Cheekychinchilla's food and stuff

Saturday food for work: On an early, so first food will be my morning break at around 10.

First break:
1 Alpen light (half HexB)
Some fruit - strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries
A Shape 0%

Pasta shells
Leftover ratatouille with Quorn pieces
Cheese (HexA)
Salad with super low cal salad
Rest of the fruit

Afternoon break:
Alpen light and/or Funsize bag of Maltesers (rest of HexB + 5) These will both get eaten at some point, either at work or after tea.

Tea: Maybe Super noodles with a veggie kiev (Sainsbury's are 7.5 syns right?) veg bag. Extra light mayo and BBQ sauce (1)

Drinks: Coffee. Squash. Diet Vimto

Syns used: 12.5
Syns saved: 63.5
Last edited:
We live in an area which is very blue at the moment. Sometimes it goes a bit orange but red doesn't get a chance so a lot of tactical voting goes on. There was some concern that the older people might be a bit too fond of the colour purple, but it turned out they weren't! Can only hope that there was a lot of protest voting and things will revert to their normal pattern next year. Rachelle did well to stagger out in her current condition.

How much of your current extra-awful sounding condition has been brought on by helping Rachelle, do you think? You had a very stressful time, disturbed night - as opposed to you usual sleepless nights - and did a lot of physical helping so soon after having a very bad day yourself. Hope she's making good progress and also hope your pills help ease you.

It's quite nice being able to help with research but I can understand your reluctance given that needles and veins are involved. DD's partner had his first venesection on Tuesday (they have to take blood because he has too much iron in it) and he fainted briefly! He was OK to head off to work afterwards but has to have one every week for a few weeks then it might 'just' be once a month or so. Alice said she felt faint seeing him faint.

Food, as always, sounds good - very tasty.
7.5 syns is a bit high. but considering the amount of syns I've saved I think I'll be ok lol. They are nice though. I would still buy them as a treat! What I have them with is free anyway, so not bad for a meal I guess :)

It took us aaaaaages to go vote! Should have taken us maybe 5mins each way. It didn't lol! Very glad we both went though. I think I've maybe missed one local election since I was able to vote. I think it's a really important thing to do. Besides, you can't complain about the state of the government and country if you don't bother to vote ;)

Oh I'm sure lots of what's going on with me right now is from helping Rachelle. She's 6ft tall so half carrying her, helping her up, at one point dragging her across her bed, etc has had a massive impact on me. But, what can I do? I couldn't just watch and let her suffer. My bad week is quickly turning in to a bad month I think. Not an awful lot I can do about it though.

I'm really, really not scared of needles. I feel the need to get this across because even medical staff put me down as needle-phobic. I am not, not in the slightest. It's about blood vessels and it doesn't matter if it's a needle, someone's hand/finger, an animal, anything that comes near my "obvious" veins gets the same treatment. I remember almost punching my ex because he accidentally touched the inside of my elbow *blush* It was pretty funny tho! ;)
I'm hearing more and more people having this too much blood/iron condition, it seems to be getting more and more prevalent. Very odd!! Sounds awful as well!
I might have fainted, but I'm sticking with only having been near fainting on many many occasions. The most recent was actually at work because I was raising a vein on a birds wing and for whatever reason that got to me that day and I almost went. Luckily I know the signs now, dealing with it with my phobia as well as ME, and can mostly control it and get through it. But it's a horrible, horrible sensation!

So yeah, sorry everyone, but I really need to say I'm not scared of needles!! Not needle phobic in the slightest :) And I'm not squeamish or have a fear of blood - as if I could in my job lol! I've managed to find ways of dealing with it in animals, but it is one of the things stopping me from becoming a nurse because I couldn't physically do anything intravenously. But humans? Absolutely not!! Even someone talking about having blood taken brings on an almost fainting episode. I can't watch someone have a blood test or an IV catheter fitted, not a chance. Having an IV fitted when I was in hospital was my worst nightmare! And having the vein in my arm blow when I went for my first MRI was what started my self/image hate that lasted for months *blush*
Phobias are horrible!! It's awful writing that down actually, as if I didn't have enough crazy stuff going on LOL!!

