CD Returner Returning Diary

Hi Jackie

I keep forgetting that we are only going for 9 nights, but that is 2 weeks of eating because i will have done my 100 days then and will do the chicken and fish thing before i go. I need to get straight back on CD and prob do for 2 / 3 weeks i shouldn't be far off my goal then (think i might change it from 10 to 9 1/2 will see how i feel), then its moving up the plans time. I have NEVER done anything other than 100% SS so i probably going to find that a bit strange. I am determind that is what i want to do, but another thing to look forward to is my birthday on 15th November, so that is just less than a month after we come back so can use that as my focus. Then i am hoping coming up to Xmas i should more or less be there.

OH has given up on dieting, we have a friend staying so he gave up. I was really annoyed because i found it alot of effort cooking SW meals and planning his meals etc, it took more effort to keep him on track with SW than i found it to stay on track with CD myself. Anyway i got over it now but i was really mad when he said he was sick of being on a diet, the 2nd time he went on it there was not 1 week he stuck to it???? So how does that work? I did feel that anything he lost was a result of my efforts and not his.

Its just me and OH going to Portugal. Its our first holiday together, we only been together 2 years, so i am really looking forward to us chilling out (oh yes and the golf).

When you going to go get your hol stuff?
Isnt it strange how the way you feel about yourself changes from day to day? Just like the miserable weather!
Well last night i cleaned out my wardrobe entirely, shoes make up everything.

I now have nothing in my wardrobe above a 14 (even though some of them don't quite fit me yet and some fit me great, a 14 should be a 14 what ever it is and where ever you buy it from, is there a campaign that can be started or is in progress). So everything else has either been thrown away (battered shoes and old makeup) or gone to the charity shop.

So, that should make me feel better shouldn't it? So why doesn't it?
Morning Karen
when people go on these diets it can make you feel low , maybe its the diet ...?
You was saying about a campaign , do you mean about sizes , there was a thread ages and ages ago about different sizes , it was saying M&S are bigger and it went on .
so your starting a new you
Are you booked in for a make over ?
So OH has given up , well alot of men are like that , it means they are happy to stay that way , there life is content .
With you helping him ... if you think about that , that maybe gave you something to do while on the diet keeping him on track you was not thinking of being on a diet because you was watching his diet and planning , really keeping busy .
9 nights just the two of you , should be great .
I will dye my hair shortly then get my hairdresser to do foils for me , highlights .
For my holiday clothes that will come maybe 10 days before I go , tried few tops on size 14 fitted ok , but could do with losing more .
I walked last night , for 1 and half hours , which I have been talking and reading up on walking , that it really is the key to losing weight , most people up the school have lost weight I asked them what they did ... they said walking everyday for 1 hour and more the other said she lost 5 and half stone on SW .
I will walk again tonight . My knee was hurting a bit but theres a problem starting in the left knee but it will help by losing weight .
do you do much walking Karen ?
Hi Jackie

I have found CD quite tough this week, and i know its that chatterbox saying to me go on, you done really well you can eat something it wont hurt. I have resisted i need to resist i need to keep going but i have thought about food alot today x
Hi Karen
Huh and its 4 weeks till hol , so think of it in 3 weeks you will move up as you need to come out of K , cos you drink and you will be ill and your tummy will have cramps with a sudden food burst , someone told me that she did just that and ened up in hospital after doing CD then eat , so I would start maybe in 2 weeks to work up . Have a word with KD she is the best person to ask , say you are going to eat and drink on this hol and how long you have done straight SS for whats her advice to you . Cos we don't want you in bed for the holiday do we
Karen move up the plans asap now for your hols honestly.
Get your body and head ready for the food intake from now, you don't want to be on holiday and worried about eating do u ??

Ss will be here when u return chick . X
Hi Ya'll found CD quite tough this weekend and have really wanted to eat (don't know how but i haven't) i wasn't hungry and i knew that i just wanted to eat.

And now me and OH have had a fall out (quite a large one in the scheme of things) and i just feel lost.
Karen , you and me both , fall out with OH bad one

Hi Ya'll found CD quite tough this weekend and have really wanted to eat (don't know how but i haven't) i wasn't hungry and i knew that i just wanted to eat.

And now me and OH have had a fall out (quite a large one in the scheme of things) and i just feel lost.
How are you ?
Yeah i ok we talked and i think we be ok.

Its a bad time of the month for me as its the anniversary of my sons death its 20 yrs ago tomorrow, he was 3 when he died, and when it comes round to anniversaries i start reliving those times.

Think thats why i found CD hard this weekend i trying really hard to occupy my mind because sometimes if you let yourself feel the hurt it just takes you right back. But in honesty there isn't really anything that can occupy your mind.

Feel shallow saying its also WI tomorrow, i know i will feel better when i get through this next week or so because its the same every year around this time. I very emotional at the moment, and i know that even if i wasn't on CD stuffing my face would not make me feel any better right now.

Sorry to be down, its the way i am feeling.
3lb off and today is a pajama day!
Hello Karen
I just read your post and speechless really , I just know its every mothers worst nightmare .
Yes when thinking to much hurts and when you block it out does not help .
20 years is a long time .... Hugs
On a upbeat note ... 3 pounds off , its melting away nicely .
I saw my friend today she noticed my loss , but I can't see it myself but my trousers tell me so
Hi Jackie when your next WI

I feel quite unwell today I have tempreture and am sick my ears hurt think need to go docs
Yes theres alot of that about , I want that before my holiday or not at all .
My weigh in day was Sunday and was not good , so I left it blank ,
I am up 2lb which is not good ... I am back to being good and see what happenens Sunday . A wasted week for me really .
Yes think you should as its only 3 weeks till you go away come the weekend tell them you want Antibiotic , as you don't want to go aaway and spend time in bed ...
How are you ?
Hi Jackie

Got some antib's and coming out other side a bit. One thing for sure i haven't even thought about flipping food, even had to force my cd down. Just wish my headache would go, and feel quite run down really.

Even tried to try some clothes on yesterday to try to perk me up a bit and got a dress on today that i haven't worn for 6 years or so (and even then i only stayed the size i was long enough to wear it once) and that should make me feel on top of the world.

How you doing today?

I am still on count down and have 20 days to go now. I can do this.
you will be feeling like this Karen , its because whats happened in you past thats coming up now , and really is always with you but more so now, this month .
The headache is stress ... they never seem to go until things carm down , which I hope is soon !
Glad the doctor sorted you out ...unsure about being in K and taking them , did you ask ?
Its raining here just started .
My god 20 days Karen , thats scarey .
On Track and done sao much walking , I know I have not made anywhere near where I would of liked to be ... But its all how strong you are .
But I want one more stone off if I can by oct 17 , so really a month today .
I know they say it can be done .
Has hubby said and people at work you've lost weight .
Are you working this week ?
Its now pouring down !!!
how are you Karen ?
wow not long now till your sunning it up.
any plans for the weekend ?
I am about to have my later breakfast chicken soup , its low carb , high protein , same as Cd really , using it up .
CD is much better but got to save cash .
how are you ? have you got rid of your headache ? maybe when things settle down .
Hi Ya'll

Well i starting to feel a little better now, and feeling a bit more normal. Looking forward to the weekend of doing nothing. Going out with OH on Saturday and wearing size 14 new look jeans, (which i think are somewhere nearer a size 10???) if i put me control pants on me muffin should look more like a butterfly bun with any luck. Quite looking forward to doing something normal! What ever normal is.

Headache going now, think your right it is stress x

How are you today Jackie, whats your day been like? Are you having a CD day ?

What you doing over the weekend, and how are you feeling?