Well everything is going ok with week 4 so far. I'd say the only thing I'm not doing properly is that I've taken to drinking way more Coke Zero than 600ml so I'll see if it has any effect on weight loss on my Sunday weigh in. Off the diet I'm a bit of a Pepsi Max fiend so this seems to have replaced it. I was thinking earlier on how with Exante, by week 4 I was really really feeling ready for the add a meal week after week 6 on the diet but I feel fine on S&S. I think having vegetables and lifestyle days really helps. It is nowhere the same feeling of having to endure as on Exante and that's very good
Tomorrow my next box of Slim and Save things will be arriving and I'm pretty glad as I drank my last shake today and last bar yesterday. It's ok as I've got meals and some soups left so I've been having those. Some of the soups have actually grown on me a wee bit so that's good. Just a pity I didn't order any with this new batch of stuff! The next box is mainly shakes, bars I like and meals I like.
I must say, I was looking at the S&S facebook group and a fair amount of people complain about hunger and it's not really something I've greatly experienced at all. I get hungry at meal times e.g. lunch time/dinner time but that's it. I don't think I could do the diet if I felt hungry all the time. Tonight I felt a little...not hungry but restless, wanting to eat despite just having had a meal replacement. I think I was after something sweet and didn't have anything suitable in the house. So that's what the lack of shakes maybe does to me. Oh well, at least I didn't give in and my new box will be appearing soon
I have a day off work tomorrow as I'd built up enough flexi time

Not really doing anything for it but I have a pile of deliveries appearing tomorrow, as well as Slim and Save stuff I have some new bedroom furniture appearing and a few smaller things from ebay. I also plan to move some furniture around in my flat - I'm hoping that will contribute to some good weight loss as it's heavy furniture being moved from one room to another so it'll be a workout.
As well as that tomorrow, the ex is coming up for the weekend...we've been talking around getting back together and we're spending time together this weekend to talk about things and see how we feel. He and I never fell out really, just there was a long distance issue when I had to move to Dundee. We've remained in fairly close contact ever since we split up last June. It's not a question of whether we can get on or not, just whether there's a way around the long distance. Someone will have to give eventually if we do get back together. I'm not sure about it though. I normally think you should never go backwards but that's hard to do when emotions are involved. I suppose I'll see what happens. Anyway, he'll be up and this creates an issue of being around food in my own house. He's supportive of my diet so it should be ok. I won't be cooking when he's here; I already have things like pasta sauce/chilli/curry in my freezer which I made from scratch before I was on the diet so I'm glad they'll get used up. I also have quite a lot of pasta stuck away at the back of my cupboards which I might ask if he wants to take it home as it's only going to sit there for ages unused. Dried pasta doesn't tempt me to go off on a pasta eating frenzy but you never know, I suppose.
Tomorrow night we're also going to the cinema, I'm glad my S&S box will be appearing so I can take a bar with me