Hi everyone...I think there will always be the debate whether coke zero/zero pop is allowed on this diet but tbh i think its each to their own...personally ive alwaays been a big fan of fizzy pop & yes this has contributed to my weight gain but ive never really drank tea/coffee im also not really a sweet or choc person so a can of coke has always been my vice.
Over the past few years ive massively cut down on the amount i drink & always choose diet/zero or pepsi max & i do now drink aloot more water/sparkling water & green/herbal teas,
Im a big believer in a healthy balanced diet & everything in moderation. I lost almost a stone last month just cutting out crap & working out most days but decided to do this for a few weeks for a number of reasons;
the main one being financial, personal curcumstances along with the novelty & coveience of a new supermarket opening bang on my doorstep has left me eating/drinking & spending alot more!! So my mum offered to purchase a 4week pack for me. I also felt like i needed to challenge in my life, ive friends who've lost vast amounts of weight on this & similiar VCLDs So i wanted to see how much i could loose & how long i could last.
Im on day 8 & so far ive lost 5lbs, to me this is quite disapointing, i had such high expectations & feel i could loose this amount without literally starving myself.
But yes back to the point lol being able to drink coke zero has really got me through my 1st week ive only had 3L btwn days 4-8 but it really has helped me keep going. I personally dont feel i would have lost anymore if i hadnt drank it & tbh after reading some comments im not really sure what people deem more important health or weightloss?!
Obvs water is more beneficial to us but have looked at all the ingredients on the packets & the E numbers surley a glass of coke zero isnt too controversial?!
But like i said this is just my personal oppinion, yes VLCDs & liquid diets do work but i think its important to learn about ourselves, why we put on the weight innthe first place & re-learn healthy esting habits.
I havent decided how long im going to try do this diet for, i want to lose another 2stone, but maybe i might start eating food even if it just a sml protein meal & i am goin to remain havin a can or 3 of coke zero a day!!
Becky x