Celebrity Big Brother

Danielle BLUR!!! YUK!!!
Jackie DITTO x 1000000000000000000!!!!!!!!
JACK Shadow
DURK Quiet yet effective!

It did all kick off tonight, it was compulsive viewing but i did feel very voyeuristic watching...thought the way they treated Shilpa was disgusting! Reckon D will be dumped by Teddy....and to think she was almost our MISS BRITAIN...well she just made a mockery of the institution that is MISS this/that.....
Absolutely agree with you all. I hope the footballer dumps her after this as it is doing him no good. She is quite young though isn't she so I suppose she is easily influenced. It doesn't say much for A level's either if Danielle has Chemistry they definitely need to make them harder. Jo is a nastey piece of work too and I hoped Chleo would have a bit more about her, I am disappointed. I understand why Jade is like she is but I object to the fact that she has become so successful because of her 'likeable personality' she is the one that's 'fake' this is the real her. Does anyone remember the reality house on channel 5 a couple of years back. Jade was on that and she bullied Rik Waller in the same way on that. She has not changed a bit. I think she is worse if anything.

Did I miss anyone?

Dizzy x
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Ive never understood the appeal of Jade and how her 15 minutes of fame have lasted so long. I hope this brings it to an end.

She was absolutely vile in tonights show, Im glad C4 showed the whole thing as they tend to be a bit biased

Had to almost laugh at Danielle commenting on Shilpas English and how it wasnt great. At least she has an excuse Danielle and Jades is appaling and its their first language.

Be interesting to see the reception they get when they leave and how Davina handles the interview with the FORMER golden girl
Davina is known for her wimping out so i doubt she will say much...

the cackling of the girls made it worse...and BB should have intervened...jade was coming at Shilpa in a very threatening manner...

Its so bad i actually turned off for abit...my heart starting racing and i didnt like it.

All in all its a terrible year for BB...and its sad that all this is happening.

Jades true colours are showing and lest us forget Jo (the ringleader in it) and Danielle...i have no words for her.

It made most unpleasant viewing, what a nasty bunch of girls. Jade had done herself no favours at all, she turned it around when she was in BB before and went from being hated to liked, but she has shown herself at her worst and suddenly the dizzy but likeable girl has shown herself to be a nasty, mean bully. And no signs of the dim Jade when she's in full flow, she had plenty of words to use on Shilpa. She really does think she's Queen of that house & doesn't like Shilpa at all.

I've just heard on the radio that Jade & Shilpa are up for eviction tomorrow, so hopefull the GBP will be just & boot out Jade, that'll unsettle Jo & Danielle for sure. They too showed their mean sides yesterday, finding such a big row funny is completely awful.
god i nver liked jade. she made her career in that house and hopefully...4 looonngg years later, i hope shes ended it in there too!

Shilpa is so lovely. i know everyone can be annoying in confide spaces but to be that famous and yet so down to earth. i think shilpa is just great. whats jade ever bloody done?gave a bj on tele and somehow got celeb status!

im suprised at jo. i thought she was better than she seems to be. not suprised by danielle. i dont care if she has A levels...shes a complete bint.

i really like jermain as well. hes so well mannered and aware of others (in a good way)

i dont really think theres an effort to be racist. I think its more about being ignorant and dim. i for one will be voting that siren-gobbed halfwit off tonight.

my posts may seem a little less tollerant lately but thats due to totm so bare with me lol
I didn't see it so much as racist (except for Danielle's 'she should eff off home' comment) but more as a bunch of spiteful, nasty, immature girls ganging up and bullying the girl who 'doesn't fit in'. They would probably have been the same if it had been any young woman with class - regardless of her race - and that speaks volumes about their own feelings of inferiority ... they perceive that Shilpa is looking down on them - but nobody could have made them look as low as they made themselves look with that last outburst.

As for Danielle ... she's just a brown-nose and is clinging to someone she feels will maintain her tenuous claim to 'fame'. YEEUCHH - the girl is vile.

And as for Jo ... I used to think she was quite nice but my eyes have been seriously opened. What a beeeatch!!
I didn't see it so much as racist (except for Danielle's 'she should eff off home' comment) but more as a bunch of spiteful, nasty, immature girls ganging up and bullying the girl who 'doesn't fit in'. They would probably have been the same if it had been any young woman with class - regardless of her race - and that speaks volumes about their own feelings of inferiority ... they perceive that Shilpa is looking down on them - but nobody could have made them look as low as they made themselves look with that last outburst.

As for Danielle ... she's just a brown-nose and is clinging to someone she feels will maintain her tenuous claim to 'fame'. YEEUCHH - the girl is vile.