Oh yeah, I'm super organised when it comes to work food. I like proper meals on my long days and refuse to do just a salad or some bread and a cup-a-soup. Nope, proper meals!! :)
I think Sunday will be a tin of ravioli with stuff in and salad :)

Right, should probably go to bed pretty soon and at least attempt to sleep!
Lovely messages everyone. I do love you lot.
See you soon.xx
1 shift down, 20.5 hours to go.... I struck a deal with the other VCA I was working with today. he prefers being in the back and hates the phone even more than me. So He went in the back and I offered to cover all receptions breaks and take the phone between 6-6:30 so he could have his break whenever and not worry about the phone for a bit longer. I did go in to the back to help out a bit too. Was such a relief to not have to work with the person I was dreading working with and also not to worry about kennels.
Tbh though we were surprisingly, I wont say quiet, but odd today. Very very odd for a Saturday!! So I was glad that I didn't land poor Graham in it.

I arranged a home-check this evening for the new bunny. I don't think it went very well :confused: They were overly critical about, well, everything really!! They said there's no way I could have the bunny I wanted as he was far too big for the hutches and runs I have. They even said that my garage floor is too cold and that I was putting my rabbits at risk of pneumonia and that could have been what killed Ralph .... :eek: They also seemed unimpressed with my garden run and the amount of time they're able to go outside. Etc, etc, etc.... Now I know rescues are overly, erm, enthusiastic, especially small ones who think they can do better than everyone else and will be "the" small animal rescue. They're also very unrealistic and picky and that's why there are so many rabbits in bloody rescues!!
She did say she'd be in touch, but I doubt very much that she will let one of their rabbits come to me. She also said she didn't know my work friend, who I was told lives with one of the founders of the rescue. It was all very odd and confusing and well, I'm pretty p*ssed off if I'm honest!
I know my set up isn't perfect, no one's ever is - or there'd be no rabbits needing rehoming ;) But I've been keeping rabbits solidly since I was about 12. Yes I've been unlucky with some, because they're bloody rabbits and rabbits just snuff it, but I have had rabbits live for a looooong time. Think my eldest was 9!! Meh :(

Just having some decaff coffee, my treats, and heading to bed. I just caught my reflection in the mirror and my eyes are so dark it looks like I've been in a fight! I'm also really pink, like a tired toddler :p

Hope everyone's alright and having nice weekends so far.xx
Sunday food:

First break:
1 Alpen light (half HexB)
Some fruit - strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries
A Shape 0%

Veggie ravioli with peppers, spinach, and orange tomatoes in
Cheese (HexA1)
Salad with super low cal salad
Wholemeal toast
Rest of the fruit

Afternoon break:
Alpen light and/or small bag of Cadbury Chocolate Fingers (rest of HexB + 5) These will both get eaten at some point, either at work or after tea.

Tea: Mum's making a roast :D

Drinks: Coffee. Squash. Diet Vimto
How snooty! How can a charity turn down an experienced rabbit keeper like you?! OK, perhaps it wouldn't be fair on that particular rabbit (he must be a very big one) if your hutches etc are too small for him but surely they could put you on the waiting list to home a smaller one? I can't believe what they said about the garage floor because rabbits normally live in the ground which can get very wet and frozen! I'm sure you put loads of bedding in for them. Stupid people - I bet you were right miffed.

Cadbury's chocolate fingers - oh how yummy. I haven't had those in aaaaages and I love the dark chocolate ones. I'd find it very hard to say no to the milk chocolate ones as well.

Hope today was OK as well, work-wise and other-wise.
Hey everyone!
Oh I am paying for work today lol. I've made some interesting noises, spent a lot of time lying down, and managed to drop a rather big mug of coffee all the way down my right hand side. Luckily it was cold.... Ah well..

I got through work ok I think. Graham stayed in the back for me over the weekend and then Darrin was in the back anyway yesterday. For a bank holiday weekend it was rather odd. I mean we were hardly quiet, but not what we were expecting at all. Very strange!! But it meant I think that we all coped relatively well and actually got to look after the animals and spend time with them.
We even did a blood transfusion!! I've never ever seen a doggy one! The people who own the sick dog also knew the people who owned it's sibling. So they offered to let it be a donor! Absolutely amazing :)

The hours were hard to cope with though and I was very tired and really painful. I've spent 3 days popping paracetamol and ibuprofen like Smarties, as well as my regular night time meds. Having a day off from the pain relief though as I want my kidneys to have a break and not have to cope with so much. I'll still have my regular stuff this evening tho!

