CC NSV - Non-Scale Victories!

I resisted chocolate chip cookies and blueberry muffins at work today, and they were on my desk all day within arms reach!! (I did sniff them afew times though!) :)

Other people's food is the worsttt! When I'm making cookies for other peoples birthday I always seem to end up giving one less cookie in the batch than I made :D but oh well, as long as it's only 1 I'm stealing and not the whole lot!
I met my new boyfriend's best friends a few weeks ago for the first time and once we'd been introduced, his two friends stood up and went to the bar to get the drinks in. I followed after them so that I could offer to pay for the first round, only for me to get to the bar and overhear one of his friends saying to the other "Oh god proud of our dude, she's a f*****g stunner!"

I don't think I'm anywhere near a stunner, but it's nice to think that my bf has gained a few 'dude points' because of me :D

Made my week :D :D

That's so nice, I'll always remember my ex's friends being really complimentary about my looks to him and it making me so happy :)
That's so nice, I'll always remember my ex's friends being really complimentary about my looks to him and it making me so happy :)

Yeah, I know! You do look very pretty so no wonder so if I were your ex's friends I'd be congratulating him too! It's because you would think his friends would be truthful, such as if you weren't too good looking they'd be straight up and tell your bf. So when they say nice things, it makes you feel nice because you know that they really believe it (even if you don't think so yourself!)
Well done Morrigan! I'm wearing size 12 trousers AND a size 12 coat today - I don't think I've worn that coat for about 10 years!

Thank you!! Well done you for getting into both size 12 trousers and coat. :)

I would LOVE to get into a size 12 coat. I'm still a bit too top heavy for that at the moment but maybe some day! Maybe I'll update here if I do!

Well done everyone - I love reading this thread. It's the little things that keep you motivated I think!
I've reduced my walk from office to court from 30 mins to 25 mins... maybe next week I can make it 20 mins... watch this space!!!
Tried dresses on in Debenhams today, most were a size 16, wahoo!!!

Wasn't brace enough to try a 16 in Coast though... bet they are the proper size 16's not the "fat" kind, lol!!! Shame because I love those dresses! x
Well done I got into new look size 14 skinny jeans over the moon I also fit into jeans size 14 that haven't worn since uni?!!! This Is a brilliant thread as I was over focusing on scales x
I just tried on the dress I bought for the 1st wedding in 3 weeks time and YES I can do the zip up, Still a little snug so will be just perfect in a couple of weeks:D:D:D
I bought a pair of jeans for my hen night 6 years ago and they have never fitted me. At the time I just needed to lose a couple of lbs, but it never happened and they have been in my wardrobe ever since. The lbs then changed to 2 stone, then I got pregnant and put on 3st. So it was mission impossible to get into them.
Today is the day the miracle finally happened, my jeans fit me!!!!!!
Shazzabir said:
I bought a pair of jeans for my hen night 6 years ago and they have never fitted me. At the time I just needed to lose a couple of lbs, but it never happened and they have been in my wardrobe ever since. The lbs then changed to 2 stone, then I got pregnant and put on 3st. So it was mission impossible to get into them.
Today is the day the miracle finally happened, my jeans fit me!!!!!!

That's great news, well done you.
Some sizes are bit strange. My friend at work is in 12 jeans and mine are 14 but we about same size. You're doing great 3st loss that's amazing x
Had a work colleague being a complete arse today, waving chocolate and full fat coke in my face... another lovely colleague witnessed this and said to bald and insensative colleague "you're getting a bit porky, you want to take a leaf out of Lindsey's book, she is looking amazing"... So nice to have some good support! x
God some people are horrid aren't they? It's lovely to hear that though isn't it? Well done. Someone said to me today that I was looking good x
Threw a pair of size 18 jeans in the bin today because they are rediculously clown like... although I have probably stretched them beyond a size 18, but it felt good to bin them!!! x