weeks just wing it to get ya body used to propa food again so wots ya fave meal? Xx
oh god i dunno erm i dont think i have one lol got loads ha, i tend to just eat what i fancy that day, never really had one fave, god thats bad aint it ha. things i hate are olives, avocado, celery, cinnamon if that helps lol xx
catdog said:
oh god i dunno erm i dont think i have one lol got loads ha, i tend to just eat what i fancy that day, never really had one fave, god thats bad aint it ha. things i hate are olives, avocado, celery, cinnamon if that helps lol xx

Lmao I hate th same things we'll just stick wit steak hun lol xx