Thanks ladies, you never fail to make me smile
I'm very disappointed but if anything its made me more determined to loose as much as humanly possible lol.
Yes I'm seeing him tomorrow
So excited! He's coming straight from work so will be here about 6am.
He always still manages to shock me after all this time. I've not long got off the phone to him and he was talking about his reduncy payout and how he's been thinking it will come in handy for a certain day and I was like what are you on about? He said well you know, like a day where you wear white and everyone dresses up :O for the first time in years and years I was completely speechless, I was just saying well, yeah, I mean, yeah erm, he said well we will speak about it tomorrow. I'm scared now!!!
I've decided that tomorrow is a new week and I'm going to have a 100% week and I WILL have a good loss next week if it kills me!
Oh and by the way chocolate philly is buy one get one free in Tesco
Thanks for your messages lovelies xxx