Cheekychinchilla's food and stuff

Well today didn't start well. I got to work only to realise I'd left some very important paperwork at home and couldn't do my review with the boss. SH*T doesn't cover it! Was so annoyed with myself and she was pretty p*ssed as well. But, even though it wasn't planned, it did kinda highlight what I needed to talk to her about.
So we sat down and I told her just how bad I am right now. She had a bit of a breakdown due to stress last year and she's always been sympathetic anyway, but she was even more so today and seemed genuinely shocked. Good at hiding it I am...
Anyway, I'm terrified now! Because it's coming in to question whether I am fit for my job :( She's got to contact HR who will probably want o come see me and they may send me to occupational health. It's probably a positive step, but the being "fit for my job" but has scared me to death. I can't lose this job! It's been an absolute life saver and I can't lose it and go back to benefits. I just can't! It's too big an opportunity and I have way too many financial commitments that benefits would not cover.
I'm pretty sure it wont come to this, but you can't help thinking it can you?!
I'll probably get help and a longer time to do my course work and the marking may be more lenient/they wont push me for distinctions. I've said that basically I will do the best I can, but I would be more than happy to just get passes so it's done and gone.

She did get me thinking though and asked was there one thing that could have maybe kickstarted this and I couldn't think of anything other than the idiot boy I dated, but as stressful as that was it wasn't that significant. Or I wont allow it to be! But the more I thought, the more I realised that Mum's accident when she was on holiday was in October. So I think we have a winner!! And then all the other crap just snowballed in. :(

Oh well, will have to see what happens I guess. Just :(

Oh dear hun *hug* I know it's very easy to get caught in that mindset of it all going to shits- but I don't think they will call you unfit for your job! You're so great with animals and passionate about what you do- struggling with depression and anxiety doesn't make you unfit for it. I'm not sure how these things work but I thought that they can't fire you for that sort of thing anyway!? My friend who worked at the Apple store got a doctor's note about his mental struggles and took unrestricted time off to sort himself out and I think they paid him a bit for it too- then returned when he felt up for it! Apparently they weren't allowed to just fire him...
Hope they put you out of your misery and give you some good news soon though.
How do you think your mum's accident kickstarted your depression/anxiety? Looking after her and such? I haven't heard much about her accident but think you suggested she is disabled now?

If your boss had a breakdown last year then I'm sure she's really understanding and will help get you the best outcome of this situation at work; maybe someone who hadn't experienced something like that would be less likely to help, but it sounds like her empathy will play to your advantage.

Let me know what you thought of Trance, I found it quite good! Have heard bad things about Jack the Giant Slayer but kinda want to see it because of my Ewan McGregor crush :D though he's not as hot as he used to be :rolleyes: anyway- would be good to hear what you think! Though I didn't enjoy the Host so think we probably have fairly different taste in films in some aspects :p

Those pics of Dave and Mr Frog are great!! :D So cute how interested he is in the frog- lol! I bet my cat would be like sitting on the cage trying to get in :p how do the dogs get on with the other pets- the rabbits and chinchillas? My dad's dog is always shoving his nose in the rabbits when they're around and giving them a good sniff- but when I brought Zombie over there as a kitten I put them all in a room together and the dog was like protecting the rabbits by standing over them- even though the kitten was half their size! It was really cute :D dog was so scared of the kitten and like shaking- lol!
Stupid 'puter ate my reply earlier!
It's not exactly being unfit or unsuitable for my job, it's certain very important parts that we will have to assess whether I should be doing right now. Such as monitoring animals under anaesthetic or running dispensary by myself. These are both very important, very risky, and above all, highly stressful.
I just worry about what I've started and where it will end. All I want is a bit of support and understanding. I'm sure I would be able to fight all the way under the mental health/disability acts and such and I doubt very much it will get that far. But I can't help but worry about it.
My boss is fantastic, very understanding, and goes all out for her staff. I'm pretty sure she will stand by me :)
I really don't want to have time off as I think that will make things worse. I mean if there's a day or two where I'm struggling to even get out of bed, then that's fine. But I think a long time off may do more harm than good. Work is a different kind of stress than that of my life, if that makes any kinda sense? It's stressful at the time, but I can leave it behind, you know? Except the bloody course! But we're looking in to extensions and extra support and stuff for that.
It's just hard at the start of something isn't it? Too many unknowns and how it's going to turn out. But I do feel like at least one weight has been lifted by me being honest. I'm not one for hiding how I'm doing, but this is a bit worse than having a bad day.

