Silver Member
kim63 said:Oh you certainly dont want Windeze then! I was wandering about an allergy/sensitivity of some kind, so cutting back on the heavier carbs might help to eliminate them.
Yes I do feel better for not having a blow out at the weekend, coz the Friday drinks would always turn into a Saturday full of hangover foods! Thats why I've benn at a STS for so long I think. Meal out last night consisted of a Tricolour to start & a Spinach & Ricotta I've estimated 30 Syns for the lot for the avacado & cheeses & used my Hex's as well for the mozerella. I've probably over estimated the Syns, but rather be safe than sorry. Also, no wine or puds....very restrained!
Ref the pain, I saw a pain specialist in the week & he's started me on a new 'neuro' drug which is helping & still waiting to see the Neurologist! Thanks for asking x
I always overestimate too
So glad they're doing something about the pain! Have you been jogging still? X