The home check was an awful experience and I'm really really annoyed about it. I've told Darrin from work and he's passed it all on to his friend who IS the co-founder of the charity. Apparently this woman who fosters the rabbits and does the home checks for them is a known problem, many complaints have been made, and they know she's a pain in the a*se. Have asked him to tell them it really put me off re-homing a bunny from them. Which is a bloody shame!!

I've got my friend's bunny now. She dropped him at work yesterday. He's all set up and has survived the night, so that's a good start lol!! She has warned me he's quite old, maybe 6 or 7, but she'd like him to have a companion for the rest of his life :) He's living next to Anya at the moment and I will slowly mix them when he's settled in. He's quite nervy, but we'll get there.
He's a cutey tho!! :D I'll take a pic when I can.

Food was on plan all weekend and I had my half on half off plan treat day yesterday. Tbh it wasn't all that bad, the worst was probably the bar of Oreo Dairy Milk ;) BUT I did talk myself out of ordering in chips and pizza for tea and settled for low fat oven chips, a free Quorn burger on bread with spinach, onions, and peppers. So I feel good about that.
Plus I saved a crap load of syns :) xx
Welcome to the new bunny! The home inspector is clearly hyper-critical. Perhaps she likes her little bit of power or she just doesn't like saying goodbye to ber foster bunnies.

I'm sorry you're suffering so much; those were very long days you worked. Great achievement on sticking to a healthy meal rather than pizza etc. I'd say the chocolate was well- earned.

Enjoy your Lush day and then it's Sven Day - oh, the excitement!
Tbh some of these people who "help" rescues out are so far up their own a*ses and want absolute perfection. Yes of course they have to go to good homes, with the right sort of housing, and a good person looking after them. But you'll never get perfect! They are ridiculous, they really are. Haven't come across someone quite this bad before though!!
I can understand why rescues are overflowing though. They ask for quite high adoption fees and have ridiculously high standards :rolleyes:

Aye I'm hoping Saddam (yes!) will settle in quite quickly. I wont try mixing them for a few days as I want him to be a bit more relaxed. He is a cutey though and has character!!

The days really were very, very long. Can't quite believe I worked 31hrs in 3 days. That's mental!! Pay day in a couple of months should be good though LOL!

Aye Lush day tomorrow :D I think what I might try and do is go for brunch at the veggie place, go see Godzilla in IMAX (I've got a load of Odeon points to use!) and get some Ben and Jerry's before my treatment, and the Lush :D I've offered to pick up burrito's for everyone tomorrow night too. Tomorrow's food wont exactly be on plan lol.... And tonight I've had too much chocolate, but watevs!

I've not heard from Skoda so will email them tomorrow and see if they have a day yet. I really hope it's this week!!

Have just watched an ep of Lillyhammer and I think I'm going to head to bed and read for a bit. I feel so sleepy and painful and just generally meh, so think I'll head to bed and try to relax. So tempted to take some painkillers, but I really want to give my stomach and kidneys a break.

Will see y'all tomorrow. Hopefully smelling super nice and relaxed :D xx
Well done on getting through the weekend and staying on plan, you did really well to do both. I'm not surprised you've been popping pain killers those sort of hours would wipe anyone out.
Congrats on the new bunny, I hope he settles in quickly :) And that silly woman needs a reality check!! I know they have to make sure the new homes are suitable but she was ridiculous :(
I hope you have a great day tomorrow, it's well deserved x x x
Well i managed to ruin my own special day with stupidity and anxiety!!

Right, I offered to bring everyone burrito's in for tea and Rachelle wrote me an order, gave me money for her and John, and her barburrito loyalty card. Which I put in to an envelope to keep separate and safe. This is important, remember it for later....

I got to town a little later than I wanted, so stopped at Boots for a meal deal to take to the cinema for a picnic lunch. I even got it free coz I had enough Boots points :)
I got to the cinema and found out some of my Odeon points had been deleted because I hadn't been for a while and so didn't have enough to pay for my ticket. Nearly £13 for an IMAX film!! *****!! Anyway, I decided I was worth it and really really wanted to see him on the BIG screen so went for it. I also got a coffee from Costa and then some Ben and Jerry's :D
So the film was immense in IMAX! I agree with Barbette that the 3D brought sh*t all to the film - and at times it was quite blurry!! But to see him on that IMAX screen and hear him through the super speakers was worth it! There was a young lad, maybe about 6yrs, sitting in front of me clinging on to his seat for dear life because the vibration from the speakers was making him almost fall off LOL!!
I enjoyed my picnic and total indulgence.

