It Is hard Joanne- I don't have kids but I still find it a chore to fit in exercise!! Least you've got the diet sorted
I'm going out for lunch with my mum and aunt today and tonight the bf and I are going to cinema. Will catch up on x factor when we get home! Sunday is gonna be a day for tidying up the flat it looks like a bombs hit it!!!
First set of week 5 cardio done, felt sick so decided not to do set 2. Still feel too weak bit disappointed in myself. Onwards to week 6 now but will have to wait until I've got my strength back as not feeling 100% better yet.
I think doing some form of exercise on the belly area is defo what i need to be doing! Never heard of kettelbells before reading your diary! I will have to have a look into them. Something i can do at home would be perfect! Thanks x
Kron is the master of the kettlebells and if you go to her post there is a link with lots of info, they really are magic.
Ok so I've cancelled my lunch with my mum and aunt cos I CAN'T stop coughing and don't want to spoil their lunch. I'm chilling out today and doing NOTHING!!!! Have taken some photos of weigh loss/kettleworx progress so far.....need motivation to keep me going
front view pics - not too much of a noticable difference in these pics but I def have more definition in my abs - poor quality of these don't really show it - GO KETTLEWORXS
Thanks for all the positive comments about the pics - spurs me on 6.75 lbs to reach target
Food 12.11.11
brekkie - 2 slice of toast with scrape of marg, 2 eggs scrambled
Lunch - baked potato with chilli from yesterday
some grated cheese( low fat)
muller light
strawbs, blueberries and raspbs
Dinner - I'm having a takeaway frm Indian tonight - going for a tomato based curry and having a smallish portion Gotta still enjoy living eh!!
Cinema trip has been xc as this cough is driving me barmy and don't wanna sit through a film trying to hold it in lol Have spent the day catching up on TOWIE
With all the excitement of your transformation, I haven't yet asked how your feeling. Shame you had to miss your meal and movie but a good idea to stay home. Wish you better soon x