Chatting bubblez

so i was really good yesterday. i met up with some friends in Manchester, and we went to Lloyds bar, everyone had burger and chips, i had 5 bean chilli- and didnt eat the tortilla chips that it came with

and i nearly bought a hot dog from a hot dog stand, but checked the syns...and im glad i didnt- 17 apparently :O

i had something to eat when i got back

but i weighed myself on the wii, and it says im only 1-2lb lighter than i was on tuesday...which yes it good for some people. but because i have sooooooo much to lose, thats a bit poop, im gutted, and dreading weigh in

i gave myself a target to get under 20 stone by the end of the month....1-2lb a week is not going to be enough :(

i really feel huge. ive been more active, and actually been really good this week...i dunno whats going on :\
oops- must remember to update this!! gah!

Lost 2lb last week, taking me to 20st 10.5lb (my book said i was 20st 13 at *last* weigh in, turns out i was 20 12.5- im not complaining lol)

3.5lb to go to my 2st award, 7.5lb to my club 10 and 11lb to be...*ahem*....


ohh i wanna be a "teen" again

i set a goal to get there by the end of July. even if i dont make it, i am not going to be terribly disappointed, because i have already lost 2lb towards it in one week...its a bit behind the average i need (between 3-3.5 a week) to get it...we shall see how i go tomorrow...i go to a "fat club" as i call it (weight and lifestyle course i got shoved on for being over obese ) they weigh me, and it gives me an idea how much ive lost...and what to look forward to on tuesday's *official* weigh in

Been the gym twice this week (wednesday for 2 hours and friday for an hour) did walking for half an hour yesterday, and going the gym today ( when my food goes down)

hoping that aids with my loss