We ride, we ride....
Hey Chelle,
Yes think must've been something in the air, cos I think a lot of people struggling.
Sorry to hear about your health probs, but glad that you are starting to feel better. It's so annoying when uneducated people always blame the diet without even havng any facts.
Anyway am totally behind you, just take it one day at a time and do what you can, no pressure. You know what you want and you'll soon be back in your other clothes soon -especially with the gym and the renewed enthusiasm.
My prob was that I'd started to dislike this diet intensely!! I'm kind of working through it gradually as the days of SS get strung together. It's hard though and I'm taking it day by day, so I do not get ahead of myself - I usually end up planning weeks in advance and setting myself up for a fall.
Anyway chick, 14.8 is nothing, you'll soon get that off again, I got up to the 15's again and I hoped that I'd never ever see them again!!
Speak soon xxx
Hiya, yeh alot of us had a break. I think sometimes it gets to the point where u're only causing more damage by trying to diet/thinking about dieting that u just have to be away from it (if thats possible!).
Yeh, I got to the point where I hated the diet and everything is stood for, where the reality was that I hated myself for having no control and having to go to such extremes. It's better sweet - I hate the diet but its the only way I can see myself of ever being slim!!!
Well done on ur 16lb loss hun, thats a great start!!!
Hugs, xx
Man, you have been through the mill!!! :hug99: I don't blame you for not telling anyone - sometimes the outside pressure is worse than what we do to ourselves. We're with ya babes xx
Hey DQ *hugs*
Totally, they were all mashing my head to bits and it was like I was in a bubble and my opinions didn't matter. Some of my family work on an eating disorder unit (ironically), so are constantly telling me to eat healthy = weight loss. Yeh if it was that simple!!
Hope u're doing good!! Hugs, xx
Well hello stranger!!
god me and you must have had the same thoughts at the same time!! Me too have been struggling and decided to have a break away from the site and dieting. Starting again this Monday have not weighed in yet but think i may be close to 14st again. But hey ho this is a lifelong thing and i am just happy that i know i can do it with CD.
I hope you have a great birthday just enjoy it and look to the future instead of having any regrets. My hub is 38!! same day as you and i am 35 on 26th so look at it this way your ten years younger so have a lot more years to enjoy being slim!! Go for it hon and i'm so glad your back i have missed every one and cant wait to catch up on all the threads.
Hiya!! *hugs!*
Great to see u!!
Hope to catch up on all ur news soon!!!
Hiya Chelle!
Good to have you back!
Poor you being ill- but at least you have a reason so people can't keep banging on about it being the diet making you dizzy![]()
As you'll see from my ticker, I keep being a naughty girl, so I've not lost anything in the time you've been away- wasn't that nice of me to keep some consistency for ya?!![]()
I need to whip my fat ass into shape. I wish I had motivation to go to the gym like you!
Don't dwell on the 'what if's- hey, I could have been a flippin size zero by now the length of time I've been messing about with the diet! But, alas, whatever will be, will be and all that. What's a few more weeks? You have the rest of your life to be a skinny foxy minx!!
Sendin positive vibes your way hun!!!
Hiya hun!!
Hahaha - I wish me going to the gym was purely down to my own motivation lol. Truth is baby bro works in the gym and needs someone to train for his final qualification - so he's dragging me there!!
Tell me about it - could have been 9stone millions of times over by now!! Ho hum, moving on!!
Hugs, xx
Much love, chelle xx