Mum's not disabled because of her accident :) She has a billion and 12 different chronic pain type illnesses. By disabled I don't mean in a wheelchair or anything, she just need help and stuff. She was in a coach accident on holiday last year and ended up in hospital. Luckily just ended up with superficial wounds, a bit battered and bruised, and concussion. I think the impact of it was "We could have lost her" and then we'd have no one as my Dad died a few years back. So really, I guess that makes sense. Even though she was technically ok, it was a big shock and it did knock me off my feet. And then with all the other sh*te that's happened since that has just snowballed. All out of my control :(

I really enjoyed Trance. Kinda edge of the seat stuff! I'm biased coz I love Danny Boyle anyway. But I did really like that. And we had the whole screen to ourselves :D

The Croods was lots of fun. The animation was amazing and the animals were fantastic. A little slow in places and an obvious storyline. But I enjoyed it anyway and laughed quite a lot. Managed not to cry, which is good going for me!

I do still want to see Jack the Giant Slayer, but not sure I'll get a chance now. Our Cineworld doesn't keep things for very long. I love Ewan too! Always had a thing for him. Have you seen Salmon Fishing in the Yemen? He's adorable in that :D

I liked The Host probably because I've read the book and I thought they did a decent job out of a tricky story. It was sloooooow tho! Besides, we can't all like the same things and I am ridiculously easily pleased when it comes to film. It has to be mega bad for me to not like it ;)

Mr Frog and Dave's relationship is hilarious isn't it? Ellie doesn't give a sh*t or even notice he's there!
My animals don't really see each other. The chinchilla's are in the spare bedroom and the dogs very rarely go upstairs. Only if they're with someone. But when they do see the chins they're not that bothered.
Ellie is not allowed anywhere near the rabbits!!!! Dave sometimes comes out with me, but only supervised and the bunnies are always in a run. I wouldn't trust him with them loose.
Back in the ye olde days when are garden was secure I used to let my bunnies run free in the garden when I put them out and our old dog Jack, also a jack russle, used to happily potter round and sit with them. Odd for a JRT! But the bunnies live in the garage anyway, so easy enough to keep everyone separate :)
That's so sweet about the dog protecting the bunnies :D

Wednesday food: Green Day + 15

Lunch: 2 jacket spuds, 2 veggie burgers, half a tin of beans with red, orange, and yellow peppers and cherry tomatoes in, cheese, salad, bbq sauce and dressing (half HexA1 + 3)

At the cinema: Chopped kiwi and red grapes with an Activia watching Trance. And a Special K Chewy bar watching The Croods (HexB1)

Tea: Portion of free steak strip chilli from the freezer, Mexican rice, cheese, cottage cheese, salad, 2 Taco trays, + free dressing (rest of HexA1 + 4)

Snack: A Hotel Chocolat Tiddly Chick (3) and a Weetabix Oaty Bar (HexB2)

Drinks: Coke Zero. Coffee. Squash. Teapigs chocolate flake tea.

Syns used: 10
Syns saved: 20
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I would be happy with some Chris Hemsworth inspired dreams lol!!! I really enjoyed Thor when I saw it. Where are you and mum thinking of going on your hols??

I have just started an a-level equivalent course through work on Monday there and the work load for it has scared the life out of me!! So I am feeling your pain about the course work. Hey at least you managed to do some though. If you feel u aren't taking it in you should get up and make some tea by the time u have made the tea it will rest ur mind and maybe help you re-focus.

Enjoy ur wee day today, I am taking my wee one to see the croods at the weekends.

