Lol. Thats me. Well guys i cant quite figure it out but i gained a lb over night. Vicky seems to think its coz i didnt eat until late so hoping it will come off tomorrow for the big wi.
Just had sausages for brekkie and have no idea for meals today but mark is here so it will be very strict as he makes me eat properly!!!
Oliver has a speech appt today, long story but one of his 7 teachers thinks he cant speak properly! I took him to his other school and didnt say why but asked them what they thought, their speech lady spent the whole day with him and said she didnt think he needed to be refered but if i was at all concerned she could keep an eye. I told her and she was very shocked. Id rather take him though coz if there is a problem i want it dealt with. We dont think there is so we shall see. Both his key workers (teachers that work with him and write all his reports and developements) say they dont know why shes done it either. Right im off for now, will update you all later and if i dont get a chance i'll get Vicky to. xxxx