Cathys Dukan diary

Nah not hormonal, just the way I am. I was a cave woman in a previous life and my body still thinks it needs to hang on to the fat cells lol.

I tried to upload photos but it says a security token is missing whatever that is, so have contacted whatever it told me to and hope I can get it sorted
aww Cathy fingers xx the little un is ok
The weight must be so annoying and the amount of exercise you do , at least you must be fit !!!!
Im so glad you have the snow not us xxxx
I am so sorry about poor Beth - again - it must be such a worry for all concerned.

We have no snow here - we don't ever get much.
Thanks all, Beth was home that evening and will be having more tests soon. My brother has tonsilitis and his kids were all throwing up the last couple days so dont think hes had the best weekend ever.

Ours was fine though, very cold. It was -10 this morning bbbrrr. hope the winkle man will come today if the roads let him. I only have half a bag but its better than nothing.
Kids are off school today, the main road is ok I think but the snow plough went down our road this morning and basically just compacted it, they put a sprinkle of grit on it, so its a bit slushy in places. The bus driver came along but turned at the end of the road and decided against taking the kids in, which to be honest was a relief. The trouble is its a single track windy(how do you spell that? I mean twisty)road, and the barriers are broken and they havent fixed them, its dangerous especially in this weather.
Hopefully here are some pics
DSCF3420.jpg picture by littlemma - Photobucket DSCF3407.jpg picture by littlemma - Photobucket DSCF3410.jpg picture by littlemma - Photobucket DSCF3413.jpg picture by littlemma - Photobucket DSCF3414.jpg picture by littlemma - Photobucket


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I can see the pictures in your post, but when I click on them cannot "open" them... Did you paste the right link into your message? (One says "paste this code into your message" and the other one says something else... I pasted the first code in mine.)
What site did you link yours from Jo, I used photobucket, theyve up graded it since I used it last and now they give lots of options, Ive tried 4 of them and got fed up. SO now you will just have to click on the link lol
I didn't use a site. Simply plopped them on my c drive and went to "Go Advanced" below here, and then "management attachment", then "browse" (to find the photo on my c drive), then upload.

Yours loook lovely!!
Wow Cathy your pics are fab, do you live on a farm,it looks so beautiful!!
Glad I don't have that snow here, Cathy. Looks lovely but ...

(and I can post photos now, thanks Jo. You may all regret that fact...)
I think it's great that we can post photos and "share" a little of our lives (without putting our security at risk by being too specific perhaps)...
Ok lets see if this has worked lol, that wasnt so hard to do.


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oooh a little Christmas cake? (My way of putting photos on is easier that going through another site, isn't it?!)
Whoohoo it did work thank you Jo, there will be no stopping us now, yikes.

I have steak and salmon out for lunch & dinner today, Dukan porridge for breakfast.
Its chilly again and though it hasnt snowed more its not really showing signs of defrosting either, I am sitting here eating breakfast willing the icicles on the drain pipes at the roof to start dripping. Funny enough though the snow is still lovely & soft as if its made of something other than water and it hasnt frozen, very strange.
oooh a little Christmas cake? (My way of putting photos on is easier that going through another site, isn't it?!)
it is much easier lol.
No not a Christmas cake, its Emmas birthday cake she had this year, and one of her self obviously, they were just the first 2 pics that came up on the folder for a tester.
nice cake ....Rylee is having a shop bought tiny one for tomorrow enough for the 4 of them ...she also wants cheesy chips at the pub I will be eating before we go out
Just popping on before I go to bed.Had a really good day today, very busy though, hardly stopped. Just back from having a wee dram with my friend after our craft fair. I did well she not so well but my stuff is cheaper, easier to send, every one uses it(nearly) hers is pottery and not to everyones taste, rustic and gorgeous but not just joe bloggs can afford it sort of thing. But it was a lovely night. 2 more to go then I can relax phew
Well done, Cathy! Hoping for great sales at the other two, then you can take Christmas off!

Her pottery sounds nice too; I love rustic (shame it's pricey and it would get broken here by our resident Mr Clumsy, so just as well it's too far for me).
HAd a fantastic Christmas market on Saturday, so very pleased about it, tyhe diet is off the rails, but just as in grabbing what I can most of the time it is healthy though so still watching what I eat.

Bad news again I cant believe this. My SIL Sasha, (whos little girl has just been diagnosed with epilepsy). Her mum has just died,yesterday morning, I am in shock, she was fit and Active, strict vegetarian, walked everywhere, wasnt over weight, didnt smoke or drink and hadnt been unwell. ts an awful shock, Poor Sasha, she lives in Devon and her mum lives here in the village. SO just going into the village for a card. I dont know what she will do , they were meant to be coming for Christmas anyway. I just feel so sad that she didnt have time to say goodbye or anything as shes wasnt ill just a complete shock.

Weather is doing my flaming head in, I am full of a cold, its still snowy, fell on my arse this morning, gave the kids a laugh( I laughed first though) thank goodness I wasnt thinner or it might have hurt lol ;)

Hope everyone had a good weekend