Chickadee's food diary.

21.08.2011 - Red

brekkie - 2 poached eggs
beans - HEXB1

Lunch - prawns with marie rose sauce(3.5 syns) and salad, cucumbers and toms.
6 olives - 1 syn

dinner - Well plans for dinner have been changed - thought I had chicken breasts in the freezer but turns out it was fish lol silly me!! Just as well I have my nice quiche chilling!! I've made it with mushrooms toms and HEXA cheese so hopefully it will be good.
garden peas(HEXB2)
That means I now have 6 syns that I've saved on dinner to use elsewhere!!

snacks - cottage cheese, wafer then chicken slices, coconut muller light, drifter 2 finger- 8 syns

total syns - 12.5:D
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mmm your food for today looks good, very yummy and balanced x
Thanks Kron, I'm pretty good at the weekend as I have time to cook so there is normally something a wee bit more exciting than my meals during the week!! Hope you enjoyed your strawbs and getting a bit of sun before it clouded over :) You'll need to share these killer ab moves you've been doing!

I've had a very productive day so far. Went out to do some shopping, needed a few things from poundland and ended up coming out £20 worse off!! Always the way with pound shops! Got myself a compact little packed lunch tray( like a tupperware dish but with dif compartments and it's very own plastic cutlery! Has a
nice purple lid too! ) As you can tell I'm easily pleased LOL. This will be good for taking fruit salads etc to work! Also treated myself to a new casserole dish( I know my life is just TOO exciting) I'm gonna attempt to make a free quiche later today to do me for lunch this week!!! Also went to NEXT and bought myself a new top and dress for work :) So all in all a good day so far.....:D
Hi Chick
I tend to eat cr*p at the weekend lol
Retail therapy is excellent lol, I want one of those compartmentalised lunch boxes so next time I go to town will check them out
Ended up doing a bike ride and hit a few pubs, well feeling a bit tipsy lol, but got the roast dinner on to help sop up the alcohol, I am such a light weight :)
I see I can add photos to my profile thingy, so will get hubby to take some next weekend to show you some ab moves ;)
Side view progress pics....

don't think these show the difference as much as the front view ones, the one with the shorts was taken today, I couldn't get these shorts buttoned up a few months ago( they are still a little tight around the love handles but hoping they fit perfectly in a few weeks :D


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don't think these show the difference as much as the front view ones, the one with the shorts was taken today, I couldn't get these shorts buttoned up a few months ago( they are still a little tight around the love handles but hoping they fit perfectly in a few weeks :D

You look AMAZING!!! :eek::eek: You make me want to start using kettlebells, honestly!! Inspired!!!! xx
Hi Chick
You look fabulous in those shorts, they dont look tight, no noticeable overhang! I am sure they will be a bit loose in a couple of weeks:)
I think your second side photo is difficult to see a difference because I think you are standing closer to the mirror, but shows off you legs lovely :)
Thanks Kron and Bugs :)

Kron, you are right - these are not the best photos, 2nd one is much closer( it's so hard trying to take pics of yourself from side LOL) My boyf has taken some of me on our good camera but I can't find the cable to upload( but when I do I'll post these as they shown the difference better!)

Kron, if you saw thge front shorts photo you would DEFO see the overhang lol It turned out blurry though so I'll need to get another one. I can't wait for the love handles to be gone!!! These shorts are size 10 so if I can do them up so they sit comfortably on my hips in a few weeks time I will be one happy chappy :D

Bugs, hope you managed to pick up some bells so you can get swinging...I'll go and have a read at the Kettlebell thread now! That's Monday over and done with...YAY!
Heehee I wouldn't dare post the photos my hubby takes lol he is so sneaky, should ban all camera phones lol
Kron your hubby must be so proud of your amazing transformation!!My boyf has been asking me where my belly has gone lol

Food for today.....RED
Monday 22.08.2011

brekkie - magic porridge - HEXB1

snack - banana

Lunch - SW quiche(leftovers)
strawbs and pineapple

Dinner - chicken tikka masala
200g cooked rice - 4 syns
drifter 2 finger - 8 syns

syns - 12

hexa - 42g rf cheddar and b to be added.
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Don't know about proud, more gropey lol he was a bit insecure at first but we are both getting more used to it, I have been this size for about 5 months so starting to adjust, it still surprises me tho lol

Could you do you the third super free on red? I did because I understand the principle with EE so used it, but as I went to group with all doing EE I assumed this was the correct way, since browsing minimins there appears to be posts saying you don't need to go by the third rule on red, I really don't know lol

How did you make your masala, hubby would be happy to see that on the menu :)
chickadee83 said:
don't think these show the difference as much as the front view ones, the one with the shorts was taken today, I couldn't get these shorts buttoned up a few months ago( they are still a little tight around the love handles but hoping they fit perfectly in a few weeks :D

Really looking good!!! X
When I started I did a week of EE so kinda got into the habit of 1/3 sf( for example the quiche and tikka is packed with sf) however it's not necessary on green or red( well not from my understanding anyways but always better to get in the SF and I love fruit and veg!)

The recipe is on SW website unde free menu day 4
Non-vegetarian free trial menu - Healthy Eating - Slimming World

Enjoy, my bf loves it too :)

I can imagine how your hubby would feel a bit insecure but he must love having a gorgeous, slim and most importantly confident wife :D
My consultant said you need 1/3 sf on red and green too but the threads here suggest otherwise. I try and have it anyway, it's a good healthy habit to keep up!
Thanks for that info sparkledpixie - I don't go to class so it's good to know. Doesn't really make it clear in the book though...but like you, I try and have it anyways!
Well feeling a tad annoyed after work today, started a new job so still getting used to being in a dif school with new policies, rules, kids etc Then to top it all off got told my room is being painted on Tuesday so I have to take EVERYTHING off the walls and shelves!! This includes stuff I have only just put up and also all the c*%p the other teacher so kindly left for me :mad: Like I don't have anything better to do with my time!!! Anyways....deep breaths!! I'm feeling some bell swinging coming on tonight as it's great for de-stressing :)

Food - Red - Tuesday 23.08.2011

brekkie - magic porridge (HEXB1) with banana and custard muller(1 syn)

Lunch - SW quiche with sf, salad and toms, strawbs and apple.

Dinner - More quiche( Yes i'm gonna turn into a giant quiche!)
cheese(in quiche) HEXA, extra cheese - (4 syns.)
198g new pots(HEXB2)
Green beans

snacks - chicken slices, 2 pieces vanilla fudge(4, guess))1 bar drifter(4)

total syns - 13

Quiche I made- looks burnt at left side but it was actually just the mushrooms which all seemed to end up at this side! Yummy :)
Chick there is something in the air! gettingfits had some bad news, I like you have had the worst day at work today, but home now :)
quiche looks like its a firm fav lol
What is magic porridge, i dont eat it but am intrigued
oooh looks yummy :)
Once I learn how to cook something new I have it to death lol

Oh I read about gettingfit, felt bad moaning about my day when her news is worse - has put it into perspective for me! Hope you have a better day tomorrow Kron, what job is it you do?

Magic porridge is just porridge mixed up with muller light yoghurt and left in the fridge overnight - I love porridge and like this cos I'm always rushing in the morning and I can eat it in the car while i'm on route to work( I car share lol before anyone thinks I'm eating/driving at same time:D)

Will you be swinging tonight?!