I've got a couple today.
Firstly, I bought a new top yesterday. I bought one exactly the same but a different pattern in an 18 expecting to have to shrink into it a little but it fit, was almost a little too big. So when I bought the new one yesterday I bought it in a 16, again expecting to need to shrink into it and guess what... it fits!! It's not a completely real NSV, I'm not a size 16 at all, it's the style and stuff but still. 2 months ago I'd have needed a 20 in it probably, so I'm happy! Also, on the plus side, I very much like how my boobs look in it haha
The second thing is a real NSV and for me, it's pretty major to be honest. I went to the toilet today, no that's not my NSV! Anyway, I went to the toilet and there's huge mirrors in there, I generally avoid looking in mirrors at all cost but caught a glance of my reflection and for the first time ever, kind of liked what I saw. Yes I've got a huge amount of weight still to go, but I'm on the way there. For the first time I thought actually, I am a little bit pretty rather than ugh fat, ugly, don't look! I'm by no means happy with myself just yet, but I'm certainly on the way there!