P.s I love Mr Frog

Chris Hemsworth is one of my favourites. He has such an infectious smile!!
We're thinking of either Tenerife, Lanzarote, or Majorca. I'd like to keep it as cheap as possible this year seen as I'm a bit poor now. But we'll see what we can find :) We've been to all those places before and have our favourite resorts, so at least we know where to look.

The coursework is a nightmare at the moment. With what's happening with me I have absolutely no brain power, no concentration, can't take anything in, etc. I just have to try my best and hope that something sticks. I hate this because I'm pretty good at studying and put myself through 4 years of Open University, which was hard work, but I could do it. This is just horrific and I can't do anything about it but try my best. I feel really stupid at the moment :( I'm no rocket scientist, but I'm kinda clever, so this is really knocking me :(
Anyway, enough moaning. You must all be SO sick of me moaning!!!

Good luck with your course! :D

The Croods is lots of fun! Some big laughs and the animation is fantastic! The animals are amazing as well :) xx
Sounds like you're keeping on alright lovey - that japanese food actually sounds lush. I want to see this hair btw! :)

FWIW, I totally get you on keeping your mental state hidden from people, I have a notepad that I write stuff down in pencil, so I can scrub it out and nobody else sees it. Only I press down too hard sometimes, hah, but you can't just internalise stuff it's not healthy x

Good luck for the rest of this week :)

Hey dude! My hair looks better curly I reckon. The colours are nice and subtle and weave in and out of each other. I like it straight but it's a bit more obvious and I HAVE HIGHLIGHTS lol. I will try and get a decent pic :)

Tbh I'm not one for hiding that I have mental illness. If it comes up I'll talk about it and stuff. But with it being SO bad at the moment it's even scaring me. I do talk a lot about it, esp with friends I know who are in similar situations or have been in the past. It's not very often I bottle things in lol. I'm an over sharer ;) And I really did have to tell work because I DO need support. Which is crap because I'm so used to doing things by myself. I hate having to ask for help. But it's definitely time.

Thank you for the luck. Hoping the scales are kind to me on Saturday :scale:
Oh. Didn't realise that only the packs of plain porridge oats were a HexB with no syns. Erm.... Bugger!! Is this true? If so I'll carry on as usual until I've eaten mine and then switch to plain.
I'm sure I remembered seeing the kids Pawridge ones were a HexB. So when I've been buying flavoured porridge I compare the Kcal's and sat fat to the Pawridge ones. Hmmmm.....

Anyone have any advice?x
OMG YOU LOVE EWAN TOO!? Me and my bestie go ape **** for him! We always watch Moulin Rouge and spend the whole time swooning :p
I did see Salmon Fishing- twas OK, story was a bit odd (I mean WHY would someone get commissioned to put Salmon in Yemen?) but he was cute! I think some of his recent stuff has been a bit hit or miss (that gay one with Jim Carey was TERRIBLE) and The Men Who Stare at Goats was a bit off too (my friend LOVED both of them though- we are always opposite in tastes with Ewan films lol) but I watched Down With Love again the other day and LOVE him in that :D that film is fab.
Glad you liked Trance- was great! I'm a big Danny Boyle film too :D espesh of course 28 Days Later ;) not big on Trainspotting though- did you like that? Bit too raw/gritty for me, prefer more stylised drug films like Requiem for a Dream.
Haven't heard anything about the Croods :S not seen a trailer or anything... Our Cineworld gets rid of things fast too- we really wanted to see Side Effects but it left the cinema after like 2.5 weeks or something!? Dang. Also, the Host and Oz are both down to just one showing now- and it's an 11 screen cinema! There's lots of stuff coming out at the moment... I kinda want to see Spring Breakers too :p but that's down to just a couple of showings also now and only came out last week :S looks like James Franco's perfect role lol, and I want to see the disney girls let loose and take drugs LOL.

Ha- so it doesn't take much to impress you and it takes a lot to not be bored and really fidgety. I have minor ADHD which means I get really easily side tracked and fidget LOADS. It's partly why I can't watch tv/films at home without doing something else at the same time.

