sorry girls - I'm not going to be posting much over the next while... so much going on. I'll still be updating my weigh-in and staying with LT for a while. That's not changing - but we're just starting building our house and i'm up to tonsils in work, so really won't get on that often.
Update on LT - I weighed in on Tues and only lost 4lbs this time.. Was a bit annoyed, cos it seems to be going very slowly for me. Although, I did recalculate my height and I underestimated my height by an inch, so that did affect my target. And maybe being not so far way from it is causing this loss to be slow.
I was bold then... in my frustration that afternoon, i had a sausage... so bold, and was annoyed with myself afterwards. But I've made a determined effort to go straight back on it and keep it going for at least another 2 weeks anyway. I want to do a refeed the week before the wedding I'm going to (12Sep), so I don't do too much damage at the wedding. And then will go straight back on for another month or 2. Won't tell the chemist though, cos they won't let me back if they know I did a refeed.
I think that sausage may have kicked me out of ketosis though (i know it's mostly protein, but god knows what they add to them!).. cos I've been feeling very hungry again the last 2 days. Anyway, I'm back after the slip, and this week I started back into hockey training, so hopefully that'll help reach target a bit quicker than if I wasn't doing anything...
thanks for all the support girls. Like I said, i'll prob be a rare visitor to the site, but want to keep updating, just to keep track myself too...
keep up the good work girls... ur all doing fantastically well!!