After the cinema I headed to Halifax to drop off the money Mum has offered me towards the car deposit and a cheque I found from Christmas!!

Then I headed to Lush. Zomg what a treatment!! Hot chocolate scrub applied with massage on my chest, arms, legs, back, and shoulders. They do the front of you first and then you turn over. when I was lying on my back she put a heated eye mask on me and I was also lying on a memory foam mattress under a heated duvet!! The music was cheery, upbeat, and made me smile :) When she'd done my front and took the eye mask off, the room was filled with bubbles floating round!!!
After the scrub had been applied and massaged in and left on for a bit with the heat helping it, it was removed with hot, moist towels. Again with this rolling massage technique. Once that was done I was given a slightly more enthusiastic massage, apparently done in a style from Hawaii, which uses the hands and forearms of the therapist. This was done with a warm, melted chocolate & rose oil. I had all of me massaged with this and it smelt and felt amazing!
It felt over way too soon, but I really enjoyed it. And the smell and feel of my skin was just gorgeous!! We had a chat after I'd gotten dressed and headed back to the kitchen and I was given a cocktail made with candyfloss!!
So I left Lush after buying a couple of bits with one of my gift cards and headed to the Burrito place. I even called Rachelle on the way to tell her how amazing it was and how chilled I felt. And then it went wrong.

I got to Barburrito and ordered 3 burrito's and a bowl - that much I remembered. But could I find the envelope? NO! So I started panicking and got really anxious and almost started crying - ffs!! The people serving me weren't helpful and quite snippy so I kinda just threw an order together and hoped for the best. Had to pay on my card because I didn't have enough cash for everyone's. Luckily I had a free burrito on my loyalty card, so that cut it down a bit. I emptied my bag and couldn't find the envelope :(

So I ran back to Odeon and then Lush to see if it had been handed in. It hadn't :(

I'd planned to go get coffee, sit and read for a bit, and hit a few shops. But I was so panicked by then I just wanted to go home. I was so anxious and in so much pain from being tense :( I grabbed a coffee from Starbucks on the way to the car and just went home. Which was a mistake in itself as I hit rush hour spot on. Literally crawled home in first gear!!
I finally got home and found the f*cking envelope on the floor, under the radiator where I had packed my bag that morning.

SUCH a stupid bloody thing to do. And to let it ruin my day as well for the sake of £12 and maybe getting someone's order wrong - which I did. I got John's wrong but he didn't mind :) I just can't believe I managed to ruin my own special, day off from reality with something so silly!
How can my treat day end up so disastrous?! And I felt like I completely wasted my spa experience and apart from the smooth skin I've gotten no benefit from it after being so tense and rushed right after.

So I'm feeling rather sorry for myself and really down :(

I DID have a good day, but I do feel it was wasted and pointless.

I think in a few weeks I'll ask my friend if she can get me a voucher for another treatment and try again lol. And maybe not offer to do anything for anyone other than myself that day ;) As selfish as that sounds!!

No news from Skoda! I've emailed the guy, but got no reply. I don't know what days he works though so might not have even been in today. Hopefully will hear something tomorrow, even if it is just an update on where it is. It *should* have gotten in to port last Friday!

I got letters from the tax credit people and mine have been upped a bit for the next year, so that's good. Also got a letter from Atos to say they have been handed my PIP claim and they'll be in touch as soon as they can. At least I know it's moving. Dreading the thought of a medical though. I went to one years ago and it was awful!

Food was totally off plan yesterday and I did completely overindulge. It's sort of rolled over in to today, but nowhere near as bad and I have slowed it down. Hoping I can make myself have a low syn day tomorrow :)

Went to see X Men Days of Future Past before and it was fantastic!! I'm loving the cast for these new films, they work so well together. Very, very good film and I even misted up a bit ;)

Hope everyone is doing ok. Well done if you get through that mega post.xx
Oh what a shame your day didn't go as well as you hoped. The Lush massage etc sounds incredible. Yes - next time make the whole day your own as an extra special treat; given all you do and cope with, I don't think that would be selfish at all.

