Chickadee's food diary.

Hi Hun, how did the christening go? Not too much temptation I hope lol! I've spent the day ironing and wishing it was Wednesday already :) Green day for me today think it might have to be EE tomorrow I fancy a Sunday roast....x
Blue Bunny had a fab time at Christening, was nice to catch up with family that I haven't seen for ages. My cousin had booked lunch at a hotel afterwards for everyone so had 3 courses then went out with my cousins and friend that night so had lots of booze!!! Not gonna feel bad about it though as it was a special occasion! a few syns free days are on the cards this week!

Sounds like you've been busy, hope you get some chill time today and enjoy your roast( think I'll have the same for my dinner :))

Just writing down what I ate yesterday, Obviously went way over in syns so not gonna count these but think i made pretty good choices with the lunch(apart from the cheesecake lol)

Menu for Sat 6.08.2011 - EE

scrambled eggs
wholmeal bread - toasted - HEXB
1 tsp light marg - 1 syn

Lunch - Ate out
mozzarela(HEXA)and tomato salad(this had some pesto in it I think)
Shepard pie and SF veg(it was glazed with parmasean(spelling??!)
strawberry cheesecake
diet soft drinks

I had a liquid dinner consisting of numerous vodkas(diet mixers) and a few cola cube shots LOL! I did however resist the chippy afterwards!
Sunday - 7.08.2011 - EE

28g porridge - HEXA
250ml ss milk - HEXB
1/3SF -half banana and strawbs

melon (had breaksfast really late)

Roast chicken garnished with oxo paste and mixed herbs.
baked potato(half)
corn on the cob
1/3SF - carrots and green beans

low fat super noodles
natural yogurt

Need to go shopping for more fruit and veg today, supplys are low!!
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Hey Chickadee! Glad you had a good time yesterday :) I've been struggling to get on minimins for the last couple of days, it's loading either really slowly or not at all!! Grr!! I decided on a red day in the end for today, nice big cooked brekkie yummy, and there's a chicken in the oven as we speak....then its back to the ironing for me! I'll be glad to see the back of my ironing board for 2 weeks ;) xx
Well I had a peek at the scales (again) to see the damage from Sat. 10st 7 and 3/4 lbs! A gain of 1.75 lbs!!! Not gonna let it get me down though as I showed a gain last Monday after the wedding and managed to shift 2 lbs at WI!

Monday 8.8.2011 - Red

28g porridge and crackerbread- HEXB
250ml ss milk- HEXA
SF- satsuma

prawn and melon salad with marie rose sauce(1 tbsp light mayo and 1 tbsp tomato ketchup- 3.5 syns)
Mozzarella 42g-2nd HEXA
SF - melon and salad

Lean mince with beef oxo to flavour
SF veg- carrots, green beans, swede.
142g garden peas- 2nd HEXB

1 tbsp light marg-3
marie rose sauce - 3.5
lean mince - 6 syns( I cooked 500g which would work out about 9 syns, think I ate half but gonna go higher just incase as I was picking while cooking ;) )

total - 12.5
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Tuesday 9.8.2011 - EE

Woke up with a sore stomach and had to meet my dad at 11am so skipped brekkie as was faffing about and running late!

Met up with my family for lunch today as one of my aunties was visiting from Cannock and haven't seen her in over ten years! Lol! Had a 3 courser but tried to make sensible choices. Think I did ok!
homemade veg soup- sf

tomato omlette with mashed potatoes - HEXA for cheese in omlette

pear crumble( I can never refuse desserts!I didn't have custard or ice-cream with it so that's something at least!) Guessing I maxed out my syns on lunch!

Went a walk to sainsburys so hoping I walked off some of the dessert :)


Risotto with Sf( been crap with the Sf today so trying to make up for it by having lots at dinner!)
Mushrooms, pepper, courgette, rocket leaves.


this was YUMMY!!


slices of wafer thin chicken
Ff Cottage cheese
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Hi Von

Thanks for reading my diary, i'm really pleased I've given you some ideas. Here's the link to the carbonara below, there are a few variations... think i'm doing the one with quark(never tried it so hoping it's good)

Let me know how it was :)

Carbonara recipe

Hi chickadee, thank you so much, i'm going to have this for dinner tomorrow so i will let you know how mine turns out. xx
Just some thoughts.........

