Catharsis for Wardrobe & Soul

Those little extras.3rd

I've decided to keep a list of all those little nice bonus moments when you realise that life is on the up.Some are anticipated others not.
So far I've clocked up:

1.Fitting easily into my 20 jeans
2.sitting in my rocking chair (oh Yes) my thighs didn't squidge through the side bars uncomfortably (except when I sat foreward)
3.Wearing my thick mens knee-length gardening socks I could actually
pull them all the way up & they were comfy.Normally they sit at my ankles (maybe one day they'll fall down)
4. I'm going to wear my new S20 needle cords to work today.
5.Wore my S18 olive cords to work (v large S18)
6.Think my ankles have changed shape
7.there's the start of a difference between my calf & thigh (though still a large & unattractive lump of fat hanging from the inner side of my knee)
8.A friend who has never known me un-fat,said I have an amazing jaw line.Never found out exactly what she meant as we were invaded by noisy kids as she said it.Either way it must be a good thing. Personally I think I've got 'early cheek bones'
9. Found 3 nice S20 M&S polo shirts in the wardrobe.They fit well & are really comfy.Also a bit less scruffy the ordinary T-shirts.
Hadnt seen this thread before Jane, Love it!! Those bonus moments add up dont they. good on ya! x
The stupid thing is ,Happe ,that although I knew logically that these things would happen, I'd completely overlooked the emotional effect.
It was so startling that I felt driven to put them down here.
what a silly pudding!
And how pathetic to be brought over all gooey because your rocking chair is comfortable gain.
Week 12

Weigh today 190lb=-2lb =2pts.( Carried over)

I'm not executing anyone today.H is taking a few days off & I haven't had time .Infact have just returned from taking No3 to new ninja-turtle movie.Complete rubbish but the 2 boys enjoyed it.
So carrying points over to next week when I hope to unleash a weapon of mass destruction.

Another 2lbs off - thats brilliant :)

Heres to another great week
week 13

Weigh today 187lb= -3lb=3pts + 2pts from last week= 5 pts total.

Today I'm taking a leaf out of Tecos book & having a BOGOF.
Well a sort of reverse one-throw one out,throw another one free.
Also I've decided to play a different game with my pants.They wil be worn until they either fall off or fall apart.Seeing the state of some of them it'll be a close call which way hey go.Bras I'm working through. As they come to the top of the pile they are tested & if they slide up they're binned.
So everything is 1/2 points today.

Today at the abbatoir we have.
1.My Posh Vyella Blazer.Wanted to try it on but found to be full of moth holes:cry: .Destination = compost heap.Pts= 0
2.Horrid yellow maternity shirt.Bought 1993.Keeping it won't bring Jenny back(first daughter died age 2).Destination= compost heap.Pts=1/2

Proof pics below

( continued in next post)


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week 13 contd

3. Blue fat-girl's trousers.Elastic Waist gone.Destination Bin.Pts=1
4. Black fatties trousers.Hole in crutch.Destination Bin.Pts=1
5.Painty pink tshirt.Destination compost heapPts=1/2
6.Last pair of cut down trousers.Destination bin.Pts=1/2



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week 13 contd.

7. Summer dress.worn it for year.most of the buttons have fallen off & there's a rip at the bottom.destinatin bin.Pt's=1
8.Silly light weight clowns trouers with faded crotch.Despite looking cotton they aren't so destination bin.Pts=1/2

So the total is 5 pts.:D
no bin pic today-I trust myself now.
Just bye bye nasty clothes:wavey: :D


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Oh Jane your cupboards must have so much more room in them now. You are doing so blooming well. Want to send you some (((hugs))).
Thankyou Happe, you are kind, there are some gaps now,but plenty more faded,torn & worn fat stuff to go over the next few months.gonna need to lose more weight to get rid of them.
Those little extras.4th

I've decided to keep a list of all those little nice bonus moments when you realise that life is on the up.Some are anticipated others not.
So far I've clocked up:

1.Fitting easily into my 20 jeans (now held up with a belt)
2.sitting in my rocking chair (oh Yes) my thighs didn't squidge through the side bars uncomfortably (except when I sat foreward)
3.Wearing my thick mens knee-length gardening socks I could actually pull them all the way up & they were comfy.Normally they sit at my ankles (maybe one day they'll fall down)
4. my new S20 needle cords are free to a good home-too big round the waist
5.Wore my S18 olive cords to work (v large S18)
6.Think my ankles have changed shape
7.there's the start of a difference between my calf & thigh (though still a large & unattractive lump of fat hanging from the inner side of my knee)
8.A friend who has never known me un-fat,said I have an amazing jaw line.Never found out exactly what she meant as we were invaded by noisy kids as she said it.Either way it must be a good thing. Personally I think I've got 'early cheek bones'
9. Found 3 nice S20 M&S polo shirts in the wardrobe.They fit well & are really comfy.Also a bit less scruffy than ordinary T-shirts.
10.I feel like I'm walking taller (also probably faster)
11.My red & navy striped night-shirt touches the ground.(presumably I'm not shorter-see previous item)so it must have become longer by taking a more direct route to the floor.AH-dressing gwon longer too!
12.Energy,lots of energy.
13.I love throwing out clothes.(used to hate it)
End week 14.

Weight today=182lb. loss -5lbs=5points.

Last week I ran a BOGOF.
well I've had a good root into the wardrobe & decided that the proportion on my stuff that I want ot of my life is much higher than just the faded,painted,repaired & torn.
I want to say good bye to fat-girls tent dresses, skirts bought just because they did-up, loads of old work clothes that are sreiously dated & never really liked much anyway even 20 yrs ago when I bought them.

I mean who in their right mind would even consider wearing a 20 yr old dress? And I'm talking M&S at best-not a jeager classic or italian hand-made shoes.

