Afternoon chipsters

Just making what I think will be a winner of a soup. So quick to make, and as usual, only using things that are lying around in bottom of fridge shouting "Use me up, Use me up" Now you have to like cucumbers for this one ! Can be served hot or chilled into cold bowls. Either way, add a swirl of low fat creme fraiche for a treat and to make the lovely green soup look even prettier.
Clove garlic, spring onions and a small white onion, chopped and put into pan which has desertspoon of Flora Cuisine sizzling in it. You could use butter or spray I suppose.
Add cucumber, and one small potato cut into chunks, small handful of sugar snap peas, topped, tailed and stringed. chopped Lettuce, or I added a small handful of mixed salad leaves (watercress, rocket and spinach cut up with scissors) loads of black pepper, dash of soya sauce, veg stock cube and water. Put lid on and simmer for 20 mins. Will be, (I think) blending it with stick blender or might leave chunky. Looks, smells and tastes fab.

hope you're having a nice weekend and being good ! chips xx
ps nearly forgot - added a sprinkle of cayenne pepper as I like a peppery hot bite to my food. Read cayenne pepper added to 2 meals a day speeds up metabolism