Haven't been feeling great today, sore tummy, really horrible bloaty feeling(thinking TOTM might be due) I've ate quite a bit today but have felt like a bottomless pit!!

Made a lovely Risotto for my dinner, left some in the pot for tomorrow but I've gone and polished it all off tonight, 250 g's :eek:

Wish i'd not had dessert today at lunch as i'm worried it will ruin my chances of a loss on Friday, wouldn't be so bothered if I hadn't ate and drank loads on Sat. :( And to top it all off i'm going out for lunch tomorrow with friends! Supposed to be having a few drinks too but think i'll stick to soft drinks.

It's week 2 of kettelworx CORE tomorrow so I'm looking forward to getting a good workout :) Have to buy myself a measuring tape so I can take down some stats. I have also taken some photos as I think these are a good way to help keep me motivated :)

Haven't quite decided if i'll do red/gree/ee tomorrow, will see how I feel in the morning!
Wed 10.08.2011- original

Still have a sore tummy this morning, can feel it churning, not good! Off out to meet friends at half 2 for lunch, going to a place where you can have a ' build your own salad' so think i'll do that and get loads of SF in :) jumped on scales today in the hope that the 1.75 gain had gone but the sales were showing another 2lbs gain!!! Tbh I don't completely believe it, think I may just need a toilet trip! It's still annoying though, haven't Been on plan 100% cos I've had things on this week but don't think my choices have been too bad and I've gone without syns to compensate!! Arrrghh!! Also did kettleworx wk2 core today! Anyway food so far....


2 weetabix - hexb
Ss milk- hexa
Sf- strawbs, blackberries.


Salad with
Chicken, feta cheese(2nd HEXa)
Baby corn, spring onions,mixed pepper, cherry toms, cucumber, onion.
Balsamic dressing- guessing 10 syns, was quite oily.


Omlette with toms, pepper, onion and mushrooms.
Rocket salad
Cottage cheese and potatoes (2nd hexb)



2 seafood sticks
toffee muller
1 mint choccie - 2 syns

total syns - 12
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Woke up at 8am today and had brekkie, stomach still not 100% and no
TOTM yet!! Decided to go back to bed as it was miserable outside!! Checked scales and down to 10st 7.25 which is better than yest but still a 1.25lb gain since last Friday. Really wanna try and do some damage limitation today so it'll be SF ahoy!!! Would be DELIGHTED with a STS this week,Must stop weighing in early!!

Off out later to get the weekly shop done, think I'll see if I can get anything to settle my stomach can still hear it churning!! Think I'm gonna have a wee day in the house today as it's pouring down, have few things to do for starting back work on Monday, after 6 weeks holiday it's hard to get motivated!!! Looking forward to getting back into a routine though but also a little nervous as I'm starting in a new school! Anyways, foodwise...11.08.2011-EE

Hexb- 1 slice wm bread(57g)
Lf marg- 2 syns
1/3 sf- mushrooms, toms.

1/3 sf- large salad-cherry toms, peppers, pickles.
Feta cheese- hexa
Chicken roll ups with ff cottage cheese
6 stuffed olives - 1.5 syns

Cod with lemon and basil
A couple of new potatoes
Sf- carrots, swede, green beans, sprouts, cauliflower.
Parsley sauce-4 syns

Vanilla muller
1/2 banana

Total syns-7.5

Hunners of water!!!
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WI this morning was better than expected, gained 0.75 lb which wasn't too bad considering my week-end and lunches out! Really do NOT want to gain again though. So far in 3 weeks i've lost 4.25lbs. Decided to set myself a mini-challenge to lose 2.75lbs this week to get my 1/2 stone. I'll be thrilled if I can do it :) Have lunch out with my friends on Thursday but that's about it, back to work on Monday and staying off the booze this weekend(even though it's my 28th birthday on Friday :))

Still going strong with the kettleworx programme but might need to up my game this week and go for a few jogs. I ran 10k in May but haven't been running since so will prob struggle!

Anyways food today: 12.08.2011 - Red

2 weetabix - HEXB
SS milk - HEXA
half banana, blackberries.

