Gold Member
What is Christmas Dinner Stew??!!! Sorry if you have already been asked this earlier in your diary! I've been away for a bit. Tx
Hello GinMummy
I hope you are well, welcome back, where have you been?? No, no one has asked about the Christmas Dinner Stew - it is very similar to the Christmas Dinner Soup, but I prefer stews as they are more filling and heartier. Mine goes like this:
Turkey Leg (you can buy them from most supermarkets at £1.50) or if you prefer the white meat, then just go for breast pieces
Gammon joint
1/2 pack of frozen casserole mix
Herbs: Sage and Thyme
pearl barley
carrots (cut into thickish circles)
parsnips (cut into bite sized chunks)
potatoes (cut into bite sized chunks)
In fact any winter related veg will do.
Stuffing balls (as many as you want to allow yourself - 1 syn per ball)
In the morning I:
Slow cook the turkey leg (4 - 6 hours)
Put the pearl barley in a jug with cold water so the barley gets nice and plump
Boil my gammon joint in cloves and peppercorns for an hour
When everything is cooked, leave the meats to cool a little before removing all fat/skin and cutting them up in biggish chunks.
Then I:
Boil up the frozen casserole in stock and herbs, not too much water is needed, just enough to almost cover the veg (15 mins)
Leave that to cool a little and blend with a stick blender so you have a soupy looking liquid.
Add your veg of choice and pearl barley and cook on for 20 mins
While this is cooking make up your stuffing balls and put them in the oven for 20 mins
Add your meats to the stew stir through until all warm
Serve and plonk your balls (!) on top of the stew.
Its utterly delicious - I made a batch last week and froze what was left, which is what we are having tonight. I have chicken left over from sunday which is going to go in and I am also going to add brussels as I have some of those leftover. I will add a pic to this post tonight.

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