Thought I'd do a quick update
Just poodling along really, work's going well, passed my probation and finished my preceptorship, still have mad days but at least I feel more in control now !! There have been a couple of community jobs advertised and I'm torn about applying. I think really I want to stay on my ward, for say another year or so, so probably won't.
Food wise I'm starting another heathy eating phase. I don't think I can do the vlcd but I do like using the shakes as meal replacements when it suits me, usually for breakfast so I'm going to use some of the exante shakes that I've got. I had to throw some out as the use by date was last month but the ones I kept have only got a week or so left on them (I wonder if they last a little longer than the use by date ??)
I think I'll get a tub of the whey protein or maybe look at the slim and save website that people seem to like and the meals that I have will be sensible ones, probably go low carb but won't cut them out altogether, and just have salads, vegs, chicken, ham, tuna, cheese and stuff like that. The main thing is to cut out the crap (again !!) so no sweets, biscuits, cakes or crisps !!
Oh and I'm going to try and drink more water (2l if I can manage it) and cut out fizzy pop. See how that goes !