Cheekychinchilla's food and stuff

Just so you understand the full impact of puppy cuddles. It was one of these....

Inspired by spotting the 30 day crunch challenge on someone's diary before (Systema?) I have decided to give it a go. With a few extra bits thrown in.

My 'crunches' are pathetic and I can barely get my shoulders off the floor :eek: But hoping this will improve and at least have some sort of an effect.

As well as building up crunches I'm going to be doing (girly) push ups and some tricep dips too - like I was a little while ago. Will see how it goes anyway :) Will update Tuesday's food diary to include what I've done.x
Good luck with the resit! I remember getting 1% off a pass for year 9 (pre gcse) Geography, I went home and studied but didnt realise it woild be EXACTLY the same test so studied the stuff that wasnt on it!! Got 49% AGAIN and had to resit the resit LOL. Needless to say, 90% the third time lol.
Here is another one for you

(Had to scribble a skirt on her as it was taken off before)

This is a little easier but more of them to do but prefer these.

I love David Morrissey and don't remember Blackpool (senior moment) but have just had a look at it on Wiki and it looks my kind of things. Found it on a download site but may take ages to do but keeping my fingers crossed.

Good Luck with the re-sit.
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Your talk about David Morrisey in something different reminds me of when Kevin Whateley (Lewis from Morse) played a wife beater. It was really not nice seeing 'Lewis' the nice family man being such a monstr. I was quite shocked!

Good luck for your resit. I actually wish I was still studying but I had to give up further studying on OU due to finances. I have also been desperately trying to do a computer course but they all clash with something else or are too expensive. :sigh:
Good luck with the resit! I remember getting 1% off a pass for year 9 (pre gcse) Geography, I went home and studied but didnt realise it woild be EXACTLY the same test so studied the stuff that wasnt on it!! Got 49% AGAIN and had to resit the resit LOL. Needless to say, 90% the third time lol.

This will be the same exam. I don't think any of them change. Should be ok for this one. Or at least I bloody well hope so. Feel like such an idiot at the moment :eek:

At least one of the exams later on is a 100% pass. Wtf?! Who does a 100% pass for an exam?! Just f*ck off!!!

Thank you matey.xx
Here is another one for you

(Had to scribble a skirt on her as it was taken off before)

This is a little easier but more of them to do but prefer these.

I love David Morrissey and don't remember Blackpool (senior moment) but have just had a look at it on Wiki and it looks my kind of things. Found it on a download site but may take ages to do but keeping my fingers crossed.

Good Luck with the re-sit.

I can't do squats or lunges or anything like that because of my crappy knees. Just going up and down stairs is painful enough :( And the noise :yuk:

I think there's a couple of different series called Blackpool. But you definitely want the David Morrissey/Tennant musical one ;) It's hilarious and just brilliant.

Thanks for the luck.x
Your talk about David Morrisey in something different reminds me of when Kevin Whateley (Lewis from Morse) played a wife beater. It was really not nice seeing 'Lewis' the nice family man being such a monstr. I was quite shocked!

Good luck for your resit. I actually wish I was still studying but I had to give up further studying on OU due to finances. I have also been desperately trying to do a computer course but they all clash with something else or are too expensive. :sigh:

It is odd when you see an actor play a character completely different to their normal. It's good though and it is nice to see them move away from their type. Morrissey is a loveable rogue in Blackpool. In Walking Dead he's stone cold evil! Brilliant tho ;)

I miss studying with the OU. Esp as, in comparison, the course I'm doing now has been written by a 5 year old who's never even seen a dog :whistle: The OU are fantastic aren't they? But yeah, expensive :(

The Lush spa's are awesome!!!! :D x
Wednesday: Stupid 4-8 shift at work....

Lunch: 2 Linda M sausages (partly incinerated!), half a tin of spaghetti, little crispy potatoes, cheesey oniony mushroomy peppery scrambled eggs, wholemeal toast, and sauce (half HexA1, HexB1, + 1)

Break: Small handful of raspberries and blackberries and an Activia.

Tea: 1 Quorn fillet cooked with green Tabasco, and small bits of onion, yellow pepper, and mushroom. 5 Quorn nuggets (only wanted 4, but I wasn't leaving a lonely one in the bag ;)). Low fat Supernoodles, cheese, veg bag, and sauce, mayo, and dressing (rest of HexA1 + 4)

Snack: 2 Weetabix, banana, golden syrup, and 200ml almond milk (half HexA2 + 1)

Drinks: Coffee. Coke Zero. Squash. Hazelnut hot chocolate made with 250ml of almond milk (rest of HexA2 + 2)

Syns used: 8
Syns left: 19.5

Exercise: 3 hours on my feet at work. The other hour was sat doing course stuff.
25 crunches, 20 push-up's, and 15 tricep dips. Ouchy, but worth it, I'm sure....
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I can't do squats or lunges or anything like that because of my crappy knees. Just going up and down stairs is painful enough :( And the noise :yuk:

I think there's a couple of different series called Blackpool. But you definitely want the David Morrissey/Tennant musical one ;) It's hilarious and just brilliant.

Thanks for the luck.x

Hope things went well today

Yes that is the one I have found - another couple of hours and it will be here. Never seen Kevin Whateley as a wife beater - will have to look for that one.
Wednesday: Stupid 4-8 shift at work....

