hi all
Well hi sonkie cos shes the only one that writes back (i think you are riht about lipotrimmers being kidnapped am getting worried about you son just read your thread and you've not been on for 5 hours!!! hope you are ok and just taking it easy in the garden!! let us know)
anyway 3rd weigh in today - 2lbs off im not too impressed but i have sort have picked a little over the week and i messed up timings usually go before lunch and try not to drink too much water before i go but got delayed today (didnt even have time to go for a wee first! sorry- tmi, lol)
anyway feeling a bit better today cold s all but gone face is still sore but nothing like before (just irritated now rather than really painful) so no picking for me this week my mind is more focussed on ssing rather than being miserable and wanting food to cheer me up!!
I am so full of admiration for the people (on whichever diet) that stick to it 100%, or even 90% for any length of time, i found this week so tough.
good luck & take care
ps how do i get a signature thingy that sparkles?