woooooooooohoooooooooooo i resisted temptation!!
the babs off all day from creche hes puking and that so come half six i had a headache and was wrecked!! decided to put on two pizzas (each 8 points) and have them slowly cooking untill i put him to bed and that.
so im up reading him his stories and thought "are u stupid" (ha) so after he fell sleep i went down opened my ww diary i write and look at my weight and measurements and think thats 16points ill have to work off ALL week!!
i went in turned them off, chucked them out to the dog, and went to bed for an hour!!! up now to run my fella a bath for when hes in from work, and gonna get back into bed and read and hopefully have a very early night!!!
i think im finally learning that food makes me feel rotten instead of nice!!
i stuck to maries challenge all day (stuck to my points)
did my 300 situps but didnt do my boxing but thats ok i dont mind that....
day 2 here i come