Lunch: 2 Linda M sausages (partly incinerated!), half a tin of spaghetti, little crispy potatoes, cheesey oniony mushroomy peppery scrambled eggs, wholemeal toast, and sauce (half HexA1, HexB1, + 1)

Break: Small handful of raspberries and blackberries and an Activia.



Drinks: Coffee. Coke Zero. Squash.

Syns used:
Syns left:


That lunch sounds delish, seriously yum. I love burnt food like burnt toast - it's the best taste!

Hope your shift went ok and your home relaxing with Ellie and Dave <3

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
Hahaha it was unintentional burning. My food tends to be on the pale side of cooked. Not a fan of burnt and crispy. Mum always says my toast is just hot bread LOL!

Good news everyone (said in the voice of the professor from Futurama) I passed my exam! Well, I say passed, I f*cking rocked it ;) Only got one wrong, so got a distinction!!

You get 45mins to do it. For a 14 question multiple choice exam :confused: I finished it in about 10mins so asked if I could use the rest of the time to read some lectures.
One of the nurses, who's a mentor for another vca, brought in a book of medical instruments. But her vca isn't as far in to the course as me so I've been given it for now. I'm ok with instruments, but it depends on how much detail they expect us to go in to. Not that it is in any way necessary for us to in depth learn instruments, but, whatever ;)

Work wasn't so bad today. No phone calls about kids finding their parent dead (call I got on Tuesday!!!) or horrific accidents and stuff. We did have a couple of absolute, proper emergencies roll up, but not piles of people. I was a bit short with a client when they asked why they'd been waiting so long and why another lady had gone in before them. My answer? "Because her puppy was dying, so we had to see him straight away" A bit harsh, but the truth, and I am in no mood for annoying people today ;)

I have managed to pull my shoulder, wont go in to detail how, and now the whole of my upper back is very tight and painful. Joy! That was a waste of an £80 massage wasn't it?! Wonder if they'll pay for another one? :whistle:

Had to come home and feed and clean the bunnies. Finally started Peggy's worming treatment too. She's lost a lot of weight since coming to me (she was massively obese!) but is quite skinny now and doesn't seem to put on weight. So we're seeing if worming her helps and then see. Hopefully it'll be something simple anyway.

Oh I had a sneaky jump on the scales and I'm still at 72kg. But this was about 5:30pm, so after my big lunch and stuff. I try to WI in the morning, always after I've had breakfast tho. 72 is fine considering I haven't exactly been on plan and ate a considerable amount of crap last week!

Made myself a nice tea anyway and watching Endeavour with Mum. Might watch an ep of Blackpool before bed. I am quite tired though. Had a really restless night.
Hope everyone's alrighty :)
Well done on passing your Exam. :clap::clap::clap:

We tried to watch Endeavour the other night but must not have been in the mood as it bored me a little - enjoyed the one they did last year but found this a bit slow.
Watched the The Syndicate last night - thought this one might not be as good as the first series but think it was better - do like Kay Mellors writing.
Blackpool is now downloaded so will see what it is like. -- copy wise

We seem to have been living on beans this week - so many in the freezer that I pressure cooked and put in there but going to eat them up - hate food waste. Hope to get weighed on Monday in Saigon on the same scales just so I know if I have lost over the last 2 weeks. Found some scales in a new Chemist yesterday and was tempted but changed my mind. Hope I can keep this up as I am usually one of those kind of people who gets weighed every time they see a pair of scales.

Back to bed now - only got up to go to the loo and wanted to see if Blackpool had downloaded. :D
Thank you :D

I love beans so much lol! Only ones I don't like are broad beans. Ick! But yeah, hardly a day goes by that I don't have beans. My Sister's the same. It's very windy in our house :p

That's why I don't have scales at home. Because, give me the chance, I'm on and off them all of the time. So no, no scales at home! Even before I got my job we never had scales. We all used to WI together in the local Boots lol! Good luck for if you do get a chance to hop on :)

Really hope you like Blackpool and it's a decent download. I always feel nervous raving about something and then someone watches it :eek: x
What a gem - don't mek em like that any more :D

Thanks for that - have just watched the first episode of Blackpool and it was brilliant, looking forward to the other 5.

Had a bit of a shock to start with as it was dubbed into Russian and that was an aaaaaaaaaaaaaawww moment but OH was able to press some buttons and change it.
I do wish there was more drama like that - the BBC used to be so good at producing them.
Did watch The Crash which was on BBC 3 a few weeks ago and that was very watchable.

Anyway thanks for that - off for a 2 mile walk now with Linda Sansone.:)
What a gem - don't mek em like that any more :D

Thanks for that - have just watched the first episode of Blackpool and it was brilliant, looking forward to the other 5.

Had a bit of a shock to start with as it was dubbed into Russian and that was an aaaaaaaaaaaaaawww moment but OH was able to press some buttons and change it.
I do wish there was more drama like that - the BBC used to be so good at producing them.
Did watch The Crash which was on BBC 3 a few weeks ago and that was very watchable.

Anyway thanks for that - off for a 2 mile walk now with Linda Sansone.:)

Did you manage to see any Broadchurch? I can't recommend that enough. Absolutely fantastic. One of the best tv series I've seen in a long time. The whole cast were amazing, but David Tennant and Olivia Colman were perfect.

David's new one starts tonight, The Politician's husband. Can't wait :D

I'm SO glad you liked Blackpool. It gets better and better through the series and Ripley and Carlisle's relationship is brilliant ;)

Enjoy your walk :D x