cathy's starting to TRY maintain...oh crap lol

Good luck on LL.
Good luck on LL.

thank u xx really excited even though my fellas not impressed with the price...its 95 a week and have to get a bus so will cost 110 every week :( so if i manage to do the 14 weeks sole source its over 1400 euro...but who can put a price on thinness hahah:D
Blimey! Well, I s'pose the price alone will help you stick to it!

Good luck - I'd be interested to hear what sort of stuff they do in the weekly sessions x
im doing grand thanks sara and gemma!!
onto day 3 of ll today and love it!! feel so energised ha
Ooo might try it Catz hun! Am so tempted to shed pounds before my birthday in three weeks!!! I wonder how much I could lose before then?! Hmmm....96 a week would be TOTALLY worth it! I spend that on my weekly shop anyhooz :) Hope the wee one is okay?x
Ooo might try it Catz hun! Am so tempted to shed pounds before my birthday in three weeks!!! I wonder how much I could lose before then?! Hmmm....96 a week would be TOTALLY worth it! I spend that on my weekly shop anyhooz :) Hope the wee one is okay?x

heya hunni welcome back :D
u have to be 3 stone overweight with a bmi of 30 to join so if looked right ur waaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy to small haha bet ya will get another couple of lbs off though!!
ye im the same with the weekly shop so thought feck it!
im on day 4 now and have to say i sailed into ketosis soooooooo easy!! even though when i woke yes it was on the darkest one but by time i went to the loo again it was all normal!!
cant complain about it once only that i seem to be forgetting stuff haha like the day and where i left my water bottle!! :D
fella just keeps laughing at me spec when i have to ask him what shakes ive had so far! ops ha!!
little lad was up during the night so gonna chill for the day read and sleep!! woohoo!!
hope everyone has a good day xxx
i got the ketostix outtas the chemist!! was fab cause after my first shake i did it and had traces and then on day to i was fully in it!!
had only one shaky moment today, where a slice of ham was calling my name but had my shake with coffee and was grand!!
couple of times i keep thinking oh my god i still have at least another 96 days of this but trying to stop thinking in terms of this and know if i NEED to stop ill do refeed early!!
hope everyone else is doing ok!!
thanks for that hunni, have to say reading all that helped me!! in a crappy mood all day and fiting again with oh!! just cant wait till the morning, and hope its gonna be better than today!! xxx
thanks for that hunni, have to say reading all that helped me!! in a crappy mood all day and fiting again with oh!! just cant wait till the morning, and hope its gonna be better than today!! xxx

Oh hun, sorry you weren't having a good day! Hope today is better for you x
thanks emma :) it is!! bf came home from work at 8 this morning, and still kinda loada tension, so i said my piece, cause hell listen prop when hes calmed, and i no he understands where im coming from!! so he went sleep and hen bab went off with his nanny, i went up and asked for hug, so were all happy now and not fiting anymore!! woohoo haha
even though he keeps blaming my "bloody diet" as he keeps saying, when in actual fact its cause hes tired that were fighting, but keeping chilled when he says that and pointing out the actual reason!!

ah well be grand nothing new for us, were both stubborn out haha

ok onto day 6 now today!! and after yes struggly bits feel lovely today!! got a decent enough sleep last nite and have had a couple of hours to my self cause bf gone to work and babs gone for a picnic with my mam!! nothing special planned for today except bring bab out on his bike for walk and shop!! hes back in playschool tomorro so wanna make sure he has a nice day and no upset mammy :)

hope everyones been good!!
oh delighted!! lost 8.6lbs today and that was with totm too!! was in my element!! have no plans on giving this up!!! :)
well done huni,thats amazing,you have done so well xx

awh thanks hun i was so delighted!! and my wiifit is accurate which is nice to know haha
thanks kdma xx
oh i bet ul have a fab loss to hunni! i was sooo delighted, and my trousers are soooo lose today :)