SCARY MOVIE 5 COMES OUT TOMORROW!! Zomg! Scary Movie 3 is like one of my favourite comedies ever, but the others aren't half as good... Still, CAN'T. WAIT.

Discussed the rest of that message in texts so won't bore you by repeating, but I'm sure that the work stuff will blow over fine :) I've seen real nut jobs get away with work that they're unfit for- which you are not one of! It sounds like when this course is over you'll be back to smooth sailing at work (though will having an extension just drag it on??)

Your cinema snacks are just like mine :D I always have a Chewy D and grapes- hehe! Last night I snuck my subway salad in there, lol, and once I peeled and ate a really ripe mango in the cinema- that was a bit messy!

I read also that HexB porridge is plain only, I know the oats so simple ones that are flavoured are pretty high syns... I don't really know how it works with comparing calories, though I guess you take quantity into consideration... Dunno! I tend to just add my own **** (cinnamon, banana and honey usually) don't have them much as I prefer other HexB's!

Love that blog about depression- laughed so hard at some of them like this one:

Hahahaha... So know that feeling.
Oh yes! Have always been a fan of Ewan! A Life Less Ordinary is one of my favourites. I adore him in that!! Might have to watch that later now ;)
Moulin Rouge is amazing isn't it? Still have only seen the end twice though. I stop it at the end of the last song :eek:
The story for Salmon Fishing was mental! But I liked him in that and I have a thing for Emily Blunt. Thought it was quite sweet.
Oh, I quite liked I Love You Philip Morris :p Wasn't sure on Goats, but I really wanted to like it. You know I don't remember ever seeing Down With Love. I'll have to look it up :) Bugger, it's not on Neflix :( Prolly get it cheap on Amazon.

28 Days is my absolute favourite, but there's not a film of his I don't like. I think Sunshine is stunning! I do like Trainspotting, but only seen it a couple of times. It is overly 'real' violent, even for me!! It does have some fantastic bits.

Sometimes our Cineworld only has things for like a week!! They seem to aim their stuff more at families and keep kids stuff going for aaaaages. I really wanted to see Side Effects too. And Stoker. Lame!

I have a major soft spot for James Franco. I haven't paid any attention to Spring Breakers or even seen a trailer. Maybe I should!

Hehe I will watch Scary Movie's but I'm a bit "I dunno" about them. Me and my Sister are really mean and use the "take my strong hand" line for our Mum ;)

Your recent cinema snacks inspired me lol. I haven't done fruit and yogurt for ages. My friends laugh a my cinema snacks. I've got fruit, yogurt, or cereal bars while they've got hot dogs (ick!) and giant buckets of popcorn!! It's hard sometimes. Esp yesterday as my Mum had a box of Maltesers!! But generally I'm alright. One of my favourite things to take is WW jelly with fruit in lol.
Oh I've taken all sorts in to the cinema in the past. Subway's, Burger King, Boots meal deal's, lol. Nothing like a cinema picnic :p

Absolute balls about the porridge! Shows how long it's been since I checked!! The last time I looked porridge up you could have the Golden Syrup Oats So Simple as a HexB. So I just compared cals and fat (and portion size) of others to that. Totally lame that you can't have any of the flavoured ones now. Porridge is one of my favourite SW things :( Oh well, I've got quite a lot stockpiled and I'm not going to waste it. Also I don't think my body knows that SW changed it's mind so I'll just carry on and use 'em up. Crappy though coz I love trying new porridges :(

The Hyperbole and a Half blog is hilarious. I couldn't breathe for laughing at the one about her Mum killing the Easter bunny. Read the ones about her dog and see if you still want a dog. They are SO funny!!