SF packed salad
chicken and cottage cheese roll ups
feta cheese - 2nd HEXA
low fat dressing - 2 syns

Chicken Tikka Masala with SF-mushrooms,onion,green beans, garlic, passata.
100g cooked rice - 2 syns


2nd HEXB - 57g wm bread
Ham slices
jaffa cake bar - 4 syns

syns - 8
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Think I'm gonna opt for a green day today, feeling like I need to mix it up a bit after 0.75 gain! Really determined to lost 2.75/3 lbs this week! Had a long lie this morning and feel nice and refreshed :) did kettleworx week 2 cardio last night and although it was tough it didn't kill me like last week! Can walk ok today!! Still haven't taken my measurements but have taken more recent pics and after comparing I can see a slight difference( and that's only with 3 weeks SW and 2 weeks kw plus the odd ten mins abs :) )

Anyhow my food...13.08.2011- green

Brekkie- omlette with mushrooms, toms, pepper and feta cheese- Hexa

Lunch- Superspeed soup - yuuuummmy and soo filling!
recipe - carrots, red pepper, red onion, kidney beans, butter beans, garden peas, baked beans, chicken stock!)

Dinner- Pasta( blended soup and had as a sauce!)
side salad with lf dressing - 2 syns
jaffa cake bar - 4 syns

Hexb- to be added!
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Some pictures I've taken to keep myself motivated and track my progress :)

Obviously in the start photo I was NOT overweight(10st 11.5 lbs) but I was not at my 'happy' weight!(9st 7lbs)

Think there is a slight difference and I feel uing the kettlebells has definitely contributed to this. Hope i'm not kidding myself and others can see a slight dif too??! Will update in a few weeks!


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Sunday 14.08.2011- EE

Brekkie-2 weetabix and ss milk- HEXA and HEXB
1/3 sf- blackberries

Lunch- superspeed soup packed with sf!
Went to my friends brothers party and had two small ham triangle sandwiches and some savoury rice so I'll say 10 syns for the bread/ marg and think the rice would be free on EE?

Dinner- pasta from yesterday with chicken added.
1/3 sf- rocket salad
Jaffa cake bar - 4 syns

Whoops just remembered I forgot to eat my hexbs yesterday!!
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Hi chickadee :)

I just wanted to say wow! I can see a difference in those photos - can't believe how close together in time they are. Kettle bells clearly work! Very envious of your flat stomach - keep up the good work x
Hi charmel

Thanks, I will certainly be keeping up the kettlebells! Glad you can see a difference too I wasn't sure if I was kidding myself- I just can't believe the quick results! Would defo recommend kettlebells to anyone x
Hi, I just read through your diary as we're similar height and weight with the same target (9st 7) I have been back twice as long as you but as I have had sooo many events - 18th birthdays, weddings, hen party's etc etc its been slow but at least its comming off. Your pics show a huge difference, i'm on day 8 of the 30 day shred and taken measurements but maybe photos are the way to go!

Great menu's/days I too am mixing it up this week and next but I cracked today (*week) and ate cheescake for lunch woops - but just made superspeed soup for the rest of the week. Good luck with your weight loss and your kettlebells :)
Hey, thanks for Reading! I just write for my own benefit but it's nice to hear ppl actually read what I've written :)

I'm on my iPhone just now so can't see your stats but I know how hard it Is when social events come up! As much as you try to stay on plan it's difficult and you want to indulge a little! I intend for SW to become a way of life rather than a diet( as I'm sure most do) so guess you just have to accept that these things are part of living( and what life is for!!) so try not beat yourself up!! :)

I thought about taking measurements but I still havent bought a tape measure and tbh Im not even sure where to measure and would prob have to pen myself with a permenant Marker to ensure I was measuring the same areas every week! I think photos are the way to go!! I was beating myself up for a tiny gain this week but then I look at the photos and it keeps me motivated :)

The soup is yummy, my boyfriend and I have eaten a pot full since yesterday!! Hope you enjoy! Do you have a diary? Would like a look :)
Oh and good luck with the shred I gave up after about 8 days got so bored of it!
chickadee83 said:
Some pictures I've taken to keep myself motivated and track my progress :)

Obviously in the start photo I was NOT overweight(10st 11.5 lbs) but I was not at my 'happy' weight!(9st 7lbs)

Think there is a slight difference and I feel uing the kettlebells has definitely contributed to this. Hope i'm not kidding myself and others can see a slight dif too??! Will update in a few weeks!

OMG Chick you can so see a difference, well done :) your body shape is really good. Keep up with those bells, they work