Great about the tax credit - any extra is welcome.

Saddam's got such a cute face!

Hopefully the car will arrive any day now - whoo!
So sorry your day was marred :( The treatment sounds amazing and I think a day of you doing that again and nothing else sounds like a plan, do it :)
I love the new bunny, especially his little tash he has either side of his nose :D
Good news about the tax credit, any extra will help. And I'm glad PiP have received your application at least now it's really moving.
The bank holiday this week will have delayed things for your car so hopefully next week you'll get Sven. We got Bernard back on Wednesday it's so nice to have her back :D
I hope you've had a better day today and are feeling happier x x x
Hey guys!
Aww I'm glad you like Saddam. He's such a little sweetheart. I was so worried about him being so nervous and he seemed quite "shocky" when I brought him home - very worrying for a rabbit! But he is settling nicely and is definitely becoming more confident.
My friend is going to swipe some nail clippers from work and give me a hand clipping his back ones. They're awful!! The only thing I can think of is that my friend and her husband actually didn't handle him, unless they needed too, and they've probably not noticed. He had a hutch attached to a big run and warren/maze type thing, so they probably never really needed to handle him. Anyway, they need doing so he'll have to get on with it :)

My plan for the tax credits is that the extra I'll be getting will go in to my savings and help boost them a bit. I kinda think I coped before they got upped and it would be daft to start adding it to my budget when I know it will get taken away again next year. So my plan is to save as much as possible of the extra :)

I thought the bank holiday would mess with the timing for the car, but the Skoda guy assured me it wouldn't and that he would keep me updated. But I've not heard anything from him, since I saw him last Wednesday. I meant to be brave and call him today but the time ran away from me and I was in work till 8 today. I sent another email when I was on my break, which he should have got tonight or will get in the morning. It seems very unlikely it will be tomorrow now. And I'd be kinda annoyed if it were sprung on my like that! Just annoying as he did say it would be Sat and also update me as things happened. I mean it got in to port Friday last week!! Hrmph.
My car's been playing up a bit the last few days as well - it's gone very "light" again and feels like it's struggling to start sometimes. So the quicker the better before something drastic happens to it!
Plus my finance payment will have gone out today now so there £110 I need to get back in some way. Skoda guy did say any payment over the arranged redemption/part ex fee will get back to me from the finance company. Still a pain to have to pay it out tho! I don't want to have to chase things up either, so I really hope it's sorted automatically. It wont go off the price of the new car because I've already signed the finance documents with the arranged amounts. Meh!

Work was busy this evening, but got thru it ok. Raced home so I could go to the cinema with Rachelle and John to see Godzilla. Yes, again ;) We saw it in 3D, but only because it was the best timed showing. So I have now seen it in all 3 presentations LOL!! IMAX was probably my favourite just for the size of the screen. He's still my new hero!!

Just watching ALIEN. And have figured out that this is probably where my fear of robots comes from! Bishop scares the sh*t out of me and I've only ever been afraid of humanoid robots!! I watched ALIEN when I was quite young and it is one of my favourite films ever!!! I mean I saw it at Fact with the original 60mm film. But it just came to me about the robot thing. Bishop came on the screen and I instantly went "F*cking robots" and then went "Oh!!" Total lightbulb moment lol....

Food is all over the bloody place and I'm so disappointed with myself :( I'm going to the cinema tomorrow afternoon with Michelle and we're going to do tea at mine - picking up pizza's on the way home. I need to get it in my head that I NEED to behave with food and lose some weight before my friends wedding in August!! I now have 2.5 months to lose something and I've not really gotten anywhere. I'd be over the moon if I could lose even half a stone in that time and feel more comfortable. I need to get my head straight and stop making excuses and letting things slide.
I KNOW I can do Slimming World and do it really well. And I know these slips are my own doing and I have no one else to blame but myself. I need to stop being overly kind to myself and treating myself with food. I really, really want to lose this weight and feel happier about myself again.
Please, please can I have some cheerleading and a*s kicking when needed? Feel free to tell me off as well ;)

I guess for now I let myself have this weekend and then get to it and get back to healthy eating and moving a little better. I can do it, I just need to put the effort in :)

Right, I will say goodnight as it is now chest-busting time in ALIEN and sh*ts about to go down ;) xx