The thing with geting an extension on the course would mean the pressure of having to squeeze a years worth of work in to 7months is reduced. It's difficult with my course being very practical based. A lot of the next 2 sections are case study assignments that I obv can't do without mentor guidence as well as actual animals in the situations I need. Obv it helps that we are so god damn busy and see most things every week lol. But half of my problem is that I only do 19hrs per week, which is 2 and a half days. And if I do a weekend I have almost a week (just in half a day the week after a weekend) of stand down that follows it. So really, I'm not there very much. Now my rota's have been almost set to permanent Mon-Wed, which is better for me, it's not great for my course because my mentor doesn't work Monday's. So there's a lot of things going against this course and it is causing a monumental amount of stress.
I did get an email from my mentor yesterday with some really positive feedback for some assignments I did before I went away. Some bits need to be changed or taken out, but it's SO frustrating because the things I'm putting in that are wrong are from the f*cking course notes! My work friend who's coming to the end of this course warned me about this. She's gotten exam questions wrong because the course notes have given her the wrong information. What a pile of sh*t?!!! Ahem....
So yeah an extension would take the pressure off. Wouldn't mean I would have to use it as I would still like to get it done as soon as I can. But I really do need less stress about this. I'm glad my boss (she was my mentor before she went off sick) has agreed that just getting passes is ok just to get it done. It is killing me though coz in the past I got distinctions and A's in a lot of my work and this is nowhere near that level of difficuly. But right now a pass will do to get me through it. FFS I even got an A in a quantum mechanics assignment and I'm struggling to write a crappy first aid leaflet. F*ck you brain!! :(
Anyway, I'll do what I can for now and see how it goes. Maybe I'll pick up through out the year and we can start hammering it. But for now I'll be doing as much as I can.

Bloody hell, I don't half go off on one sometimes ;) xx
Today didn't start out so well. I woke up to pee and mum stopped me to say my Siser had text and asked her to do some stuff with her. We only had plans to go to Asda, but it did hurt a little. Again: depression brain being stupid. Tried to sleep but could hear Mum on the phone, in her room which is next to mine, to one of her Sisters and then to the other. Mum's a little deaf now and her sisters are loud which = Mum having shoutey conversations. This went on for an hour :cry: So that totally knocked my getting up time out as I was so tired and by the time I managed to get to sleep I was not getting up an hour later. Got up at 1:30. Urgh!! Was hoping to be able to make myself get up at a reasonable time today, you know, like before midday. But never mind!

Made lunch and I'm watching Nashville. Finally caught up! This show is fantastic and the music is awesome.

After this ep I'm going to get ready and wait for the text to say my Mum and Sister are on the way to Asda. I got stupidly excited yday when I found out pineapple's were on offer there at the moment. lol.

Will try and sort out the bits I need to take out of my assignments later and get them sent off to the college. Very glad I don't have to do any re-writes on the first aid leaflet!! I think for the rest of that first aid one is to put together a basic first aid kit, to go alongside the leaflet, and do a short presentation. Lame, but not too bad. Still have to find 2 first aid case studies tho :confused: You would think that would be easy considering how many emergency shifts I do lol.

I had a bit of a NSV last night. I was trying on what I think I might wear for my Sister's birthday meal, my new Phase Eight top/dress. And I put my skinny jeans on to go with it. They went up like normal jeans, without any of the wiggling or really pulling them up like I usually do. Just thought it was kinda cool :) My tummy bump is actually looking a little smaller too :) But what's really annoying me is that my midriff/muffin top isn't!!! Why won't that go away?! lol. If that was smaller I'd be so much happier. I can deal with a tummy, but the middle bit really p*sses me off. Good job I find my waist nipper really comfortable ;)

Hope everyone's having a good day.xx
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Thursday food: Green + 15

Lunch: 2 Linda M sausages, 2 boiled eggs, half a tin of spaghetti, Tabasco'd little crispy potatoes, wholemeal toast, and tomato sauce (HexB1 + 1)

Tea: Bag of Asda chunky chopped red onion, red & yellow peppers, and courgette with added cherry tomatoes and herbs. Roasted in a bit of Frylight. Chucking it in a pan with fried chestnut mushrooms, sweetcorn, and a carton of herby chopped tomatoes. With Quorn mince, rigatoni, cheese, salad, mayo & dressing (HexA1 + 0.5)

Snack: Funsize Maltesers (5) Chewy Delight (HexB2) 3 Mikado (1.5)

Drinks: Coffee. Coke Zero. Peppermint tea. Squash.

