Step 1 Sole Source Cheated but still lost!

I was doing so well all day yesterday but watching a tv program last night someone had some georgeous scrambled egg so yes I had to have some so I made scrambled eggs on whole meal toast a couple of hot dog sausages then I was cooking my kids dinner and the new potatoes looked georgeous yes I had to have some so I put a few in a bread roll with a slice of cheese lush it was lush anyway I weighed myself this morning expecting a gain and I've lost 3 lb so does this mean we don't have to be as strict as we thought? Can we have an occasional cheat and still loose?
It depends what you cheat with .... If its carbs, no way. But if you have a bit of salad and protein you will probably be ok.
Just because its showing a loss today doesn't mean it will still be a loss by weigh in day, and just think ow much you could have lost if you hadn't cheated x