china is starting cruise

good news xxx
Morning ladies!
Rolling along nicely on the dukan bus, thank you for all your encouragement!
Sons spare flat keys are now safey back in my possession!( waiting for the next time they lock themselves out! they better not!!!!!!!)
Yesterday I cooked a huge amount of meat ( 1 roast chicken, a huge joint of roast beef & tripled Paulines recipe for yung sing) & between the kids & myself it's all gone. They are embracing Dukan in a big way!!!!!! & loving it. I brought some dukan bread from home with me & am going to make them toased dukan egg sarnies for breakfast.
todays food
B-dukan bread & egg
L-tinned salmon
water water water-need to drink more

Have a great a day ladies xxxx
The "kids" loved the dukan bread! they said the sandwiches tasted just like macdonalds egg mcmuffins. I bought DIL a silicone loaf tin & she's going to make dukan bread for them both. Son isn't dukaning but is happy to eat whatever is put in front of him!!!!
Back home now & it's really cold down here. Snow forecast for tomorrow Or so I'm told as the gym just txted & said tomorrows class has been cancelled for that reason!!!!
I'm making paulinegin's yung sing recipe again tonight. Seriously addicted to it!!!!!!!!! Have had worse addictions in my life though ( biscuits & chocolate not to mention the gin!)
lol ohhhhh the gin lol I know that one....seriously thou I must try that recipie xxx
No snow here so far, thats good as I need to go up to London this morning. Weighed in and have STS. Think I need to do more PP days, but at least no weight has gone on. Is it possible to eat too much meat/
todays food
B-dukan bread & egg
L-chicken shish ( going to a turkish restaurant )
D- not sure yet!
snacks- yoghurt & jelly,
will prob have 1 glass of wine (so bad)
Spoke too soon! started snowing on the way up, but home safely now! Had a lovely chicken shish for lunch at the Turkish restaurant. Now worrying that there will be too much snow to do the Tesco run in the morning. I still have 6 eggs left but panicing that I might run out!!!!!! doesn't make any sense!
Supermarket run all done. snow wasn't too bad. Milk is heating in the slow cooker to make yoghurt. Stocked up with extra lean mince & chicken & eggs!
todays food plan
B-dukan bread & egg
L-tinned salmon
D-roast chicken
Snacks- boiled eggs, smoked salmon
Confession time, I gave in and had a handful of peanuts & a piece of xmas cake. Have now drawn the line!
---------------------- line drawn
Thank you Sid for drawing my line for me xxxx
OH has decided to do dukan with me. Starting Mon will be 5 days attack for him, so I will do 5 days PP at the same time. Yippee!
HMM, because I know that 5 days of PP is starting on Mon, my head is sayig eat what you want th weekend & my body is obeying!!!! so bad! i try to be so good but am so easily led astray. once all of house is 100% dukan will be fantastic
Snowed in!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yoghurt turned out well, fridge now stocked up & ready for the week ahead.
B-dukan bread & egg
L- ?
D-beef yung sing
snacks-yoghurt, jelly, boiled eggs
Put fire on, put feet up with a good film......what else can you do when your snowed in lol
Still pleanty of snow outside so I will not be going anywhere today.
Everyone here is now on the Dukan wagon! long may it last. For a change I will be the one in charge LOL keeping the food interesting during the next 5 days of attack will be a challenge. OH doesn't like spice, chilli or garlic! I 've taken some chicken breasts out of the freezer but he won't eat them the way I usually do them for myself, will need to consult the recipe section!
Todays food plan
L-dukan bread & smoked salmon, boiled egg
D-homemade burgers or chicken
Snacks-boiled eggs, yoghurt etc etc

have a great week fellow Dukaneers xx
It's a lot easier when you have people following the same plan, if you have to prepare different meals its must be a nightmare. I am really lucky, TDM does most of the cooking & keeps trying to come up with ideas on how to keep it interesting
PP went well yesterday! OH didn't moan too much! My weight is kind of stuck at the moment but it's my fault for having too many cheating incidents since the new year. Hoping that 5 days of PP will get is shifting again. I made the bbq sauce recipe last night & it was lovely.
todays food plan
B-Dukan bread & egg
D-smoked haddock & poached eggs
snacks-boiled eggs & yoghurt, sf jelly
Happy to report that day 2 of PP has been a success, no eating off plan or cheating!!
night night all
Going to see Rocky Horror show tonight! have made mini burgers & ginger ,garlic chicken wings as snacks. Saying no to the Malteasers & wine :)