icklerockchick said:I love bobs burgers it's hilarious it's a shame it's not better known over here.
Total tea addict here too must have about 20 kinds on the go at any time eek! X
kim63 said:How are you Charlie, not heard from you in a while?
How's WI today? xx
Oh dear! I think is more of a common problem than people think. If you have been in that cycle of losing weight for so long it must be very difficult to break it. You probably know more about the psychology behind it than I would, but well done you in recognising that there could potentially be a problem & nipping it in the bud before hand.
I'm glad you're feeling good with it now tho & its often other people that see things before we do & we'll only do something about it when we're good & ready.You're obviously feeling lovely & comfortable in your own skin, which is such a good sign.
I see from your stats you've literally got 0.75lbs to reach 5stone......do you think subconciously you're trying to reach that nice round number? If you are, I can fully appreciate why, as I like things nice & tidy as well. I get it from my job, as everything has to be just so, safety for the patient is priority & if there was an emergency which can often happen in ITU & you need to get to the patient quickly, you cant have clutter or things out of place.....hence my mind works like that in my personal life.
Anyways, I digress....lovely to hear from you & hope you pop on everynow & then. Annie seems to have disappeared as well, but Im sure she's nesting in her new pad.
Take care Charlie xx
Hope you find the balance soon Charliex
To be honest, I had completely forgotten that it would take me to 5 stone exactly had I lost another 1/4lb, but I definitely know what you're saying about precision and round numbers. I'm exactly the same, things have to be correct and whole - even the alarm clock has to be at a round number!
Any news about getting back to work yet? I see you've been cycling A LOT! Well done you![]()
kim63 said:Haha, love the bit about the alarm clock, as Im that precise as well, curtains have to be straight with no gaps.......the list could go on lol!!!
Will be going back to work in August after seeing the Neurologist, but feeling loads better as started on a new drug thats really helping with the symptoms.
Yep, cycling as much as I can & loving it. Was doing a lot last year so its great to get back in the saddle again. Not sure about the gain last week tho, as cycled loads & on plan 100%, but hey these things happen & the tape measure is more of an indicator.
Hows your weekend been? xx
kim63 said:I feel a bit nervous about it if Im honest, but once I've done one shift it will be as if I've never been away!
You're probably right about the muscles & I did think that as well, as there are a lot of hills in Dorset & you need your quads/glutes to power up them - painful! Dont measure until the 18th June as Im doing it monthly, but did lose 11cm between April - May, so hope to see a bigger loss next time.
Wow, those foods sound fabulous & you must feel as if you've been set free from the restraints of SW. Chicken fajitas are one of my fave meals & I do my version of it minus the wraps.
It must be quite liberating for you & well done for changing your mindset, as it must be very difficult to not feel 'guilty'! Food is a wonderful pleasure in life & now you have the SW mentality of healthy eating it can only get better.
Keep in touch Charlie & hope you have a good weekxx
kim63 said:I think you & us have to carry on with the SW principles once at target or it will/can all go pear shaped. There's nothing wrong with having the odd 'naughty' or off plan ever now & then, but as you say if you want a snack have fruit etc.
Well done on getting back to running, but keep an eye on that knee. If it does trouble you again get to your GP & get it checked out.
How's the tummy trouble now after changing a few things? Xx
charliemm said:Absolutely, I'm just choosing healthier snacks that aren't necessarily 'syn free' to bulk up my calorie intake without being naughty
Buying a support tonight, gave me a bit of jip today though :/ Will definitely see the doc if it doesn't sort itself out. What where the supplements you suggested for joints?
Tummy trouble is a lot better, but brill at the moment due to it getting used to having richer/fattier foods! Felt sick as a dog after a kit kat chunky the other day! X