Full Member
Hmm, it all looks interesting. I'm thinking about rejoining (after a grand total of 3 sessions I went to) as I'm almost at goal and need to get ideas about maintaining longterm and giving another plan a go for a while will help my enthusiasm for that and I feel like I've got my portions under better control so "unlimited" pasta/potatoes hopefully wouldn't happen anyway. I still have by books from earlier this year and had planned to follow Red days but I'll see what the new stuff is actually like, I suppose that's the benefit of having so many options available even if Red/Green aren't official any more, although if this new plan is as low carb orientated in general as its rumoured then it eliminates the need for Red really. Then again which plan I'm following a SE type system seems to work best for me for keeping me full without over loading on PP/carby "free" food.
They do seem to be stepping up their game as commercial product options competitors to WW as well as more thorough Eat Out guides etc
They do seem to be stepping up their game as commercial product options competitors to WW as well as more thorough Eat Out guides etc