Cheryls Dukan diary

cheryl needs one and i want one ;)
TY. not me thanks :p
Lol. I need hugs!
Work just called me coz ive gone sick and he was lovely. Even said hes going to call or text me on mon to see how i get on (he'll be sunning himself in spain!).
Not checked again but been resting and not moved. Need to make some lunch in a bit though as ive not had any yet. Looks like no festival for me this year.......had my heart set on going
aww thats sweet. yes get some lunch babe . its late for lunch.
there is always next year babe x
My washing can wait so can the tidying up. oh and cooking dinner for that matter. Might get mark to buy something on the way home. Dont even fancy food at mo, totally forgot it was lunch time at lunch which is why its late
get a takeaway xxx
well can he pick up a ping meal or something you can just stick i the oven with some salad?
thats fine babe . no problem. a bag of salad and some chery tomatoes and something easy and pingy :D
Marks coming home now, ive just been to the toilet and im losing more red blood. Dont think its good at all girls
oh sweetheart xxxxxxx massive hugs and thinking of you so much xxxxx please god dont let this happen :(
Its seriously not looking good at mo at all. I guess i just need to get on with it now. Mark is coming home and taking me to a&e as hes not happy about me not being seen
good they will be able to tell you if anything wrong. xxxxxxx
I know babe but at least you know. i dont really know what to say just know im here xxxx