Can you listen to music at work, headphones? find all the fit pictures you like make a short video of stills and play a tune to it that you like. Then when you have that on in the back ground it will activate those pictures that you relate to.
I know there's self help videos on line but this one will be tailored to you.
Not indulging with others....this I was under for a few years, it stripped me of all strength and determination to change as I believed I couldn't get away. Which I couldn't this person hated me trying, hated me improving. The first day of any attempt of diet Id open the door to fish and chips or a box of maltesesers, it infuriated me but I was to exhausted to argue.
Nobody should be put out by your life's choices. I go to the pub I don't drink I order a cup of tea, people have laughed and some understand me.
I asked for a water once when someone was going to the bar, they said " i'm not asking for that, if you want that you can go and get it yourself?".....they obviously didn't really care if I wanted a drink then.
A lot of it is people don't want to sail down the swanny on their own, if they take others with them it makes what they are doing acceptable and they don't have to consider the consequences.
The horrible end to that type of relationship is often when they want to change their lives then they will, ( after swaying you away from your decisions time after time ) but their light bulb moment appears, they then reflect on you and judge you to motivate their goals and your left in the rut that they guided you to after you ships been and sailed.
This may sound like the i'm a victim mentality but its not, its how the game is played from my view by many control freaks.
Real friends will accept you and more often than not eventually join you as your choice is the better of the 2 and motivation is addictive