Hi Nicola, thanks for tip on the marinade. I'm convinced! I HATE bland food. And the boys and I are sick to death of BORING, BORING, BORING "traditional" lardy dinners. So I'm just looking to spice up our menu. This is an opportunity to do that by introducing healthier options into our diet.
As I said before, it's early days for me here on this weight loss path. I don't have all the answers, that's why I really value the input from most established members such as yourself who have actually achieved tremendous results by applying the principals and sticking to your guns, on the bad days as well as the good!
I work for myself, and having tried the WW Classes route, I am quiet happy to "Ride My Own Race" with the encouragement & advice of all you high-achievers.
I totally take on-board the concern about being over-ambitious, but I want to loose as much weight as is reasonable possible while the weather is good, and I can get out for hour long walks these lovely fine evenings. It must be so much tougher trying to loose weight on freezing cold, wet, wintry days & nights when you just want to indulge in comfort food..
I love your comment about "Comfort Blanket". I'm a hard task master, hardest of all on myself. I set myself ambitious targets in life, and I enjoy my achievements. However, the lifestyle that goes along with that is hugely stressful and it takes it's toll, high BP etc. Food & drink have been my Comfort Blanket, but no more. That doesn't mean that I am going on a starvation diet by any means, but I am on a path to a healthy lifestyle, and I intend to see where that takes me.
As you say, the successes on here are breath-taking. I am only too willing to learn from those successes and stumbles, and maybe I'll contribute something along the way that might assist current & future members. And a very successful week of Maintenance to you, NAJH