And as for Jo ... I used to think she was quite nice but my eyes have been seriously opened. What a beeeatch!!

Couldn't have said it better meself... agree with everything you have said... no-one can make you feel anything you feel it urself... if they could Shilpa would be on her hands and knees by now!!!

Didn't like Shilpa in the beginning anyway but she has grown on me slightly probably because she is being bullied by the twats....

Get Jade out....... i'm actually gonna vote!!!
I didn't see it so much as racist (except for Danielle's 'she should eff off home' comment) but more as a bunch of spiteful, nasty, immature girls ganging up and bullying the girl who 'doesn't fit in'. They would probably have been the same if it had been any young woman with class - regardless of her race - and that speaks volumes about their own feelings of inferiority ... they perceive that Shilpa is looking down on them - but nobody could have made them look as low as they made themselves look with that last outburst.

As for Danielle ... she's just a brown-nose and is clinging to someone she feels will maintain her tenuous claim to 'fame'. YEEUCHH - the girl is vile.

And as for Jo ... I used to think she was quite nice but my eyes have been seriously opened. What a beeeatch!!

Could have written that myself. That is exactly as it is. Personally I think Shilpa is lovely. it is definitely there own insecurity and feelings of inferiority that are the problem rather than her looking down on them I think she was really doing all she could to join in and befriend them without getting down to there level which they couldn't cope with. I really hope those three lose all popularity after this. if they still remain popular to the public that will be worrying and a sad reflection on our culture.

Gotta dash

Dizzy x
I was absolutely mortified watching that last night. Rather then harp on about her (not enough time cos Im working) I'll just say that I agree wholeheartedly with what everyone is saying about Jade! However, Jo has really surprised me, I really didnt think that she could be like that, what an evil stirring b***h!! I keep on having to remind myself that Danielle is 23 as she acts like my 13yr old most of the time. I know Shilpa does have some controlling tendancies but she isn't bad and dear god!! at least she is dignified and has manners unlike the 3 girls! Jade looked positively evil last night, I didnt mind her before this show, but I changed my mind about her after her comments to Dirk last week and now her bullying of Shilpa. It reminds me of being back in school.
i agree with all the above.

"no one can make u feel inferior without ur consent" as mrs roosevelt once said!

if i was in there with all those people i would be intruged to find out all i could about their lives...not just doing my best to make myself feel better at their expense!

i mean, with shilpa, i would wanna know what its like 2 be the biggest deal in bollywood. im mesmerised by the dances and drama of it all. i would love to get to know one of the jackson 5 and find out about his life etc. not to mention meeting A-teams face! they've all led interesting lives and u think a little dog from bermondsey would wanna emerge herself into such classy and interesting people. this was an opportunity for all of them to understand different people/cultures/backgrounds and its been wasted on the likes of jo, danielle and jade.

rant over...again lol
Absolutely Karen, can you image having the opportunity to meet someone like Shilpa, Jermaine & Dirk, they've had such fascinating careers and it would be so interesting to get to hear about it - without resorting to the vulgar "so when did you lose your virginity" how rude was that.

Agree with all of you, Shilpa is well mannered & dignified as well as beautiful, and I just think those three cows are jealous & insecure. I too really liked Jo to begin with and although I thought Danielle was really dumb she seemed quite a nice girl before Jade went it, but their true colours have shown out now & I think they'll all be out (to mighty boos) before much longer.
Oh yes & I will happily spend 35p or whatever it is to vote out Jade tonight!

not being a vengeful person (er-hem) i am interested to see how mortified jade, jo and danielle are when they come out. all trying to sculpt a flagging has-been/wannabe careers and they will come out hated before falling into obscurity

well heres hoping anyways...but like i said...not that im vengeful lol
LOL I know what you mean Karen. I'm not vengeful either but I will enjoy them having their comeupance!
good im not alone lol.

we r just ladies who like to see justice carried out lol

they chose their place in that house and chose how to behave to everyone around them so they ought to take the responsibility of the media slaughter which is about to rain down on their dim little heads...
good im not alone lol.

we r just ladies who like to see justice carried out lol

they chose their place in that house and chose how to behave to everyone around them so they ought to take the responsibility of the media slaughter which is about to rain down on their dim little heads...

they ought to take the responsibility of the media slaughter which is about to rain down on their dim little heads...

LMAO ... that genuinly made me giggle: very 'Pulp Fiction' - love it!

"The media is gonna get medieval on their asses"

Watching them back-pedal and squirm in denial is going to be the best TV yet!
yeah..shall we take bets on who of the 3 will be the first to say "it wasnt like that...BB have edited it to look bad...im a victim of BB!"