Chelcie's new refeed diary!


chels, i typed into google 'exante refeed' and look what came up ..........


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Aaaaaaaah im famous!!! hahahahahaha!!!!

Yeah im weighed today at 11stone 9.. im confused.. didnt think i was THAT bad like :( :(

What flavours have you had tan?? xxx
Day 44

Breakfast - Oatso simple golden syrup

Lunch - Pasta, tuna and onion and a bit of extra light low fat mayo and an apple

Dinner - Turkey stirfry with black bean sauce and oriental stirfry veg and noodles

Snack - Jelly babies :( lol
What did you weigh before you started maintainence chels?

Ive had the banana & vanilla shakes - not too keen. The thai chicken & basil soups, really like them both and both the bars i really like too.
umm... i dont actually remember... maybe 11stone 4? but i got down to 11stone 2...

Eugh i hated the soups lol!!!!!! the shakes are bland but get better :)
Day 44

Breakfast - oatsosimple golden syrup

Lunch - lettuce, carrots, pickled onions and chicken in chinese 5 spice

Snack - apple

Dinner - Home made burgers with extra lean mince, low fat chips, garlic and herb soft cheese, lettuce, onions and a slice of whole meal bread

Snack - sugar ring doughnut :( it was all going so well too...

Good gym session though today :)
Day 45 - Weighed in today at 11 stone 6 and a half

Breakfast - Oatsosimple golden syrup

Lunch - half a jar of dolmio, pasta and bacon with the fat trimmed off and onions

Snack - 7 jelly babies and a coke zero coke float

Dinner - Pasta, chicken breast, onions and sweetcorn and half a jar of spicey pepper sauce

Snacks (this is where it all goes wrong cant stop nibbling tonight dont seem to be getting full at all) Dougnut ring, salt and vinegar snack a jacks, a pork and leek sausages, and a maple light choices cereal bar, a muller light and an apple..

Thats all im having and i mean it!!

Drinks wise - Coffee water and coke zero

Added snack :'( - Weight watchers cookies mix.. yes the whole mix, a doughnut and another pack of snack a jacks.. cannot fill the bottomless pit here.. tomorrow is a new day..

think its cus i havent left the house today and have been thinking off food constantly.. it will be interesting to see the damage done after me losing that 3lb gain aswell :( GRRRRRRRRR
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Darn snacking hey chels! Besides that menus are looking good. Get some more veg in ya girl!! :giggle:
i know!!!

I love veg!!! its my mum shes keeps "forgetting" to go shopping!!! grrrr lol.. tomorrow im being extra extra good cus i ended up eating more tonight aswell :(
Weight watchers cookies mix? Like cookie mix to make cookies?!!
Day 46

Breakfast - oatso simple

snack - banana for gym energy

Lunch - lettuce, onions, carrots, a tiny bit of pasta, tuna and pickled onions

Dinner - Pasta, Chicken, bacon, onions and half a jar of spicey pepper sauce

4am snack - lamb sandwich, a few spoonfuls of egg and mayo and a diary lea cheese thingy :(
hahaah no i did actually make cookies but i squished them too thin so my mum wouldnt eat them.. so i ate them all like a big fat pie hahaha!
Day 47

Breakfast - oatsosimple golden syrup

snack - mullerlight and a small caramel square

Lunch - 2 slices wholemeal bread, tuna, onion and lettuce

Dinner - Chicken, carrots, peas and mash

drinks - lots of water and coffee

MUCH better day today :)

was doing my first shift on my part time job tonight which helped keep me distracted! Gym session tomorrow.. I think yes! lol
Looking good Chels .... hopefully that new pt job will keep you distracted from picking :D
Day 48 - weighed 11stone 8 and a half today

Breakfast - oats so simple

Snack - mullerlight and 6 jelly babies

Lunch - 2 slices of wholemeal bread, tuna, onion and lettuce

dinner - rump steak, new potatoes with garlic and herb extra light soft cheese, cauliflower spinach and onions

Snack - a brownie

Drinks - lucozade orange for gym energy, water and coffee and having a few whiskys this evening!

Went to the gym today

Yeah Tan.. im hoping it will!!!!! lol!!
Day 49 - BAD day!

Breakfast - oats so simple

Snack - half an apple that tasted weird and a brownie

Lunch - minestrone cup a soup

Snack - 2 brownies :(

Dinner - Pasta, chicken, sweetcorn and spinach

Snack - cereal bar

Went to the cinema Medium sweet popcorn and a packet off toffee poppets and a coke zero, came home another cereal bar and some left over pasta :(

Coffee water etc
Day 50 - ALREADY??? wow!!!

Breakfast - Whites oats and honey - nice :)

Snack - apple

Lunch - cream of chicken cup a soup

Snack - apple and cereal bar

Dinner - Sweet and sour chicken and rice

Snack - mullerlight lemon cheesecake thing and a glacier mint and some pickled onions...

Drinks - Whisky and coke zero's, water and coffee
