ProPoints Celtic Tiger - A man on a MISSION!!!

oh my goodness Conor, your life sounds life coronation st lol
Hope your mums ok!! And thats great news for your dad. Such a pity their first chinese was ruined, prob first and last!
Italy......lucky duck lol sounds so nice. Enjoy yourself, you deserve it after the time of it you've had lately! At least you'll get some decent weather for walking over there. Take care speak soon x
Oh Dear, your folks are really having a time of it arent they mate ? and it all has knock on effects to us doesnt it ?

Your holiday sounds just what you need right now-why do I suddenly fancy some pasta ??
Thanks Leanne, Jane & Jo...yeah, life is like a Soap Opera, but it's not much fun lately!

On the plus side, the sun is shining & my youngest is playing the Final of the Plate - Local Footie championship at noon, so he's buzzing with excitement here this morning. Then back to Galway to visit Mum & spend some quality time with Grandad on his big day.

Good luck to one and all,

Have a lovely drama free week-end,

Conor x
Oh dear! Hope ur mum is ok! And yay for ur dad! Have an awesome hol u deserve it! Xx
Hey Conor, Hope your Mum has recovered from her ordeal ,very frightening thing to happen. Sounds like you are run off your feet at the moment. Delighted you are planning a holiday . I think you def need it. We have to look after ourselves too cause noone else will . I have discovered that over the years. I would love to see Italy . I have a good friend who lives near Milan but have never managed to get over to see him. Enjoy your break . Plenty walking will counteract any little "indulgences " !!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
Thanks ladies, been even more frantic than ever these last few days...hence I haven't been on to TORMENT YOU ALL!!! :D:D:D

Folks back home, but still trying to organise meds, groceries, home help etc etc from 150 miles away and keep a business going ... it's comical...:eek::eek::eek:

My eye is off the ball as regards weight-loss for the interim, but I don't expect I will go silly entirely in Italy...(but you never know...)

Either way, I suspect I will be back with renewed vigor on my return.

I will be slimming vicariously through all your weight loss diaries while I'm away, so I don't want any slacking :D:D:D

Best of luck to one and all,

Conor xx
have a great holiday conor, i bet you are ready for it! x
have a great holiday Conor have another recipe for you hun....leekand tomato bake ......use the recipe for the white sauce in the butternut lasagna ....layer up sliced tomatoes ..then sliced leeks...repeat as far as your dish will allow top with the sauce and cheese 16pp= 4pp per portion ... you could even add some sliced cooked potatoes on top ..with a chicken breast 8pp for a lovely dinner you couldn't be bad to that ....actually must make this again soon .take care hun x
Glad they are safely bk home :) have a fab time x
Good evening ladies, greetings from Tropea, Italy. I am sitting out on my balcony with a Gin & Tonic, admiring a beautiful moon reflect on the waters of the Med, while the strains of Volare sooth me from the local musician playing at the Pool Bar.

La Dolce Vita!!!

The Internet service on the iPhone has been suspect for the past 2 weeks, but tonight it's been good, so I'm having a quiet night in catching up with my Minimins friends. Ladies you have been awesome, one & all. Congratulations

Firstly, the holiday has been a tremendous success. I have been SOOOO GOOD but still my clothes feel tighter tonight than before. It's been our first visit to Italy for my son & I, we're the only Irish/ English guests in the hotel, it's full of Germans & Dutch, but we have made good friends & my son is very content here.

Ladies 4 Star Italian cuisine is just a whole other league, I had a Calabria salad this evening that should have come with a Govt Health warning, Incredible....and I'm staying clear of the sinfully tasty stuff, the artery blockers!!!

All I can say is the Diet starts in earnest on Monday, God willing, but in the meantime, we're going to enjoy our last couple of days.

For Jo's benefit, the hotel is built on a cliff, a mere 200 steps down to the beach, and more importantly 200 back up in 30+ degree heat, so the heart gets all it can do daily. Sadly it's just too mad hot during the day for any meaningful walking, but some nights we walk to the local village, a round trip of 40 mins ( so we don't drop our delicious Home-made Ice creams... Hehehe ;-). )

Ciao Bellas xxxxx
hi conor, glad you're having a good time and there is plenty of time to think about losing weight when you get back home again! enjoy x
Sounds like a fabulous hol! Enjoy the rest and see u bk here Monday :). X
i am insanely jealous! :cry: Italy is my all-time most desired holiday destination but i havent been... yet. It sounds like you have had a wonderful time, i hope you enjoy the rest of it and return to us with renewed focus :D xxxxxxxxx
Hi Jo, Karen & Jane,
Thanks for the kind words. Ladies, Italy was FANTASTIC!!! but make no mistake, it is no place to go to loose weight....

I stepped up on the dreaded scales, I gained a mere 8 pounds over the three weeks since I stepped off-diet. I'd prefer if I hadn't, but not the end of the world either.

In my defense, I never ate healthier, salads, salads, salads, fish, even two types at some meals, and avoided bread & creamy pasta as much as possible, but All Inclusive is just that, and it's a shame without at least sampling the food & wines. Where I may have overstepped the mark was at the Bar...Those tumblers of Gin & Tonic went down mighty easy... whatever it takes to get through the nightly Mini-Disco, eh ??? - The damned Hokey-Kokey is etched indelibly in my psyche!!!

On the positive side - JO ARE YOU LISTENING???, I went out for a 30 minute POWERWALK last night with a friend, I was wrecked after it.

Then at 7.00 this morning, I brought my Boxer pup to the beach, and we walked at a sprightly pace for a further 45 minutes. I have invested in a pedometer, so it will be interesting to see how that goes...

Off I go to re-set my Tickers. Continued success to one and all.


Hi Conor xx

8lb is nuffin! You'll have that sorted in no time :D Welcome home! xx
8lbs will be gone in a flash! I could gain that in a day never mind 3 weeks ;) xx