

Gold Member
Hi Cath, I just thought I would start this for you so you can find your way to the lipotrim forum. I know how difficult it can be to work your way round the site when new.
Feel free to come on here and ask for help, advice or chat.

Obviously you are not tied to just this forum you can reply to any posts you like. But we are here if you need us.

thanks I really appreciate your help with this.

Anyway..... My first weigh in tomorrow I was a bit naughty and have been getting on the scales daily, which i know is a vbig mistake..... its been fluctuating throughout the week but loss seems to have stuck at 5 pounds - im not sure if im impressed or not my best mate told me i should be really pleased but never happy:giggle:

Im so glad ive found this site everyone seems to be really supportive and i only hope i can offer support to others when its needed.

I am however very hungry:eat: and could and would (if hubby would let me!) eat anything and everything.

I seem to have got the hang of smilies just need to jazz up everything else now:confused:
Cath Im off to bed now, im shattered and want to get out of temptations way, hope to catch up with you tomorrow.
Take care xx
afternoon everyone, just a quick note to share my frst weigh in..... am so happy 7 pounds off. now i need to figure out how too change my tracker.

Good luck to everyone else,

Catch you later

Wow well done !

To change my tracker I go in user cp then edit signature, scroll down to the edit box then click on the bow in the top right corner with the 2 a`s in it, this then changes your tracker into words and numbers, Then I find the weight part of it and edit it there.
Hope this helps....its all so daunting at first, it should be the same as mine as you have used the same site as me.
Wow Cath, that's fantastic! I'm so pleased for you. :D
afternoon everyone, just a quick note to share my frst weigh in..... am so happy 7 pounds off. now i need to figure out how too change my tracker.

Good luck to everyone else,

Catch you later


Well done on sorting your tracker, was it easy ?
wasnt too difficult to change tracker i mustnt be a technophobe after all:)

still carrying on - i did have a meal yesterday, but and its a big but - it was a concious(SP) decision that i made - it was dh's birthday and we went to the trafford centre, i had always planned on having a meal for his birthday but we were going to cook something at home, but there is a la tosca? - a tapas bar in the trafford centre and i have never had tapas before and dh wanted some lunch so i thought why not! I dont feel guilty, tbh i really enjoyed it although I ate less than i would normally (felt fuller quicker:) ).

Back now to SSing (picking up the lingo already:cool: )and scales havent shown any differences at all yet..... dont know about ketosis, was definately in it last week cos i was freezing, not cold now but not that hungry either!

I hope everyone else is doing well - i feel a bit akward about posting replies to people at the mo - i feel like i'm butting in on a conversation!! but i am lurking and reading peoples diary's, you are all such an inspiration - might start one of my own but i lead such a boring life it would put you to sleep:sigh:
catch you later

cath x
If you feel you want to reply to something or just to say hello they dont mind they will make you welcome.....I go all over the place not just this forum.
I could talk for England though it keeps me out the kitchen
Keep up the good work Cath and feel free to post on any threads... i do....hahaha

hi son

yep still here just plodding along, good news about the hip bones:D , I measured myself today and have gone down a bra size already!! how cool is that! just a quik question about water i have drunk 2 bottles with 750 mls today am i right in thinking that 500 mls is just over a pint so that is only 3 pints:( but i have had 2 cups of black coffee does that help?:confused:

see you later

500 mls is just under a pint.... so ideally you want to try to drink more. The tea and coffee dont count in your intake...hee hee sorry !

I struggled to drink the water at first but I increased it gradually as the days went on.

You can start your own thread if you like in the lipotrim forum.....or if you want to keep using this one I can change the title anytime. As I started it I can change it......let me know.
more water blimey i will try:sigh:

mmmmmmmmm a change of title!!!! now then what can we come up with that makes me sound like i havea fab and interesting life so people will wanna read about me;)

I'll have to think about that one.

Had a bit of a cr***y day today, so maybe i'llthink about it tomorrow.

anyway how are you - i've been reading your diary so i feel like i know you already - i hope things get better for you soon, you sound (and seem) like such a caring, good person that i'm sure life is gonna go the way you want it to & soon - youdeserve it
Hey Im great .....the boys seem much better today though Im sure they will have their ups and downs.....!

You can start your own thread if you like.....!
Come into the lipotrim forum and click on new thread and your away.

Think Im off to bed shortly .....feeling tired now.....been busy cleaning up and getting some of ex`s stuff together.....he has so much rubbish its unbelievable
men and there stuff!:rolleyes:

night night catch you later
Hi Son

yep I'm doing ok - 4lbs off at weigh in today!!!:)

I'm just gonna put kiddiwinkles to bed then i'll be back to read all about everybody else and maybe start my own diary!!:eek:

hope you and your boys are doing well,

be back in half an hour