As a result I am holding a stock clearance sale.
Nearly everything must go.
All items = 1 Point (for now.Further reductions may be available later in the season depending on how supplies go)

for disposal today I have.
1.The Vilest fleece jacket in fluorescent colours(my cleaning gave it to me,having got it from someone who'd got it at a carboot sale or something like that.Realizing it's vastness she offered it to me.Being vast,desperate for warm vlothes that met at the front & having no pride I accepted with thanks.

the new Jane doesn't wear things like this & it goes to oxfam before cleaner comes again & ShhhMum's the word!
Oh & trust me the true colours are far far worse than the photo,esp the orange.
2. A red sheep body warmer.the smaller brother of the blue one I thew out recently.It flaps around my waist & has holes up the front.(courtesy of fair wear & tear & my dog)
3. A blue & white maternity jumper that goes to my knees now & has large holes up the sleeves.. also c/o dog.
4. A nice floaty indian skirt that I bought years ago at a charity shop.It has to be held up by a narrow cord,never stays put & was too long & too wide round the waist,even when I was fat .
5. A ginger fishermans knit maternity jumper from 1993.I like it it's given good service but it's far too big,badly repaired at the front & got to go!


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End week 14 contd

the other disasters:

what an dreadful collection of stuff.
al gone.for ever.:wave_cry: Ha Ha not really:clap: :giggle: :wavey: more like.


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lololololol I've not seen this in ages (sorry)... I just bagged all my old gear up... should have given it a bit of fame before it left I s'pose.. lol well, at least you have lots of colour in your clothes!! :D (I love colourful clothes!) You're doing so well, looking forward to seeing what goes next!
End Week 15

Weight today 179lb =3lb loss =3pts.

Realised lasr week that i've seriously over vlued my currency.
Following the success (head enjoyed it & wanted more) of the BOGOF & decided to run a Mid-season stock clearance.All items 1pt.Forgot to add T-shirts 2 for 1lb!

Underwear update:
Bras-still managing to find/adapt existing ones.Don't really want to spend large sums on really good bra that'll be toobig in a few months.(this from a woman who only recently gave up wearing her maternity bras but haven't breastfed for 5 yrs.:confused: )

Knickers_ decided towait til they fell off or fell apart.Bit disappointed here.Have weeded out a couple of pairs whose elastic was detaching itself but because of my persistant pearshape-ness thay are managing to defy gravity still.
This situation can't contiue indefinately so patience ,dear girl, patience.One day it'll happen.

Right off to today's clearance.
1 & 2 .Foundwhat I believe to be the last cut down to the compost heap. = 1pt
3.My last horrid fat-girls jumper.Found in charity shop years ago,happy cos it went round(sortof) & under£5. Now know why it was was so badly made the seems kept unravelling & I spent too much time trying to keep them ravelled.Hate it.Bin.No-one else will be tricked into buying it.
4. Last summers cropped-trousers s22/24.( Am now in the s18/20 identical ones,but have had to take the waist in to stop them sinking to my knees.:p )Spent most of my life(til obesity struck) taking skirts& trousers in atthe waist so I supose this is a sign of return to normality.
:wavey: :wavey: :wavey: bye bye loathsome clothes:D


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Last Post

Right I've made a decision.

1. Life doesn't have enough hours for all i want to put in.
2. This thread has served it's purpose.
Therefore I'm going to put it to bed.:nightf:

I started it because I needed a series of rewards for meeting mini-targets,plus I have/had a pathological tendancy to hold on to clothes regardless of their looks or state of repair.This was all part of my hiding behaviour related to my weight problem.

I has succeeded on both counts & I now feel able to select & cull clothes as & when they require it.Infact I find myself debating 'shall I ditch this today or give it a belt & another week or & chuck it then?'
Also I'm now well into new ground weightwise, am just over 1/2 way to goal & any numer of mini targets present themselves.

Photographing & denouncing ghastly clothes was a great game,but essentially silly & rather time consuming.
I've grown up now & will ly solo for the rest of the diet.

3 cheers for CDss
Hip hip
Hip Hip
Hip Hip

I just found this thread this minute and I thought it was fabulous and a very positive way go moving forward into your new life.

I found the first big clear out I did myself was very emotional as I looked at my life laid out in clothes that I particularly did not like but being so fat was the only things I could buy and some of them were "that might fit later" that ended up never worn.

Clothes that I had kept from when I was slim that were so out of date it hurt:cry:

Clothes that were comfy old friends that had stretched to breaking point with me as needed:eek:

It does take great courage to let go and move on...

Love Mini xxx
mini you've absolutely got on.
all those types of clothes.Especially the ones that grew with me.if you don't have to buy more you can prolong the denial that you've grown.

Anyway, thanks to the lucky day I read about CD,The phone call to my lovely CDC, being referred to this,your WONDERFUL web site, & I spose a bit of work from me,I'm now well on the road to the starting gates.

for me the starting gates are when I reach Goal.
This is one journey I'm not going to re-trace.I'm too old to get fat again. Too tired & too determined.
I want to be able to use my middle age & beyond as an active participant in life.not the one who holds all the coats while the rest go & play.

So there.
Hi Jane,

Life does fly past so fast...:character00255:

It is time to :party0023: and dance :party0048:

and make the most of what we have:character00182: for we are the only one in the driving seat:D

Love Mini xxx
Well jane I took the first step today to emptying my wardrobe. Ive filled an entire bin bag full of things - some are things that I swear if I wore Id have the fashion police after me ;) but the biggest achievement was Ive dumped some of my clothes which theres nothing wrong with except - theyre too big :bliss: Im keeping one as a reminder and the rest are going over the next couple of weeks. I dont even plan to be able to wear them again.

The first have gone... heres to the rest :)