I WORKED OUT TODAY. After a tiring day at work I was determined to exercise. so I put my exercise clothes on and put my phone on fitness blender. I did a 20 mins and I nearly died. lmao
I have had a great week health wise, work is a different story. I have started my exercise routine this week. I am aiming to do that 3-5 times a week since my arms are starting to look a bit flabby lol. I had two exercise buddies yesterday my 11 yr old niece and 2 yr old nephew, they saw what I was doing and decided to join in. Lawd knows I how one of us didn't get some kind of injury .I have decided that I am going to come off being 100% TS once I finish week 20. I am going to adding salads back into my diet and slowly up my food intake. I am still going to go for my goal.
That's fab Clover, well done.
So, will you stick to a certain amount of cals for your salad? Will you be replacing a pack with the salad?
You've done amazingly so far, you must be thrilled!
Do you feel different?
@MrsN . I am going to be making salads about 100-200 calories. Just so my body can get used to having food again. I will still be having my 3 packs, will be doing that for about a week. Then I will start fazing out the amount of packs week by week and including more cooked food. I feel loads different for one I am not as tired any more. AND OMG my snoring has improved . I used to wake myself up. It was that bad
@bexster1974 well had 3; fabian, Stefano and georgio. I am happy to say fabian is gone. Stefano is on his way out but georgio is going to be the most stubborn.