Another 1lb down, doesn't feel like it though and I'm not really a size 14 - just very generous trousers (although it's my tummy that is big as I'm round and my thighs and legs aren't too bad)
Anyway I'm off for 3 days now - had a few 'words' with one of the CSW's Wednesday who was very rude and when I went in today she's told people that I refused to do something and shrugged my shoulders because I didn't care !!!! That wasn't my version of events, obviously but aggravation I could do without (I'm sure she only had a go at me because I'm the newbie, biatch !!).
MF I work in a hospital on a stroke ward (although we get medical patients aswell due to beds being closed and other wards short of beds), we then have to have a massive bed move when stroke patients come in (like yesterday there were 6 so all the medical patients had to be moved out).
A shortened version of my day would be handover of whole ward, be allocated patients (atm between 6-9 but will be 12 or 13), go and see said patients, see if any need feeding by trained staff, give out morning medication, check observation charts, check cathetars are draining and cannula sites are ok, fill in documentation and care plans, speak to doctors if necessary, speak to pharmacist if necessary, make phone calls, do referrals for physio/OT/whoever, depending on the time and how the CSW's have got on doing washes and personal care I'll help them out. Have a break !! That usually takes up the morning so then it's give out lunches and help with feeds, then do lunch time medication, fill in care plans/paperwork and do any wound dressings. You usually have people going for different types of scans and sometimes they have to have trained staff go with them, if you've got someone who's poorly their observations may have to be repeated every half hour or hour so you have to keep and eye on what's happening. The afternoon follows the same pattern really - feeds, turns/repositioning, meds, doctors, phonecalls, paperwork and obviously I'd see or speak to relatives that want info whenever. That, off the top of my head, is a basic shift