Syns used: 8
Syns left: 27
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I did get to Asda. Met my Mum and Sister there. Wasn't too busy luckily! And I managed to get the very last 50p pineapple!! Kept checking to see if they'd put more out, but they hadn't :( So got pineapple, kiwi's, and red grapes for my work fruit salad for the weekend.
Did manage to get lots of nice healthy stuff and plenty of things on offer. Forgot the bloody cheesy Smash *rage*!! Also forgot salad dressing and squash, but got a bit left.
I have absolutely no spare money this month, but ended up buying Hotel Transylvania for £5. I saw it at my friends' house the other week and it's so silly and fun that I had to get it. It's there fault!! Been waiting to find it somewhere cheap. Luckily it came with a UV copy too so I can watch it on my Nexus :D

Made a lovely chunky roast veg ratatouille for tea and had enough for 3 portions. Nom! Got a lot of stockpiled frozen portions of stuff now. The only thing I don't have is chilli, but I've almost run out of tubs and I'm taking up loads of freezer space. Might do one next week tho.

Have managed to save a really decent amount of syns for tomorrow night's meal out. I plan on having something very low syn for lunch and probably only using a HexA, so will have 2 B's left as well as most of the days syns and my saved ones. Not bad really :)
I havent seen a Life Less Ordinary in ages but I did like that! We saw Down with Love the other day and G really liked it- it's got very clever humour and lots on innuendos, love that film! Check it out :D the ending is just madness. I bought it second hand in a Moulin Rouge combo when I'd scratched it up too much lol. I've seen M.R so many times that I can recite the whole bloody thing :p love it!

Bummed about Side Effects, especially because our nearest HMV is shut now (they've re-opened some) so I won't be able to look out for it in the £3 aisle eventually. Will def get Stoker on Blu Ray- think it needs it for the great audio! I usually just buy DVDs but G only buys Blu ray.

James Franco is like a pimp gangster or something in Spring Breakers- with gold plated teeth and braids! Lol...! I want to see it, G recons it is down to one showing a day already because it's an 18 and so has a less target audience. Silly, as it has the kids from Disney shows in it, so clearly the target audience are too young to watch it! I love films about drug/party shiz though so do want to see it.

I think the other Scary Movie's are a bit crap, but LOVE SM3 with Leslie Nielsen and Charlie Sheen, it is genius!! Can't remember 4.

I've never had to sit next to someone with popcorn, I'd be screwed! Luckily it's so overpriced my friends are all broke! I've been told off for eating a subway sandwich in there before! The other day G was eating crisps during the ads when a steward came in and came over, he tried to hide them but the guy was just telling us to take our feet off the seats in front :p we usually always sit at the bar but it was too far away at that screen.
I brought SF Jelly once in a plastic cup and it got all over my bag as it had no lid lol!

Yeah, sucks about the porridge. I think SW usually change their mind about these things when the ingredients changed though :/ maybe they got sweeter. Probably wasn't a problem for you before as you always had loads of syns saved but methinks you should check the syn value if you're having close to your 15 a day! It might be high :/ can just add golden syrup to plain ones though :D

Will check out the dog hyperbole page later- a friend who I linked that depression one too mentioned the dog ones are killer too.

Extension def sounds good then. Really stupid that you have no mentor and they expect you to do as well though!?! Not cool.

Phone call waking you up = earplugs! I used to never like ear plugs - uncomfortable, until I got them right (squeeze them LOADS first) but when our cats used to run around mental at night they worked a dream! I always shove them in if there is building work or such going on when I want to sleep. Handy to have by the bed just in case ;)

Well done on your NSV! maybe you are just losing from different places instead of on the scale after all! I've seen even skinny girls with muffin tops :/ soz about that!
We ended up watching Hotel Transylvania last night as I'd just bought it and HAD to watch it! Probably wont get a chance for a film tonight but will have to remember to watch a Life Less Ordinary soon. I just looked up Down With Love on Amazon and I recognise the cover. Think I may have seen it years ago. On the wishlist it goes ;)
I tend to buy dvd's unless it's a film I think will suit Blu visually. Or if there's only like £1 between the dvd and Blu. Sometimes Blu's are cheaper :confused:

I talk along with Moulin Rouge too lol. The same with The Lion King :eek:

Hahahaha about the jelly! Back in the fatty days before SW I'd take all sorts of crap in to the cinema.

What I've read about the porridge seems to suggest that because the sachets have less than the healthy extra B allowance (35g for porridge) you're supposed to have a scan bran or something else with it to top up the fibre. But they realised no one was doing that so got rid of it. Hrmph! I think some probably do have extra calories and fat in, but the ones I buy are all lower than the golden syrup ones. So think I'll be ok for now and then look in to the plain ones when I'm coming to the end of it. Gutted tho, I really am :( Stupid SW changing things!

The whole course/work thing is screwed up. The guys who have done it did warn us that it'd go tits up :( I have a mentor now, but very rarely get to see her and she's quite picky. But my boss has spoken to her about not pushing me to the distinctions, so that should help. Just frustrating that I've done nothing wrong and even worked on assignments by myself. Oh well, it's how it is and I'll do my best.

I can't wear ear plugs :( The inside of my left ear is deformed (in some way) and it's actually painful to have earplugs in. I found this out (not the deformed ear thing) at Glastonbury! I have to be careful about what inner ear headphones I buy too :rolleyes:
It's just annoying that I've spoken to my Mum and Sister about all this. But maybe I've not been clear enough? I just don't know how else to say "I don't sleep very well. If I do I have horrible nightmares and vivid dreams, so very tired. And if I'm sleeping in it's because I haven't been able to wake up yet" :confused: Doesn't help that Dave's a yappy ba*tard and barks for the joy of barking!!!

The muffin top thing seriously annoys me. It got a bit better when I was running, that really tones your stomach. I guess I should have a go at some sit ups and maybe some of the non-kicking karate that I know works that area. I don't mind having a small muffin top lol, but mine seems disproportionate to the rest of my flabby bits. xx
Friday Food: Green Day + 15

Lunch: 2 Quorn fillets with a bit of skeleton hot sauce, tomato Pasta N Sauce, cheese, salad, free dressing, 1tbsp of mayo and 1/2 tbsp of bbq sauce (half HexA1 + 1)

Tea: Veggie set menu at the Japanese restaurant. I won't be missing anything out or skimping. And I will be having the cheesecake for dessert ;)
I've got 1 and a half HexA's, 2 HexB's, and 42 syns to use for the day, so that will help :)

Drinks: Coffee. Coke Zero. Squash. 1 Tiger beer. Peppermint tea.

Syns used/saved: Won't be carrying an over from today. Start again tomorrow.
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The tofu was nice. But a bit too squish for m tastes. I prefer how Wagamama does it. It was nice tho! I couldn't even finish. I never, ever run out of food space!!! :eek: It was all gorgeous. And lotsa fun too. I didn't catch my potato, it hit me in the face and fell on the floor lol.

I've got a really bad pic of me from this evening. So ou could see what I was wearing. But they're quite dark. I'll upload anyway, please be kind ;)
I was really paranoid about how I looked because the top/dress is quite clingy :eek: The second one Mum took and she's a terrible photographer :p

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Saturday: Working 9:30 - 8 :faint2:

Breakfast: Porridge (whatever bloody flavour I want ;)), banana, maple syrup, and almond milk (part HexA1, HexB1, + 0.5)

First break: chopped pineapple, kiwi, and red grapes and an Activia.

Lunch: Portion of 1 syn sausage casserole, 4 new potato jackets, salad, and free dressing. (1 syn)
An leftover fruit.

Last break: Small apple

Tea: Low fat Supernoodles, 6 Quorn nuggets, cheese, veg bag, wholemeal bread, mayo & sauce (rest of HexA1 + HexB2 + 4.5)

Snack: a Hotel Chocolat Tiddly Chick (3) 2 Mikado (1)

Drinks: Coffee. Diet Mountain Dew. Pomegranate green tea. Peppermint and spearmint tea.

Syns used: 10
Syns saved: 5

Exercise: Running round work like a loony.
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